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ace01  No. 349 [Reply]

Despite having set "Jungle" as theme whenever I browse /all/ I get it arbitrary displayed with "Tomorrow".
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5abee  No. 461

I didn't even make it numb nuts it comes with vichan by default

5abee  No. 462

For a minute i thought you were the sink poster good thing you aren't otherwise you i would've taken your ass outside again

9b374  No. 463

Lizchan is the imageboard equivalent of wearing a Hawaiian shirt on the regular.

3e0c8  No. 464

I like this analogy.
It is pretty bright, it's like basking in our UV light.
I think lizmin would look at custom reptile submissions I just dunno if any of us are Photoshop extraordinaires.

79064  No. 465

pretty much this

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70362  No. 434 [Reply]

Please? Just make it a hidden one? I think narutoposting is a big enough thing that we can make it work.
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ef6b5  No. 436

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Why stop at a board? If Narutoposting is as big as you say, then surely you will need to develop your own independent Narutochan elsewhere and leave lizards be. I do not mean to be passive-aggressive in saying this, but do not think that these recent spontaneous bursts of Narutoposts haven't gone unnoticed – they have all been suspiciously detected from only certain IP addresses thus far, and if from here they mysteriously begin filtering themselves through proxies and/or VPNs then it's all the more… suspicious.

Do not think that the relaxed nature of lizards and the lizard philosophy means they will let themselves be taken advantage of. Otherwise, by all means contain yourself to the one Naruto thread you have created at the burrow as permitted like any other topic. As far as a reaction image goes, try to at least keep it relevant and not essentially tripfag by being so blatantly recognizable. Anonymous lizards are still supposed to be anonymous, you know.

I am not the admin of course, but understand that in the small circle here it's all the more essential that the lizard (re: not Naruto) spirit is carefully protected and maintained.

70362  No. 437

Didn't read.

ef6b5  No. 438

Then the same can be said of your suggestion.

1d0b6  No. 441


ef6b5  No. 442

Locking thread as question has been answered.

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01c45  No. 420 [Reply]

Hey lizman. I just wanted to let you know that a pro internet censorship bill has just passed the senate here in the US. Now we are just waiting for Trump to sign or veto it; and judging how unpredictable he is, it is uncertain whether he will or not.

But anyways, I am posting this to give you a heads up in case maybe you want to migrate the server again to dodge this new law (I suggest you research it to see what it entails). I'm very sorry this happened and I wish you best of luck.
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13fa3  No. 428


9a042  No. 429

Trump hasn't signed it yet though.

13fa3  No. 430

pretty sure he will

5e0a9  No. 431

I just wanted to let you know about this: https://techcrunch.com/2018/03/29/new-federal-rules-blamed-in-disappearance-of-kindle-erotica-titles/

The loli thread might get you in some legal trouble because of this bill. Granted, it hasn't been signed yet but if you would like to remove it or at least remove the sexual posts just to be safe I wouldn't blame you.

bf958  No. 433

I'd say as long as you haven't heard anything whilst hosting in Canada it's not really a concern in america, unless we are 100% prison state mode now.
Looks like that's mainly amazon trying to make themselves look good, not necessarily being pushed by legal action.

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ad5cd  No. 380 [Reply]

So uhhhhgh what do you lizards think of the new wizchan update? Should lizchan do the same or not care? Just curious.
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c6a01  No. 383

What did they update? couldn't find any info on it myself

f2eb5  No. 384

Uses npfchan now

24cfb  No. 385

Nothing too major. Chadmin is up to something though. Hmm…

c6a01  No. 386

It seems a bit faster and the front page looks updated - if there are some beneficial new features users / admin could take advantage of i'd be fine with it either way.

b8e0b  No. 387

It's not anything super radical. Many vichan boards have already upgraded to NPFchan.

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ac601  No. 183 [Reply]

why is the bans list posted publicly? is it to humiliate the people banned as a warning to others?

fucking savage lizard justice system
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488b9  No. 295

I would shill, but i just get that feeling people would come here and shit up the boards. I guess I'll start shilling today.

555d4  No. 296

We had a good run that one night

fec17  No. 297

The best two options are shilling and advertising.

6ace9  No. 378

Where is the bans list if you don't mind me asking?

8ae63  No. 379

Got taken off. Some people were complaining about it, I might add it back later (Year or two). There are currently no bans as of now.

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080ce  No. 370 [Reply]

Admin could you get rid of the no new posts message underneath every thread. It's distracting, pointless and annoying.
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ec8e1  No. 373

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>when you're reminded of lack of new (you)'s

11cad  No. 374

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I was at my bed reading your thread about to go asleep and decided i'll do it later. Done

11cad  No. 375

Should be gone now. I was just testing more javascripts.

11cad  No. 376

I need my daily (You)s.

ec8e1  No. 377

Your daily (You) allowance has been deposited.
No refunds.

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59d9f  No. 298 [Reply]

The faq and rules pages will be under construction for about 2 weeks so don't freak out if they're missing. I'm trying to make them look more nicer. Thanks.
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92404  No. 335

I guess I can live with IDs so long as it's only on meta.

I was gearing up to bitch about the new theme not being in line with the reptile theme but than I seen it was called the borrow. Nice work. It feels like a board that lizards can crawl into to thermoregulate and avoid predators.

ec548  No. 336

>I was gearing up to bitch about the new theme not being in line with the reptile theme but than I seen it was called the borrow. Nice work. It feels like a board that lizards can crawl into to thermoregulate and avoid predators.

I know right? the lore is now perfect

ec548  No. 341

Hey Lizmin, I like what you've been doing to the FAQ and Rules page. Good stuff.

One thing about the FAW though:

>Lizardchan is a image-board forum for warm blood virgins where they can share their thoughts, emotions, or express their lifestyle as a warm blooded virgin. Similar to Wizarchan in many ways this imageboard is serious for the most part.

>Lizardchan is a image-board forum for warm blood virgins
>warm blood

should it have been the other way around?

The site's motto is "Warm-bloods Not Welcome" after all, isn't it? (although /liz/'s subtitle is still "Warm-bloods not welcomed" which doesn't right if it's past tense)

59d9f  No. 342

Thanks for pointing that mistake out. I've changed it

ec548  No. 343

well done. Keep up the good work, lizmin

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69b7f  No. 337 [Reply]


69b7f  No. 338

Moved to >>>/b/300.

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7dcbc  No. 190 [Reply]

Are you running this on your own server or are you renting one? Was wondering what you thought about 8 mb limits and sound webm and mp4 posting.
When you post multiple images is the limit still 2mb?
Auto muting the webms and mp4 could make it a lot better if that's an option aswell.
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7dcbc  No. 270

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Good night lizadmin, thanks for listening to posters suggestions for the board! the old theme and post bar I also liked better.

cc904  No. 273

Hey, Jungle is back. Feels like home again. Nice

90a14  No. 276

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>jungle style is back

I feel like I'm back home in the swamp. Now if we can just change that float bar to a nice green this site will feel completely lizard like again.

66b83  No. 277

The float bar i can't seem to change the stylesheet for it so either I keep it or i could take it away. Either way is fine with me.

90a14  No. 282

I'd say that for the sake of having a coherent colour scheme take it away.

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dd59f  No. 162 [Reply]

Up for about 5 months i think lizchan is dead. There doesn't seem to be a lot of people coming by. I'm not complaining, but it would be a lot better with more activity since we get about 2 or 3 post per 2 weeks it seems like. I don't understand how do we attract more people other than advertising on other websites or shilling?
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ce8ea  No. 181


a6c93  No. 182

dragonkin aka a slutty attention whore

73a45  No. 268

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I don't see a problem with this.

b3d1a  No. 272

Imo it's better for new imageboards to just grow as they will the right people will find this place in time if you shill or bring unwanted attention to a place like this the only people it will draw are those who are unwelcome

801d5  No. 274

Not 5 months actually 2 months and a half as of right now.

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