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File: 1689873293144.jpg (115.8 KB,757x506,lizard_blood_eyes.jpg)

b1b76 No.1179[Reply]

Because of the huge soyjak spam that hit /liz/ and /b/ some threads are currently lost. Some can be recovered from the more recent backups and merged when more security is added.

The IP addresses from which the spam was perpertrated (including any future spam) will be aired publicly in this thread.
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2e5a4  No. 1191

The following IPs are associated with spammers who tried to spam Lizchan today and caused 10min of downtime.



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b8940 No.878[Reply]

I found one of the old backups of Lizchan back when I was also the developer (I am one of the original developers). Unfortunately, a substantial number of posts are gone but perhaps Lizmin still has the entire backup.

This is not Lizmin, although he is still able to come back and log on to this site whenever he gets the opportunity.

Also if you were one of the mods in the previous incarnation of Lizchan contact me and I will give you back your privileges. Likewise if you were a regular user, welcome back and enjoy the second coming of Lizchan!
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a6648  No. 1186


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cb184 No.804[Reply]

TOR posters will be blocked as someone here is enjoying posting CP. I'm already talking with authorities for the matter and see if they can do something about it.

I'm sorry for the ones who used it for legitimate reasons but I can't do otherwise.
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9ce53  No. 877

I meant voluntarily. No need to stay somewhere that you don't like the administration.

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d2802 No.1026[Reply]

Test. Hopefully up for good now.
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7a694  No. 1189

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fbf9a  No. 1190

Yep, mostly him though.

a3883  No. 1192

Is it wakabamark here or something?

92402  No. 1193

Or is that circlejerk invitation?
let me in

0517c  No. 1194

File: 1504059720024.png (43.65 KB,720x1280,Screenshot_2017-08-29-21-2….png)

58f20 No.1020[Reply]

Fix this.
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d421b  No. 1136

File: 1635433209443.jpg (214.02 KB ,607x936 , <script>alert('hello')<:sc….jpg )

9555d  No. 1137

how the hell are you posting from lizchan.org?

3b5c9  No. 1138

Oh they didn't invite you?
.org is for tru lizards, sorry dude

d8a54  No. 1139

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9555d  No. 1140

didn't even notice he tried lel

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38ce1 No.950[Reply]

What happened to the banners? I have copies of the old ones saved if they weren't carried over.

Made a new one btw, taken from >>>/b/1
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803fe  No. 965

Lizchan managed to have no Incels on board unlike wizchad

06fbd  No. 966

File: 1600553015408.png (118.01 KB ,300x100 , banner.png )

First time making a banner

cfff6  No. 1052

File: 1603646637311.jpg (84.58 KB ,885x663 , 1600198096954.jpg )

I'll post banner material I find here if someone wants to add the finishing touches.

ae70d  No. 1129

what happened to the banners ihato?

42a73  No. 1130

They're back now. (They only change when someone posts).

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cbd19 No.1096[Reply]

If this is true how come there's so few people posting here? The site should be growing by leaps and bounds according to this chart.
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a83a9  No. 1101


7e4d0  No. 1103

>better communities

What better communities? Pisschan? Some shitty whiny incel vbulletin board? As far as male virgin imageboards go this and /tower/ I guess are the best we've got.

9d155  No. 1104

There are not very many lizards. Most people take things way too seriously online.

c12e9  No. 1105

>men under age 30 who report zero female sex partners since they turned 18
>since they turned 18
So that chart isn't for virgins, it's for those that have been celibate since 18. So essentially you could have some normalfag that had sex at like 16/17 then had a dry spell while they were at college or whatever. In that chart I could be a near 19 year old who hasn't had sex since a week before my 18th birthday and yet I would be included in the virginity graph despite not having sex for nearly a year (which face it, happens to some normalfags). I could also be a 20 year old that hasn't had sex since 18 but has been in a relationship without sex for 2 years as the chart only counts sex partners. The chart doesn't also factor in that back in the '50s the typical normalfag would have a stable job by 17 and a wife by 18 with children not long after. In the modern world you finish school at 18 and then expected to study until your mid-20s, at which point you then should seek a job and have kids by 30, so people are still having sex just later in life.

Secondly, this chart doesn't deal with the % of males who have never had a sexual ecounter or ever had a gf, so they aren't potential lizards. Not to mention some people genuinely believe that sex is solely beins in bagina so stuff like oral, anal, etc isn't sex and therefore if you only do that you're still a virgin, and also there are some who don't consider fucking whores to 'count'.

Look at lizchan's 2 main rules - you must not have any desire for a relationship in order to post. Most incels, despite having a deep hatred of women, are desperate for sex. Their entire identity revolves around it. To the incel, having sex validates your entire person and it is for that reason they want to lose their v-card to their ideal woman. Incels are therefore not going to be welcome on the site. Also there's a new rise in orbiting online women, especially camwhores, and the amount of virgin men lusting after them is staggering - like the incel they too would not be allowed to post here.

Now factor in those that are actual candidates for lizardhood - where do they go? Most will probably start on 4chan /r9k/, and graduate to wizchan. Most are going to stick on that AIDs ridden honeypot that is wizchan but those that are fed up will go to other virgin areas, such as 8chan /r9k/, or just move onto hobby bPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

de375  No. 1107

>So that chart isn't for virgins

I don't know, it says male virginity on the chart. I'd assume the guys are sexless or they wouldn't use the term. You're not a virgin if you're going through a prolonged dry spell.

>Anybody who does reach lizchan and meets the requirements is one in a million.

the elite few

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f1a26 No.884[Reply]

Looks like a nice site. Saw you posting on my site's meta board. Sorry to spam your meta with this post, but I figured I'd come over and say hello.

Best regards from Chanroast.me!
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6cdcc  No. 888

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722b5  No. 889

It's cool guys. I'm the only poster on his site basically.

b13d1  No. 890

No, it's all me and my independent personalities.
Basically blog of mine

e94bf  No. 1046

File: 1602525978611.png (17.5 KB ,206x195 , 1600049853353.png )

It's dead, jimbo.

eadf2  No. 1051

File: 1603596501752.jpg (100.33 KB ,740x740 , Bobby_Hill.jpg )

Wait, so I'm just one of your split personalities!

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f59da No.1035[Reply]

I tried going to lizchan.top
the only html on the page was "why are you here". Creepy. I don't want to lose lizchan and not know what happened again. I think lizchan should have some other site or way to contact without the email. I have some pros and cons.


-A popular website does not go down
-A popular website is easy to remember
-A popular website like twitter can be fast and easy to access to find the news. Twitter, for example, doesn't require an account


-Regular people can find the site
-Possible tracking on these sites (like Facebook, do not use) or ads
-You rely on a more popular website instead of standing on your own. You're at the mercy of that website if something goes awry.
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57417  No. 1038

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I assume its to dissuade warmies from coming here or it could be like you said.
Before the domain migration a year ago I forgot what domain it was changing to and only figured out the .xyz domain like a couple of months later just guessing it and lucked out.
I get what your saying though and id also rather not lose this place like it happened last time.

f59da  No. 1041

File: 1602123290352.png (19.62 KB ,1920x1041 , lizchan.top homepage.PNG )


I can easily put https en frente de mi url bar. Once you access the site from a search engine, you can just put lizchan.top in the url bar and go here. Very interesting to see a message instead of an error page though. Why do they ban/delete the name of this site on wizchan? It has the same rules as wizchan.


The place is probably already susceptible to warmies since people from sushichan know about it. Still, it's where I re-discovered lizchan from. I had heard sushichan from a wiz.

e8a1d  No. 1043

Wizchan has a rule against advertising, and they take it very seriously. You must not have noticed.

f59da  No. 1044


Of course. I never advertise! I'm such a good wizzie.

Also, figured out how to access the site through the url bar first time.


All that in the url bar. It's the weirdest thing I've ever seen. I've seen www required but never ONLY https://. Weird.

d3011  No. 1045

>It's the weirdest thing I've ever seen
It gets weirder. After you've accessed the HTTPS once, it seems like lizchan.top just begins to work.

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e11f7 No.891[Reply]

I honestly prefer to have 3 boards instead of four.
Anything else is too much and will dilute the site into too many boards with very few users.
I can appreciate what ihato does with the new board naming but I
thought the old board naming/number of boards was fine and didnt need fixing.
Just my two cents.

6a2fb  No. 892

Then what should /sun/ be merged into? /liz/ or /brw/?

e11f7  No. 893

/liz/ is fine,
/sun/ and /brw/ should be merged and renamed to /b/.

6a2fb  No. 894

That's exactly how it was before.
OK then. It's done.

e11f7  No. 895

File: 1601143244828.png (243.58 KB ,450x450 , 1580224823484.png )

nice ty

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