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How much of your time is spent Laying Down and Rotting lizzies?
I spend around 5 to 6 hours a day like that, maybe more.

  No. 3223

File: 1727301841032.png (913.12 KB ,633x711 , bed rot.png )

Same time. Almost fully on weekend.
Maybe with one break to strech my legs out of boredom.
I should find some hobby

  No. 3224

I find that even if I "got" a hobby, and even if I am doing something productive through the week, I still spend a lot of time just scrolling on the internet endlessly until I either sleep or get up.

  No. 3228

That just sounds like a bad habit you could get rid of it.

After wageslaving that was the only thing I did today but also in a bath for two hours.
Great now I will be conscious about wasting time because of this thread.

I just hope to not regret all this time on a deathbed. That would be a real killer.

  No. 3229

Meh, "regret" is such a dumb word.
We all live as we can.

  No. 3233

Few times I tried writting something that would disagree with that but couldn't lol

  No. 3237

Bed rotting is comfy sometimes especially when I'm super depressed. After a while I need to get up and do something.

  No. 3238

>Meh, "regret" is such a dumb word.
Except it's real and it's another thing to cope with. More cope, more regretful decisions, more regret. It's a spiral that you can't escape easily. I only know of one way to avoid it and that's to stop desiring anything except peace of mind. This way whatever I've lost and whatever I've missed, I don't care because I've never wanted it in the first place. All I want is to never want. It takes tremendous amount of time to build up this mindset and I'm barely at the beginning, but I have high hopes for it.

  No. 3239

>How much of your time is spent Laying Down and Rotting lizzies?
I don't know if that counts, but instead of Laying Down, I do Sitting Up and instead of Rotting I do Coping. It's still a completely useless thoughtless brainless waste of time to further destroy myself, but I can't lay all day. So I just poke my computer till it… till I want to sleep bad enough

  No. 3241

I don't even remember any of it. Several years ago I snapped and swore I'd put my life on fast forward and it seems like I really did. [spoiler]I don't want to do any more of this shit. Why do I have to spend entire life doing stupid things for a stupid society I don't care about? Well, if I have to, you can't expect me to be enthusiastic about it[/spoiler]

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