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File: 1503993840393.jpg (22.2 KB ,500x208 , 57fe516508e606dfaae2f8dd0e….jpg )

d2802  No. 1026

Test. Hopefully up for good now.

9e3de  No. 1027

Nice to see you're back.

80f0a  No. 1028

this concerning

1a2d3  No. 1029

Tested positive

a4eac  No. 1030

Positive for AIDS and Covid19 xDDDDD

06f00  No. 1031

Testing testing

48907  No. 1032

File: 1600550392414.gif (79.79 KB ,180x180 , 8891b81ed2d2b7e31c58aaa377….gif )

we back??

a571b  No. 1165

2017 was 6 years ago holy fuck where did the time go

f0c34  No. 1166

I do not know where did yours go but I can proudly say that I wasted mine
Can't write a single improvement or thing I'm proud of since 2017.
I hope it went better for you!

54ece  No. 1167

To be honest I don't know why I made this website. At least I can die knowing I made some sort of time capsule for myself and others.

d255f  No. 1168

Same. From 2014 onwards, I don't think I made many improvements to my life. It's been almost 10 years, and the time seems to be slipping away. Luckily, I've had a mood change and a change in how I see myself in the future, and I'm trying improve my life. I can say, though, in those years, I was able to knock off a lot of my video game backlog from my childhood. I feel so much relief from that.

dab98  No. 1169

Wait, are you OG Lizmin? :O
You went to army or something like that and didn't pass the site, do I remember correctly?
Nice! happy for you
how long have you been trying to improve?

109cc  No. 1170

I've been trying to improve things gradually since probably 2017? Maybe earlier.

1c19b  No. 1171

Yeah it's me Lizmin. I made the site when I was 18 now I'm 24. Time flies. I gave the ownership to one of my mods. I just lurk here and occasionally post.

78f50  No. 1178

File: 1689621534942.jpg (354.47 KB ,2000x1421 , 1633883228356.jpg )

yo new lizmin, you should have a backup of lizchan.
dozens of old slow imageboards got their catalogues slid last week, just dropping the tip by

c2bc4  No. 1187

I'm still here.

54ece  No. 1188

Hey man hope you are doing well. I assume it's just you and ihato taking care of the site?

7a694  No. 1189

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fbf9a  No. 1190

Yep, mostly him though.

a3883  No. 1192

Is it wakabamark here or something?

92402  No. 1193

Or is that circlejerk invitation?
let me in

0517c  No. 1194

38de6  No. 1195

What's your email? I tried emailing the contact email but didn't get a reply.

341f0  No. 1196

File: 1728921834435.jpg (43.68 KB ,500x500 , axA1mPVB_700w_0.jpg )

Hey, hey hey!
Don't suck him off outside of site, do it here

a5125  No. 1197

LizVizier it's Lizmin what's the best way to contact you?

6d604  No. 1198

Nevermind just disregard.

341f0  No. 1199

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Oh uh soz great Lizmin, I bow to you

Do you mind writting an origin story?
Also why did you disappear leaving site to shut down?
I remember being bit butthurt about it because my offer of donation was shat over lol
And what about army >>1169?

94f77  No. 1201

Yer site doesn't work well with Dark Reader, what do you think about a Dark™ theme?

6d604  No. 1202

What is Dark Reader?

6242e  No. 1203

Lol thought I'm the only one with this issue
That would be cool

49d4b  No. 1204

Hm yotsuba works with the Dark Reader. Could be a workaround

721bb  No. 1205

File: 1729426456016.png (21.31 KB ,634x409 , CSS.PNG )

Can you add User CSS. Vichan should allow that option.

248e6  No. 1211

Just putting this out there for the record and anyone curious. I like to be open about staff and changes. I'm back again for the third time and hopefully the last. Lizchan should be good in terms of payments for the foreseeable future.
Once everything is back under my responsibility again I want to upgrade technology and fix anything needing to be fixed. All that requires planned maintenance and such. And also add anything that would make lizchan posting better and prevent spammers and such. That's it for now.
Happy almost 8th birthday lizchan.

21dd3  No. 1212

Awesome. Thank you.

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