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06386  No. 206 [Reply]

Ban all 2d and 3d porn.
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3275b  No. 259

Nice appeal faggot.

3275b  No. 260

tbh is normalfag lingo. It's up there with smh, btw, lol, and etc…

2656d  No. 261

It's just a phrase. Doesn't make much sense how it can be normie.

88a03  No. 262

It's popular since it saves time, your just used to seeing it a lot so it's entirely for normalfaggots in your mind, tbh. smh and lol are understandable though.

dd4d4  No. 263

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Still normalfaggish to be honest.

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0b1f1  No. 245 [Reply]

As it inherently expresses a sexual desire, and seeing as the biological imperative to procreate is derived from the necessity to have sex with women in order to contjnue the species, all sexual desire is in violation of rule 6, logically.

Ban all porn.
No threads discussing masturbation.
Remove normalfags
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c3a9a  No. 248

Things lizard says ~

0b1f1  No. 249

Who knows, right?

ad037  No. 250


67714  No. 251


67714  No. 252


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88f56  No. 129 [Reply]

Can we have an /all/ like Wizchan?
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0d43f  No. 152

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Alright it is now added. It is only currently on the home page, but will be added later when you enter other pages.

17a0a  No. 169

Hello honorable wizadmin. We have a /b/, /liz/, and /meta/ category. What about one for /rec/(recreational activities), one for /news/(containment board, doesn't have to be /pol/ content), and /vg/ for video games? We could also have something like /kit/ for wizards who collect toys/amiibos, build things like pc's and mechas, and paint figurines.

718ca  No. 170

Welcome. I'm not making any other boards simply due to the amount of people we have here. Don't get me wrong i would like to make more boards but with the current amount of people it'd be pointless.

17a0a  No. 172

Makes sense. Thanks for replying so quickly. I'm used to waiting days to hear back from posters/mods.

2fdbc  No. 173

You're welcome.

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7507a  No. 136 [Reply]


7507a  No. 137


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18252  No. 131 [Reply]


18252  No. 132

18252  No. 133

testing for all board >>>/all/

18252  No. 134


18252  No. 135

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cb8a1  No. 122 [Reply]

Aug 8, 2017 was lizchan.org registration date

A week or two before that was when it was made and put up on the internet with only a IP to connect to.

Just putting this out there if anyone was wondering.

Pic unrelated

7fe97  No. 123

Aug 8
Independence from Wizchan Day

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a419e  No. 118 [Reply]

I would like to know what is your official stance on Wizchan? Is this site just a copy of wizchan? Are you and the mods friends in real life?

Other than that nice site.

db150  No. 119

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>I would like to know what is your official stance on Wizchan?

My stance on wizchan is neutral.

>Is this site just a copy of wizchan?

No. Just because we use vichan and the rules are 'copied' from wizchan doesn't make this site a 100% just like wizchan. It will change over time.

>Are you and the mods friends in real life?

No we are not is all i will say.

Thank you for your input.

46011  No. 121

>My stance on wizchan is neutral.

You may be neutral but I'm sure most of the people posting here are adversarial.

>No we are not is all i will say.

Thank God. After seeing the mods there pull abusive shit like this I'm glad you're not in their circlejerk.


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fb7ab  No. 8 [Reply]

get rid of the rules that is my suggestion
26 postsand2 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view.

3b310  No. 110

>Wizchan was to an extent compromised by porn
Kek. This admin has something to answer for.

14344  No. 111

Go back there.

4f9e9  No. 114


That certainly is the case for 4chan's /b/ board, which is filled with porn.

>Think long-term. Wizchan was to an extent compromised by porn, we have to learn from their mistake and not do the same. It happens every time, and this isn't so much a warning as just a fact of simple cause and effect.


At the very least, it seems losing your virginity is a bannable offense, so I'm interested in what the staff has to say and how they compare the rules here to wizchan's.

Rule 4 is sad, but it's probably because of financial reasons. If bestiality is forbidden, how will we post about all the cute lizards?

4. Porn is only allowed on /b/. Excluded porn are loli and beastiality due to the server being based in Canada.

88050  No. 115

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>If bestiality is forbidden, how will we post about all the cute lizards?
Only post humanoid lizards or clearly fantastic creatures for fapping?
Cute and sexy are two different things.

0d6f5  No. 116

What would you like to know about the rules?

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a856c  No. 52 [Reply]

Are you going to add YouTube embeds admin? If you don't I might have to stick to posting on magicchan (also multiple pic uploading would be nice too).
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11bdb  No. 54


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/UHHJMrP2YG0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

11bdb  No. 55

11bdb  No. 56

I'm assuming it is enabled now? If not please tell me.

a856c  No. 60

Doesn't seem like it. I tried to post a youtube video and nothing appeared.

11bdb  No. 61

I'll look into it.

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d7e24  No. 930 [Reply]

so what is this place just supposed to be a backup emergency wizardchan or do we actually talk about things here
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b305d  No. 934

I know it's probably just wishful thinking but I honestly hope this board gets bigger than wizchad.

b305d  No. 935

our own /b/oard

21e6d  No. 936

I guess it'll just be a bunker until posting picks up. A nice place to check in when the threads on Wiz are all shit on a given day.

6dc82  No. 937

Probably more of a higher quality, comfier, tighter wizchan. Most likely, most people here know about wizchan, but not all people on wizchan know about lizchan (or its new reincarnation).

dce24  No. 938

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