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File: 1504087042794.png (284.12 KB,750x1334,IMG_5458.PNG)

87f00 No.22

This will go nowhere with the rules, be like 4chan, do something

31d91 No.23

This website is based on wizchan.org and was originally started there. Someone just posted a thread on 4chan /b/ spreading the name of this site. You can leave if you don't like the rules.

68d99 No.24

Wut rules?

8f9de No.26

File: 1504208713411.jpg (336.95 KB,800x800,1375618679844.jpg)

>express the desire to,
How is this different from Wizchan again? If I post a 3D will I trigger the wizzies?


The eternal leaf strikes again.

2f9c1 No.29

>How is this different from Wizchan again?
Apparently, people on wizchan wanted /liz/ but admin didn't want to add it hence this chan exists. https://wizchan.org/meta/res/34991.html

>implying I know what I'm talking about

I was just hired for hotpockets to maintain the server lol.

>If I post a 3D will I trigger the wizzies?

Please don't do that here primarily because 3D is PD (also I don't like hotpockets that much.)
Personally, I would let you post loli but I can't do that either, I'm sorry. Rules are rules anon.

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