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Post here every time you visit lizchan.
We must crank up the speed somehow
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lmao. i generally have two kinds of mental alarms. one is when i know i have to wake the fuck up in a very unusual time, so usually i wake up just alright. the other type is when waking up is mundane. then i set it 30-60 mins before i have to actually wake up and then just delay them successively until i know i'm doomed to open my eyes.

are you in a similar position?


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I also have two types and every is painful.

1st I'm gonna wake up at 6:30
That will send me to bed early never happened

2nd consists a lot of alarms that go after each other randomly with breaks between 5-10-15 mins.
Mostly 5s and I still manage to squeeze in some sleep in that short time.

>until i know i'm doomed to open my eyes.

Same, that's why I'm late 10-25mins.
It's always like that. Unless mommy wakes my grown-up ass

Going back to sleep and falling when really tired is the best feeling ever.
No drug or accomplishment (not that I have any) comes close to that.


…Could have 2 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
Instead I screw with my clock.
You can call it sleep edging


I'll be dead by evening. Unfortunately not literally.


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 No.6023[Reply][Last50 Posts]

I am going to post 1(one) cute file every day until raptor jesus takes me.God bless.
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no i'm not. not that lizard at all. just thought like making a joke about your lost power. please apply cold water to the burned area
>I just hope
you're not unvirgin btw!




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I'm just insane man, not trooning.


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Wah waah posts go here
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>female sex hormone
'course I'm not as bad as him, I'm not a female and don't take hormones to become one.


Wah waah I'm again at it. I suspect it's very bad for my mental health, maybe already did tons of irreversible damage. But I can't stop it. I am cold blooded after all. I am not meant to be warm. I use your sun to warm myself only so I can eat its children!


The day's wah waahed completely. What the fuck am I doing with my life.


why do i get stressed over trivial things to the point of complete brain shutdown


Lets see some bussy, bud


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d2802 No.1026[Reply]

Test. Hopefully up for good now.
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7a694 No.1189

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fbf9a No.1190

Yep, mostly him though.

a3883 No.1192

Is it wakabamark here or something?

92402 No.1193

Or is that circlejerk invitation?
let me in

0517c No.1194


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 No.2367[Reply][Last50 Posts]

I've been waiting for someone to make it so here it is
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I had a recurring dream about Chen from Touhou growing up poor and alone as like, an anime opening or something. Oddly enough, I was thinking in that opening that it's a good thing she was still thin. Then I realized that to be poor in the U.S. just means you're likely to be fat and undernourished by poor food. All still in the dream, of course. This is probably time I've had that dream, but first time I've had that realization in the dream. Odd.

Another dream had a fist fight going into a knife fight on a roof next to "my" house and having one of the guys falling off the roof after getting stabbed. All under a beautiful twilight sky. The last dream was watching a new show with my parents, and apparently, they got some sandwiches from the convenience store. Just like, 10 sandwiches since they don't have any sides. However, I was like, "they actually sell potato soup for about 4 bucks for half a gallon." Damn, that's a really good dream deal. I'm jealous, not gonna lie.

I hope I have more dreams about the cute cat Chen!


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I bumped into some oldass butch looking woman, we started talking.
Turned out she lives in the same block.
She invited me in to smell check if her weed farm isn't leaking, then helped her with filters.


Nooooo! I just realized my other Chen dream where I was chasing her was deleted when the server went down last time! I miss that response! It's my favorite post on the site!


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Lmao I had a dream where I've been sitting above myself on bed and we were kissing.

What the fuck is the meaning of this dream.
Im not into autoeroticis. Maybe my brain started rotting or got damaged and that's the result of it.

And most important question : was that gay? jk


extremely gay. nice pic though. not saved because purity of mind first. you won't grab my soul.


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I think the old thread reached its bump limit. So what's everyone been watching recently?

I watched this film the other night. It's kind of a not too bad Alien rehash. The creature effects were well done.
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I just watched The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974). I was rooting for Leatherface pretty much the entire time except when the tables were turning the Sally was caught and tried to get away. Then again, after she got caught by the family and got away again at the end. I really wanted that weirdo, not the dad or Leatherface, but the hitchhiker, to die really badly by the end. He got hit by a truck, and I thought that wasn't a brutal enough death. I wanted them to die!

I wasn't really disappointed for the most part, but I did hate the five people excluding Franklin were unlikeable. Also, I thought it was stupid, but relatable when Jerry? Took the car keys with him when searching for Kirk. I mean, I guess he expected to come back, but when there were no cell phones and flashlights were needed, I'd expect people of the time to take extra care of that. Also, wasn't the time littered with propaganda about dangerous hitchhikers and serial killers? Also, apparently the AIDS crisis took place between the 70s and 80s, and that's about the time the movie's set in. I'd also expect more panic from the hitchhiker slashing Franklin's arm and cutting his own hand. Finally, when Franklin and Sally were arguing about looking for everyone else, I found it unbelievable that they wouldn't immediately think, "Oh, I have no idea how to get back to the house in this dark, Franklin can't even walk, so I can't leave him here, there are HILLS that would make it hard to move him, I've been a dick to Franklin and can't express my emotions or talk like an adult, and shit, man, maybe there's a phone somewhere in the house? No? Well, given everything that's been said, we really can't look for them. We'll have to walk to the gas station in the morning for a phone. I know that the guy said there was no phone at the gas station, but he could be lying. It's all really shit overall anyways. You're in the middle of nowhere, and for some reason, there are NO phones around? What if there's an emergency? The 70s sucked. Also, the house they went into was dilapidated to hell. It was just shit all around there. There's no reason for them to even be there. I just had a lot of small issues like that, but overall loved Leatherface and the actor who played Leatherface's daddy. His statement on how he gets no pleasure in killing and how he does what he has to do was really believable.

Also, I didn't lPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
my second favourite horror franchise after Hellraiser
>You're in the middle of nowhere, and for some reason, there are NO phones around?
sounds nice so long as there's no serial killers out to murder you


Well, luckily, these are landlines, so it's not like you can do anything but talk on them. Phones can be beneficial as long as they're not abused, like most technology is.


New South Park special didn't make me laugh even once, i'm disappointed


Watched dune 2 without checking out first and holy shit this "I shat my pants" nigger face completely ruined it for me.
Who the fuck casted this "actress", bitch making same braindead face for most of the scenes.
I remember her from some Disney shows and literally nothing changed in her acting.
All she can do is point her jaw forward and squint her eyes trying to look serious, nothing changed.

I was making screenshot to test my theory and it checks out.
So whenever this retarded appeared I just skipped



Trying to find new videos to play while I stare into the abyss or play random video games.
Feel free to post anything that is a good time waster.
I'll post a few throughout the thread.
73 postsand15 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view.


I've been looking for this one for months.
Thanks a ton!


No problemo.
I'm still here, lurking from the shadows


Upload a new video my nigger.



Moooooods ban this cunt



kawaii de kawaii
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Embedding error.

 No.1441[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Music of any kind i don't care
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My nigga!
Vocaroo chads rise up



here is shogezae pop


sda dasdhak shjdfias wadoi ajwasd


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[i]blabbering in magic[/i]

[s]the one advantage of dead virgin sites is that you don't get to see crabs[/s]


[b] casts spam [/b]


we don't need to spam. feel the magic flowing. feel the power growing. feel the wisdom filling your mind! it's time we learn some latin or greek or whatever to do some seemingly incoherent blabbering which in truth is magic incantations.


Too late for your wisdom I can not uncast what has been casted


don't worry there's no way we mages can't turn any tide to our own purposes


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I hate to bring up an unpleasant topic, but I think this is an important discussion. It seems like every 4 years the internet gets worse and worse I wonder if the elections play a part in this somehow. 2008 is the year the internet the internet started to deteriorate, 2012 is when the internet started becoming more "civilized" (aka shit) and 2016 is the year everyone lost their fucking minds. So my question is, how bad will 2020 be. Allow me to explain what has happened from 2016 up until now:
>FOSTA gets signed into law, thus causing a snowball effect on internet censorship
>Chads and Stacies have figured out how to use Sony Vegas (or at least Sony Vegas is so dumbed down now) and are now becoming top youtubers
>Celebrities and mumble rappers claim to "love" anime, thus causing an influx of Negroes and Stacies in anime communities thinking they are cool
>4chan splits into two domains thus causing the official death of 4chan
>4chan's split causes an exodus of unfunny 12 year olds to invade some IBs I used to enjoy
Among other things.

Who knows, maybe 2020 will be the year some magical thing happens that causes the internet to be dominated by nerds and outcasts again. But for now, the future is looking bleak.
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>I make some Youtube videos
Ok chad.
>Make a website(…)
So basicaly a blog? You could use patreon for that.

If I were to be youtuber, all content would be me being butthurt about something.


>Ok chad.
lol! I don't mean those kinda videos where I show my face and voice. I just show my gameplay of games that I like, but it's not on Youtube.

>So basicaly a blog? You could use patreon for that.

Yea, kinda like a blog. I heard that a lot of the early internet was just blogs. It could also be cool stuff too. It's whatever you think is cool and, to a lesser extent, absent from the current internet. I don't see a reason to use a patreon though. It's just a website, not some business opportunity.

>If I were to be youtuber, all content would be me being butthurt about something.

Follow your dreams butthurt liz!


>It's just a website, not some business opportunity.
I see, but you could use it as a way to interact with your audience if you ever felt like pursuing that stuff semiprofessional while making subscribtion to this dirt cheap.
You could make polls and idk, never got into that deep.

>Follow your dreams

If i were to be famous it would be from being featured in cringe compilation.
I want my life to have no evidence of existing so I will never make any sort of content


>I want my life to have no evidence of existing so I will never make any sort of content
huh seems you have failed because i'm gonna remember this post forever now. why? i kinda understand you


>remember this post
But not me that's why it's alright.


Ik not targeted question but I will answer.
For me it's a stance to leave nothing positive behind and only let sign of rot to be seen.
As a final fuck you to everyone who took part in shaping me to a creature I am now.


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 No.948[Reply][Last50 Posts]

I'm assuming most people here don't do drugs. Anybody ever tried dxm codeine or lean (purple drink)? Looks like something i could try.
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Took 50mg quetiapinum to fix my sleep shedule.
This didn't work out well and I slept 13 hours and it's even worse now.


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Ket no longer has any effects against my depression.


Yeeep, constantly want to die so I'm basically back to the state where I was before doing it, even being super focused on something doesn't make these feelings disappear.

I think it's game over


i overdosed on dxm tablets and almost died


wow im not the only idiot into drugs.
>almost died
lol how? LD50 is ridiculously high and there were like only few deaths caused by only dxm from what i remember.


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Anything related
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Take for comparison this gen, it feels much more attractive as in, colours, the lines are more defined, seems like there is more detail too.
Also nothing seems screwy.


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>I dunno if Poppyfag is still lurking
I'm here everyday

>some tips

Try different models/LORAs, you can just copy prompts from people that use the same model.
Best site I know is https://civitai.com/images?tags=4


read some inpaint guides

>1.5 or XL

I didn't try XL, I had huge plans to learn Bender, pose and set specific places for the background.
But I spiralled into doing nothing creative and slacking off, then my drive ran out of space so I had to get rid of python and other SD related stuff.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>didn't try XL, I had huge plans to learn Bender, pose and set specific places for the background.
I see. I made those past gens with PonyXL because it's what anons recommended. I think it looks neat for gens that didn't take much hassle, but for some reason I don't think I want big tiddy now :C
>But I spiralled into doing nothing creative and slacking off, then my drive ran out of space so I had to get rid of python and other SD related stuff.
Oh that sucks. Hope you can get a new driver soonishly. And that you find reasons to go back to genning.


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>I made those past gens with PonyXL
Good stuff Liz
>get a new driver soonishly
Look Liz I have new B: drive.
Not really, I'm trying to get koboldai working and screwed something up and it gave me new magical drive! :-DD

Also tried kobold.cpp something that is supposed to work with the most stupid ppl but it doesn't launch for me ahhh


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Reinstalled on another drive so I can have space to do ai stuff again and holy shit what have I done hahah

SOMEHOW I screwed it up lol
Installed on Disk 0 C: BUT it doesn't boot up if the Disk 2 is gone!

And "SSD" particion is lost probably because of lack of letter but I'm not going to risk bricking my pc, since I don't have any flashdrives.

I will be a hackerman one day, you will fear me one day


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Hello lizzies.

I have recently been especially saddened by the deterioration of the chan community. 4chan is a shit hole that is filled with normies. This is obviously nothing new, but it just gets exponentially worse.

It seems that all of the non-normie chan user-base has become spread out so far across the internet that it is near impossible to rally them all back to one site. Let alone doing this without attracting normies in the process.

How could we remedy this? What are we to do? I miss the old days where 4chan and numerous other chans were vibrant comfy places where I could relate with other anons and laugh without even so much as a thought of degenerate porn threads eating up entire boards that weren't meant for such things. We never had to worry about normies ruining the fun before.

How can we fix this? How can we bring the chans back to the glory which they once had? I miss them. I'm sure you do too. Work with me guys. Any ideas are welcome.
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Uuh it sounds like some other issues than those you described are troubling you, no offence.

I am balding, now that's some real shit.
Looking goofy with and without hair.

On top of that I recently left my basement and noticed that my over 6month badass beard, looks only great in dimly-lit mirror.
On the outside I can clearly see my entire chin and jaw with neckbeard vibes.


>We're probably just gonna do WWIII soon.
I sure hope so. I need something to break the monotony in my life


shave beard and glue excess hair to head = problems solved


My hair is dark brown my beard is blondy white. Pubes are too dark, want to lend yours?


no, no one goes near my pubes



post star trek content
53 postsand8 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view.


I have watched Star Trek The Next Generation season 6 episode 3, "Man of the People". I won't go into much detail, but the main antagonist uses the hospitality of the Enterprise to siphon bad emotions from himself onto Counselor Deanna Troi that results in her aging and possibly dying. Luckily, at the end, Dr. Crusher reverses this process and manages to kill him. However, before then, his aide, Liva assisted him, knowingly, in attempting to kill Troi.

I believe not only should have Alkar been punished, but Liva and the guards who assisted him as well. They should be arrested for attempted murder. Also, I hate how the Federation or Picard allow themselves to be abused by other people who will never be held responsible. Even if Alkar eventually died, none of the other accomplices were punished. They never are. The Federation or Picard present themselves as weak when they allow themselves to be abused by outside parties. In the final act, Picard does threaten Alkar with punishment for attempting to kill a Troi (a Starfleet officer) but Alkar says he was promised by the Federation Council safe passage to his home world. The way he says it so assured is disgusting, as if he couldn't be punished for his actions. I pray that this is not a common occurrence for the Federation. Criminals are still criminals even if the Council promised safe passage. You will get no safe passage if you break one of the Federation's laws.

Threatening a Starfleet officer should be like threatening a military officer. It should be a punishable offense. Those who do so must not be allowed to get away with that. The audience must know the people who do such things are punished even if their two worlds are preparing for war. I lose respect for Starfleet and the Federation every time this happens.

Synopsis: https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Man_of_the_People_(episode)

It does not talk about Liva but in the episode it's clear she knows what she's doing.


>Troi episode


>Also, I hate how the Federation or Picard allow themselves to be abused by other people who will never be held responsible.

The federation is an empire of cucks. The whole star trek canon is libtard fantasy land and it keeps getting worse. If I had it my way Section 31 would be running the federation.


Minor spoliers. I just remembered this thread exists. Lol. By my last post, I was warching TNG season 6. Now, I've finished TNG, TOS, and DS9. I'll start on Voyager later this year when I get to it. I ended up liking TOS, but found it hard to get through, initially. The first and third seasons were a bit weak with a few good episodes in them. The first season more than the third. The second season, like most seasons of shows, was the best. Lots of great episodes in that one. It even starts out with an iconic episode. I found myself liking the show more after I watched it. I enkoyed the references and would look at Captain Sisko and compare him to Picard and Kirk. I'll end up doing that to the other captains as I see them in subsequent seasons. I really enjoyed the McCoy-Spock dynamic, but felt that McCoy we t too far sometimes. Lol. I felt some true anger in those words. Lol. I like Kirk a lot because he's a no nonsense Captain who weilds his authority like a hammer. And with that hammer, he's broken into the hearts of many Star Trek fans. There was this episode where a guy who was just as crazy as Kirk came on, and they got into a lot of arguments. I remember that episode very well. Kirk has legendary renown in DS9 funny enough. He's taught about in schools and has been shown much respect.

For DS9, Sisko is a mix between Kirk and Picard, and that's great. Picard was too merciful and Kirk was crazy. Man was a tiger. Sisko is diplomatic at times, but can be a crazy motherfucker when needed. He's done some really shady stuff for the advancement of Starfleet's goals. Still, the guy's a great dad and husband. He's also really understanding towards his subordinates when they need it. He's done a lot of great things and the people below him achieve really great things and go to high places at the end of the series.


I've been craving more Star Trek recently. The next thing on my list is Voyager. I'm pretty sure everything after Voyager has more mixed reviews, but I'll face it when it comes to that. I have something like 170 episodes to go through anyways, so I have time.


I've been watching DS9 and am at the end of Season 3 now. Comfy show

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