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File: 1504414848076.jpg (20.6 KB ,576x432 , FrogMan.jpg )

b301e  No. 939 [Reply]

Are you going to add YouTube embeds admin? If you don't I might have to stick to posting on magicchan (also multiple pic uploading would be nice too).
5 postsomitted. Click reply to view.

08f6a  No. 945

I'll look into it.

627fe  No. 946


35124  No. 947


627fe  No. 948

File: 1601545705552-0.jpg (460.98 KB ,1200x877 , f358a7d19826ff359a827daff0….jpg )

File: 1601545705552-1.jpg (306.66 KB ,661x750 , 1bc6e06ff8862658bbc0115946….jpg )

File: 1601545705552-2.jpg (532.88 KB ,1089x1100 , 59535dd9cbf8b3b637442267eb….jpg )

Multiple images are now enabled. You can post up to five and they each must be smaller than 3MB.

97bd4  No. 949

File: 1601605413118.jpg (191.97 KB ,1000x1000 , 5aa49e911e8152943221aefc7a….jpg )

wow that was fast

File: 1504285215719.jpg (5.83 KB ,221x228 , u r trash.jpg )

5ed49  No. 40 [Reply]

u r trash test

5ed49  No. 41

File: 1504285250636.jpg (7.17 KB ,210x240 , penn.jpg )

le trash man

f2368  No. 42

Trashed! :–P

60b4d  No. 51

File: 1504413919254.png (5.07 KB ,427x474 , 1389899058692.png )

le garbage

File: 1504232612299.jpg (32.18 KB ,354x500 , 51OlW-sWyUL.jpg )

58319  No. 31 [Reply]

I believe that small tits are unlizardly, as they invite pedophilia and creeps to the site.
Big tits should be allowed, and even advocated on this site.
2 postsomitted. Click reply to view.

9b265  No. 36

File: 1504283687323.jpg (15.06 KB ,350x263 , LOTR_fellows_5788.jpg )


9b265  No. 37

File: 1504284932419.webm (470.46 KB ,538x720 , 1501211257576.webm )

9b265  No. 38

File: 1504285018888.webm (2.35 MB ,1280x720 , 1501211491145.webm )

Test allow

9b265  No. 39

File: 1504285200024.jpg (6.51 KB ,268x188 , trash.jpg )

88208  No. 50

File: 1504369072366.jpg (89.55 KB ,488x735 , lizard 2.jpg )

I disagree, lizards do not have any tits. All tits should not be allowed as they are unlizardly.

File: 1504285215719.jpg (5.83 KB ,221x228 , u r trash.jpg )

97616  No. 967 [Reply]

u r trash test

97616  No. 968

File: 1504285250636.jpg (7.17 KB ,210x240 , penn.jpg )

le trash man

b4c7b  No. 969

Trashed! :–P

fec8a  No. 970

File: 1504413919254.png (5.07 KB ,427x474 , 1389899058692.png )

le garbage

f4df7  No. 971

le trashman

File: 1504064094742.gif (799.05 KB ,200x189 , wtf.gif )

f5540  No. 7 [Reply]

why the fuck did we get wiped

7d2d4  No. 13

File: 1504066040695.png (109.58 KB ,461x523 , 1408621228403.png )

Because we behaved like faggots.

7b810  No. 19

Because lizchan won't allow newfags.

09fc7  No. 20


57429  No. 30

File: 1504225714187.png (296.78 KB ,1348x533 , 1500592658785.png )

It's not ready yet lol. It might get wiped a few times.
At least not until it looks something like pic related.

File: 1504087042794.png (284.12 KB ,750x1334 , IMG_5458.PNG )

87f00  No. 22 [Reply]

This will go nowhere with the rules, be like 4chan, do something

31d91  No. 23

This website is based on wizchan.org and was originally started there. Someone just posted a thread on 4chan /b/ spreading the name of this site. You can leave if you don't like the rules.

68d99  No. 24

Wut rules?

8f9de  No. 26

File: 1504208713411.jpg (336.95 KB ,800x800 , 1375618679844.jpg )

>express the desire to,
How is this different from Wizchan again? If I post a 3D will I trigger the wizzies?


The eternal leaf strikes again.

e1d6e  No. 29

>How is this different from Wizchan again?
Apparently, people on wizchan wanted /liz/ but admin didn't want to add it hence this chan exists. https://wizchan.org/meta/res/34991.html

>implying I know what I'm talking about

I was just hired for hotpockets to maintain the server lol.

>If I post a 3D will I trigger the wizzies?

Please don't do that here primarily because 3D is PD (also I don't like hotpockets that much.)
Personally, I would let you post loli but I can't do that either, I'm sorry. Rules are rules anon.

File: 1504139747963.jpg (32.03 KB ,362x362 , sad cda pepe.jpg )

a36f1  No. 972 [Reply]

Can we at the very least spam /b/ for fun?

a36f1  No. 973

i mean the 4chan /b/

e13a3  No. 974

go ahead

a36f1  No. 975

no this needs to be an organized spam
we all need to group up

e13a3  No. 976

Why spam? 4chan /b/ is filled with idiots and don't care about spamming. It'd be pointless.

39694  No. 977

Don't you do that every day already?
Those bananas ain't posting themselves you know.

File: 1504059720024.png (43.65 KB ,720x1280 , Screenshot_2017-08-29-21-2….png )

785f9  No. 4 [Reply]

Fix this.

6a280  No. 5

Phoneposters deserve to be shot!

5a59a  No. 6

Whatever you were trying to do try again.

bad7d  No. 25

Mobile works, desktop does not. Fire devs.

File: 1504087042794.png (284.12 KB ,750x1334 , IMG_5458.PNG )

43654  No. 978 [Reply]

This will go nowhere with the rules, be like 4chan, do something

3fe1a  No. 979

This website is based on wizchan.org and was originally started there. Someone just posted a thread on 4chan /b/ spreading the name of this site. You can leave if you don't like the rules.

4228c  No. 980

Wut rules?

6913a  No. 981

>express the desire to,
How is this different from Wizchan again? If I post a 3D will I trigger the wizzies?


The eternal leaf strikes again.

5626e  No. 982

>How is this different from Wizchan again?
Apparently, people on wizchan wanted /liz/ but admin didn't want to add it hence this chan exists. https://wizchan.org/meta/res/34991.html

>implying I know what I'm talking about

I was just hired for hotpockets to maintain the server lol.

>If I post a 3D will I trigger the wizzies?

Please don't do that here primarily because 3D is PD (also I don't like hotpockets that much.)
Personally, I would let you post loli but I can't do that either, I'm sorry. Rules are rules anon.

File: 1503995739430.jpg (10.54 KB ,310x299 , 2Q80tej.jpg )

4c9a0  No. 1 [Reply]

A lot of basic features will be added along the week so be patient.

58d25  No. 21

> c;

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