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File: 1509986443843.jpg (60.17 KB ,500x290 , frilled-lizard-2.jpg )

06386  No. 206

Ban all 2d and 3d porn.

c3dfc  No. 207


88a03  No. 208

File: 1509988970991.jpg (403.39 KB ,839x1280 , 0effc8793a3b5bdd88478faa97….jpg )

Ban all 3D porn***

bdde0  No. 209

I have to admit, I does feel a bit awkward seeing pics and videos of people fucking on a site for male virgins. I thought us lizards were suppose to be above all that sexhaving nonsence.

2cc0e  No. 210

I'm thinking about banning 3D porn. I hate seeing people only post BBC porn.

5194f  No. 211

Just ban porn unless its wizardly porn(cutelizkids)

b9848  No. 213

Do it, ban everything resembling sexual topics.

c03e0  No. 216

this. lizchan is not a porn site. they find that shit elsewhere or just safely link it instead of having it hosted it

please do it. BBCposters are pure cancer and they only do it to get a rise out of people

they are trolls nothing more

3275b  No. 218

File: 1510008328991.jpg (5.18 KB ,178x178 , user-was-banned-for-this-p….jpg )

I doth declare that all 3D porn is now considered a bannable offense.(Rules will be updated shortly.)
Seriously fuck off to 8ch.net/cuck/ if you like BBC that much.

3275b  No. 219

Now updated.

e61a1  No. 230

based lizmin

3ffd2  No. 234

Immensely retarded. Ban 2D porn if 3D is banned. They are fundementally the same, both derived from human sexuality which is inherently NORMIE.

5194f  No. 236

but 3d porn reminds me of my lack of success and a comically stupid life :c

ed182  No. 237

Piss off.

ed182  No. 238

It's only allowed on /b/ so no problem.

88c9b  No. 239

Incel tryhard

ed182  No. 240

U mad?

5194f  No. 241

Lol madhurt

3275b  No. 242

Judging by your post history you are one weird lizkid. I'm thinking about just banning you because i know you're using proxies or VPNs and ban evading which i'm sure you do the same on wizchan. You constantly shitpost and say retarded shit. Basically your shits all retarded and you talk like a fag. I'll let you be, I guess every imageboard has to have that one constant shitposter.

88c9b  No. 243

you're thinking of me probably tbh

3275b  No. 244

Or maybe you're the same person. I don't even know anymore.

88c9b  No. 253

nah, I've been honest with you. you talked to me in my bbc thread the other day, or maybe a mod did.

3275b  No. 254

Should we add a word filter for that normalfag term? Just spell it out otherwise you look like a complete norman.

5194f  No. 255


5194f  No. 256

Also i dont read longposters

2656d  No. 258

Tbh I don't understand the stigma against tbh.

3275b  No. 259

Nice appeal faggot.

3275b  No. 260

tbh is normalfag lingo. It's up there with smh, btw, lol, and etc…

2656d  No. 261

It's just a phrase. Doesn't make much sense how it can be normie.

88a03  No. 262

It's popular since it saves time, your just used to seeing it a lot so it's entirely for normalfaggots in your mind, tbh. smh and lol are understandable though.

dd4d4  No. 263

File: 1510154959064.gif (1.4 MB ,440x220 , cn4bCjv.gif )

Still normalfaggish to be honest.

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