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File: 1538958375671.jpg (128.94 KB ,587x387 , 7bc75b97ec99ea456fafd577e0….jpg )

9b850  No. 568 [Reply]

So what's the difference between /liz/ and /b/?

71e38  No. 569

i don't know you tell me

18f9b  No. 571

Not much really, yet It keeps more threads alive and I like that they're kept.

c3078  No. 574

/liz/ is slightly more serious than /b/. Not by much though so it can be hard to distinguish between the two.

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4f97e  No. 558 [Reply]

It infuriates me to think that these lizards are mocking me. I stayed up all night getting ANGRY why mods MOCK us like this.. wtf im crying
1 postand1 image replyomitted. Click reply to view.

5eaa6  No. 560

why are you getting mocked let me know i want to mock you too, thanks in advance.

ac204  No. 561

File: 1538790948582.jpeg (75.74 KB ,768x432 , OP.jpeg )

what OP looks like

5eaa6  No. 562

File: 1538805528459.jpg (50.5 KB ,804x317 , 1436309446916.jpg )

what OP REALLY looks like

41aad  No. 570

what OP REALLY really looks like

5eaa6  No. 572

>Angry homeless dwarf starts pub brawl

File: 1538852675666.jpg (40.9 KB ,351x359 , WTF.jpg )

7d848  No. 563 [Reply]


bd04f  No. 564

You probably tried to access the /test/ board, which is at the moment locked and accessible only by the staff.

2c0e8  No. 565

>the /test/ board
it's about time we got the testosterone board back up

e47da  No. 566

I got this message too. Only from the home page and the all page, not sure why. It lets me close it with no problem though. I'm not getting it from any of the boards specifically.

bd04f  No. 567

It should be okay now.

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32995  No. 495 [Reply]

For whatever reason I can't post webms. Every time I try to post one I get this message.

>There was a problem processing your webm.
8 postsand4 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view.

6a1a3  No. 552

File: 1537698346326.gif (1.92 MB ,318x360 , random-gif-7.gif )

32995  No. 553

File: 1537698461192.webm (1.67 MB ,640x360 , stealing.webm )

>webms fixed

Based! Thanks lizmin!

6a1a3  No. 554

Loading the files is a bit slow due to the processing power limits on the VPS. Next year I plan to buy a more better server with more RAM and CPU cores for image loading.

6a1a3  No. 555

File: 1537699082569.png (86.86 KB ,472x488 , 1468363762564.png )

6a1a3  No. 556

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b1ae8  No. 525 [Reply]

I am by no means making any money off this website (lizchan.org) nor do I plan to use it for my personal use and if I get any in the future i would use it for the website and server payments to keep lizchan up. Just letting the dumbass know whoever posted that.

https://lizchan.org.cutestat.com/ stats
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23c20  No. 533

>Lizmin straddling his amassed cash reserves after giving his users addresses directly to mormon and peta out recruitment programs in hopes of helping us find god and saving animals.
that's highway robbery lizmin you could be making a dollar every five days

7c5db  No. 535

File: 1536260618137.jpg (422.09 KB ,1280x956 , image.jpg )

Come to think of it Lizmin, you could set up a "Donate" page here that accepts cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin to be used for supporting the website, server, and yourself (don't be shy, we know Lizmins still have to eat). Just some means of receiving anonymous financial assistance, really, that way there is absolutely no temptation of ever selling data for money. In other words, if this place ever goes down under due to a lack of funding, we (reptilianons) can only blame ourselves for not contributing to keep it afloat.

I mean we don't have much to give but it's always worth a shot if a reptilianon wins the lotto or something and wants to give back to his favorite lizard-themed imageboard.

b1ae8  No. 536


23c20  No. 537

File: 1536285512083.jpg (14.55 KB ,225x225 , hostages.jpg )

We're going to have to do this the hard way huh? Listen here LizMANN I'd like to redirect my monthly donation fund from the armless orphan knitting training center to my favorite coldblooded reptilian recruitment cybercult.
Now If I don't see a donation option in the next HOUR I will feed chocolate to ALL these dogs, after gaining their trust having stole them from homeless diabetics.
Sincerely, The Tard Tsar.

23c20  No. 538

Actually despite the shit post I am interested in donating a little monthly if we ever need to up the image space limit.

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e52b6  No. 519 [Reply]

Lizmin, I like your attitude

9617f  No. 522

lizmin will make his own OS that melts peoples faces if they aren't pure virgins like raiders of the lost ark, it's in the prophecy.

36e56  No. 523

what do you mean? originally

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d4645  No. 502 [Reply]

It has just occurred to me that instead of "Reptilian," it could have been "Reptilianon" the whole time.

Thoughts on this, Lizmin?

60c2b  No. 503

>Thoughts on this, Lizmin?
Too tired to even care

81edc  No. 504

posters aren't anonymous i can tell all of their species we got toad anon, we have leopard gecko poster, turtle posters and me the lard lizard poster

d2777  No. 506

File: 1534324831156.jpg (112.17 KB ,900x506 , the-lazy-lizard.jpg )

>Lizmin's response to OPs non-issue

24db4  No. 507

nice trips in ID

60c2b  No. 513

Catchy. Might end up using it one day or not… who knows.

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65df4  No. 473 [Reply]

Sorry for the long ass wait people. This was not intentional as their was a security incident with the old VPS and communication with staff was poorly done taking forever. Backups took quite some and configuration of the new VPS (now in burger land) was a pain the ass. I promise this won't happen again as I'm in charge of the new VPS fully. Happy early bday lizchan. It's been hell of a ride.
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65df4  No. 487

ive seen this posted somewhere before

ccd0c  No. 491

I thought it was closed for good.

65df4  No. 492

It will be up till I'm dead so in about 90 something years.

2d56d  No. 493

decaf again don't mind the new ID, just let lonely or ihato deal with it. also ihato is always MIA, pretty sure he's just been getting too busy lately. where the fug did lonely go until august tho?

5dcbf  No. 494

No idea. He told it was personal or something.

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1a0d8  No. 488 [Reply]


1a0d8  No. 489

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1a0d8  No. 490

File: 1532850453966.gif (2.03 MB ,480x355 , giphy.gif )

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fd77f  No. 450 [Reply]

Don't know if anyone else is getting this problem but are any of you getting the homepage as the tomorrow css theme instead of the jungle css theme even though you didn't select tomorrow?
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fd77f  No. 455

There doesn't seem to be a workaround for the homepage css issue other than switching the default css for /b/ to jungle. A bug in vichan in which maybe the devs will fix later who knows.(Probably not and is out my tech knowledge.) So /b/ will now be in a jungle theme. The only way I can make /b/ permanent tomorrow css is to hide /b/ like how wizchan which seems to work. Hiding it from recent post is another solution.

4c453  No. 456

File: 1526348816933.jpg (198.87 KB ,1024x683 , feeling-down.jpg )

I miss my darkened borrow

fd77f  No. 457

You can changen it to tomorrow you know.

b6ce0  No. 458

Not if you're using /all/
Though I've had the light on in my room so it doesn't bother me much atm.

fd77f  No. 469

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