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8f17c  No. 896 [Reply]

How do we get the old Lizchan users back and gain new users?
Do we shill it on r9k and wiz?

a140d  No. 897 >>898

When you google "lizchan" image board this is the first link
Although there isn't a current adress to lizchan.
If someone could sage post in a kind matter link there then those lizzies who googled it can find it.

I understand that super slow board may be upsetting but it's better than a full board of failed warmies from r9k that seek attention all the time.
Advertising on wizchad is bad idea in my opinion since most of the userbase are incels in denial/kids/people that would shit all over the place. been there since liz was kill

Nobody ever advertised site and in my opinion it's best when it stays like that.

also I would like to say thanks to liz that posted site link on /b. Fortunately that thread was covered by bunch of shitposting threads pretty fast.

8f17c  No. 898 >>899

Alright, I posted in that thread. Seems like there were quite a few lizzies there and google is probably going to pick it up eventually.
What is that chan? Is it just for women? Didn't know there were female lizzies.

2b945  No. 899 >>900

>What is that chan? Is it just for women? Didn't know there were female lizzies.
A forced comfy chan. For some reason, it ended up with the most visible lizard refugees out of anywhere. Kind of like how there's an overlap with wizards who browse lainchan and arisuchan. Sushi because of its nature while not being for femanons specifically probably has the most of them besides explicitly female imageboards like lolcow and c.c.

82d20  No. 900 >>901

>A forced comfy chan
Here we go with that word again

2b945  No. 901

kind.moe is akin to it but not nearly as stifling.


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7fc7e  No. 902 [Reply]

Try your flair out.
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bcd6e  No. 912 >>913

Plz bring back /all/ admin

9bd23  No. 913

Added it now.

2e13c  No. 914 >>915

>Always preserve your post in notepad
Oh I forgot about that little feature of lizchan.
>/sun/ can be new /b/
but you can't vent or be a crybaby there due to the rules.
In my opinion egoistic not optimistic thread about problems of ourselves on /liz would stick out the eyes but maybe only I see it like this.

Thank you for all this again

9bd23  No. 915

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Yeah, I envisioned /sun/ to be where you go to enjoy stuff (/media/) that other lizzies share so I guess rants/vents wouldn't fit there.

And I see /liz/ as a place of discussion, so I don't really see anything wrong with venting in /liz/, but if you say that should be a place for level-headed discussion, rather than incoherent rants, that's fine. Do you want me to a new board? I guess it could be called '/brw/ - Burrow' but I'll let you decide on that. Cause /b/ was called 'Burrow' before I axed it, but I just don't want the new board to be called /b/ and want it to have a unique ticker.

896c8  No. 916

I certainly didn't expect lizchan to not only come back but have something new in 2020.


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1f1b1  No. 917 [Reply] >>919>>920

I would be very happy to see no porn on this site. I definitely don't want to see nude or lewd real life people on this site. Heck, I might extend that to all pornography personally since, IIRC, pornography was banned on lizchan.xyz anyways. Honestly, if possible, I'd like to just get back to how lizchan was like I remembered it. It doesn't need a fap thread like wizchan.

Just a note: I have supported keeping the fap thread on wizchan anyways, so this is quite different for me. I've missed this site since it left us so long ago. Thanks for bringing it back.

16449  No. 918 >>919>>920

If I remember correctly 2d wasn't banned. It was just posted very rarely.
I don't mind lack of porn so I'm with you on this.
The coolest thing was that nobody posted any people here, except for videos.
Anyone remember that one time when schizopister was posting cp? lol

65506  No. 919 >>922

yea I hope hato cleans this place up and removes the warmth from threads that were made years ago.
Unfortunately yes

cae22  No. 920 >>921

Alright. I added "No porn" rule. I deleted the questionable and NSFW images on /b/ and reindexed it on the main page but I will probably eventually merge /b/ into /liz/.

If you have any more suggestions don't hold back, cause I will probably listen to you. I wanna make you feel like you're the owners of the site (all 5 of you lol) though just don't expect any kind of immediacy from me.

BTW this server is going to be running at least until March and I will try back up lizchan every week so nothing is ever lost again. The operating cost of lizchan is only 80€/yr so I will probably have the moneyz to renew it by then, but if not then liz will unfortunately have to go down again for a month or two, but then it will work for another full year (unless it somehow gains a substantial amount of users that it becomes necessary to buy a more expensive server).

e66d6  No. 921

If you ever run into money problems let us know.
I'm tight on funds But I don't mind selling my stuff to keep this site going.
Some lizards said the same on previous versions.

1st site went down because admin went to army and didn't pay for it.
2nd site was brought back by some good liz but he didn't expect it to host it on his own for long.
I remember over 3 of us told him that if there ever is a need we can donate.
I guess he didn't read that thread or something and after few months of ded he posted on wizchan that he didn't have money for it.
It made me so mad

You can count on us Lizmin

cae22  No. 922

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>yea I hope hato cleans this place up and removes the warmth from threads that were made years ago
Just cleaned up /liz/ and /sun/ and moved some threads from /b/ to here (except porn ones).
It's now on you to make Lizchan great again.


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2e534  No. 923 [Reply]

Anyliz here?
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9b922  No. 926

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I didn't expect it to come back.
Cheers to new lizmin.
I'm so glad, it left me speechless

79890  No. 927

I've been here since lizchan.org, but I don't remember how far back the site's gone. It's been so long, and even though I've been on wizardchan since 2013, I don't remember when I found this place.

d7b3d  No. 928 >>929

how can I contact lizmin, I want to talk to him in private

9d35b  No. 929

>talk to him in private
That's gay

If you're talking about lizchan creator he didn't post anything besides email address that was linked to lizchan.org

Ihato is a generous devliz that brought it back. You can find his contact info in FAQ and jobs.

5cd4d  No. 1207

spoiler test
yes I'm dumb sorry for this one


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fe70c  No. 845 [Reply]

I'll cut straight to the point. Yes I'm sorry for not paying payments for lizchan.org I recently just discovered this today by looking at some post on wizchan which i don't browse that much anymore. I don't know who the admin is but please email at

Yes this is actually lizmin. If you are the admin please email and I will provide proof I'm actually him if need be. If you would like me to become admin again that's fine if not I respect the decision not to but at least let me give you the ownership of the lizchan.org domain on which the website was founded.

Thank you.

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00e85  No. 858 >>859

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So is it hard to join the military?
Like is the physical difficult and do you recommend it?

9e99d  No. 859 >>862

not him tho had two family members there.
It's hard physicaly and mosty constant angry retards making orders On training.
IMo worth it if U have no plans for job, a You after that guaranteed easy comfy job and faster retirement bucks, not sure if they still give you a loan for a flat without any% here.
I've seen wizzies posting about joining the military and only one went through it easily and not broken
Have in mind that they may not let you in if u had any documented mental illness.
Everyone from my year that I know had examination, I was the only one not called.
If the war starts I'm gonna stay with 3dpd, cooking shit and stuff lol

>sleeping with over 6 turbonormans in one room

U sure?

a87e2  No. 861

baste trained killer government issued assassin virgin

00e85  No. 862

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I might have to join I dont have a lot of job prospects and I dont have any normalnigger friends who could get me a job.
I heard they changed the physical from the past and its more about muh dynamic exercises.
The only thing I might struggle on is the marathon shit bc im more of a sprinter than a long distance so I gas out.
Getting old sucks

80eef  No. 863

hopefully automatic backups are made just in case for easier migration with all this domain drama


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538ce  No. 674 [Reply]

Now before anybody freaks out saying "hurr durr lizchan is going down again" no it won't at least not until August in which my payments to the VPS and domain provider (tucows) expires therefore the Staff or new Administrator will have to make new payments for it.

Yes I'm stepping down as Administrator and leaving for good.
My main reason is financial issues and I'm possibly going to be kicked out of my parents house which is too much stress for me along with other shit issues. I'm sorry to everybody who I let down (not much) its just life likes to kick you in the balls when you're down trying to get your shit together. I might kill myself who knows.

If you are wanting to be the new Administrator of Lizchan please email me at lizmin@lizchan.org also current Staff can also apply for this as well. Keep in mind I will be looking at post history and IPs to ensure I don't give lizchan access to some random person so don't try to fool me. This should take a week and at max 2 weeks in which when I decide who will be the new admin I will transfer all credentials to them.

Thanks for the almost 2 years lizchan its been a hectic ride.

P.S: I'll still visit just as another Reptilian occasionally.
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ec50c  No. 689 >>690

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Whew, what a relief. You had scared me there Lizmin, just reading the thread headline gave me a mini heart attack. I think you are right though.

Not about shutting the site down, but in making Lizchan one less thing you want to worry about for the time being. I know that moving out is always an extremely difficult process, and I completely understand. We're here for you and I think other older Reptilianons here have had similar experiences: for me it was inevitable that I had to go, and I made it out to a life of mediocre wageslavery as Raptor Jesus intended.

And if it's about the money to make payments, by Raptor Jesus name your price and I'm certain we would all be willing to contribute one way or another. Hell, I'm willing to contribute a substantial portion myself if it means just keeping this place going (how expensive can an imageboard be?). This place offers so much value for reptilianons all over the world, it truly breaks my heart if it ever had to go.

Retaining ownership but allowing the lead dev to continue developing and the head mod to continue overseeing website content is an acceptable measure. Again, I'm sure there is a way for us to pitch in here too whether it's PayPal or even Crypto, there's no going down without a fight damn it.

But first of all have good sleep before making such big decisions, Lizmin. Good sleep is one of those things taken for granted in times of peace, but extremely valuable in times of stress, like oxygen when you're underwater. And to be sure, there must be a lot of pressure right now.

tl;dr good god man, please there must be another way

ec50c  No. 690

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Sorry I know the site isn't shutting down and may have just overreacted as a result of anxiety. But still, there is much to be done and even more to be discussed.

823ed  No. 691

Lizard only need rock and sun
Good luck lizboy

5fc08  No. 744 >>844

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I want to thank everybody on this board for achieving something that seems impossible nowadays: maintain themselves as cancer free as possible.
Fellow lizards have made this place great while many others start great but fall into cancer. While others started getting into arguments over nothing, lizards just had fun with it and were all in agreement that there was a time and place for everything.
I'll be sad for this place to go away

668dd  No. 844

Is lizmin still alive? did he only return for a brief moment?
>maintain themselves as cancer free as possible.
I am in essence a self contained manifestation of cancer, constantly mutating itself until it's last moments.


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b254d  No. 813 [Reply] >>836

What the fuck is going on lately? Are we being raided or advertised somewhere? There seem to be a lot of low quality 4chan-tier posts recently.
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d4d88  No. 818

You're dead, bucko

5b659  No. 833 >>834>>835

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Could this be why we've seen a sudden increase in rampant shitposting?
Long story short, a bunch of alt chan owners banded together on discord to shill their own IBs across the web and spam other alt chans that aren't part of their 'federation'.

762ac  No. 834

How'd he get these screenshots?
I doubt this will/has effected us much (maybe there's been an attempt but I doubt it's more than a few posts). Us lizards are an easy-going breed, so I doubt this place would be a good battleground for their little gay imageboard war. Also there's too few of us for anyone to care. Interesting stuff though.

d4259  No. 835

>making an alliance of shitty imageboards
I have never browsed one of those sites more than once, and for good reason. Are they just trying to take others down to their level? It'd be difficult.

9d064  No. 836

Imo it's just Lizzies trying to get their ip approved


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ec7dc  No. 704 [Reply]

A lot of new posters recently and quality went to shit pretty fast.
Doesn't those "warned" ppl deserve to be banned?

contingency plan:
Posters need to register accs with letter that would be verified by Lizmods/mins.
Tho we would still post as Reptilian.
It sounds good,right?
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cec90  No. 758 >>759

Some fag is advertising us again: https://8ch.net/tikilounge/res/878.html

Won't be long before we become wizchan 2.0 at this rate

0cf10  No. 759

>is advertising us

I wouldn't mind an increased post rate tbh.

>wizchan 2.0

It'll take a lot more than a couple of newfags to get down to pisschan levels.

b3e66  No. 814 >>817

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Contingency plan?

3eb5c  No. 817 >>819

You know the contingency plan already lizzie and we aren't supposed to discuss about it in front of the invader(s)

dbfd7  No. 819

Well have to go back to our home r/4chan if this keeps up, it's okay we can let the invaders know.


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13416  No. 783 [Reply]

Hello to all the cold blooded creatures reading this. As mentioned on the original website Lizchan.org, me and the other mod didn't know the exact day the server will expire so we preemptively set up this website in case something won't go along the plan of migration we had in mind.

Unfortunately this isn't the "last version" of Lizchan meaning that posts made after 15th of July are gone since we thought we had time at least until the early days of August to finalize everything.

I haven't tested the whole thing a lot I have to admit so if you encounter bugs please report them or just send an email here: admin@lizchan.xyz
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66b5f  No. 799 >>800

I don't really think we would need another board, everything seems contained right now. If a new board was to be added, I think it should have a unique gimmick that no other imageboard has.

ce63f  No. 800

Pls remove bump limit for everyday cute pic, asking for a Lizzie that is too shy to do it

217ed  No. 801 >>802

while we're at it can we change reptilian to reptilianon

ce63f  No. 802 >>803

Are you gay?

4c780  No. 803



dd2c0  No. 692 [Reply]

Say I wanted to try and contribute to the site even though i'm a tard, would you accept custom backgrounds and banners given they fit the site theme?
Also would you be against a homepage background track?
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fbd20  No. 703 >>754

You can disable relative time on the options in the right corner.

dd2c0  No. 754 >>755

I may have asked about this, but has lizmin took precautions about archiving or altering thread amount limits?
It may be better to let threads disappear as new ones are posted but I'd miss being able to look at my retarded earlier post if i'm ever elderly.
thanks liz

5a798  No. 755 >>756

>I'd miss being able to look at my retarded earlier post if i'm ever elderly
This is not a forum though…

dd2c0  No. 756 >>757

Of course not, it doesn't mean archives can't be kept at least. That'd be ideal actually as I don't want the same threads forever just for them not to disappear faster than I do.

60943  No. 757

Just screencap threads yourself

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