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88f56 No.129

Can we have an /all/ like Wizchan?

0d43f No.130

I'll think about it.

0d43f No.138

I've added a board https://lizchan.org/all/index.html

I can't seem to figure out how to add it to the boardlist without messing it up. So for now you'll just have to manually type in /all/index.html to enter it.

0d43f No.139

Until i can figure it out.

88f56 No.140

Thanks, lizdmin.

aab26 No.151

File: 1508422169262.jpg (28.01 KB,567x622,rFnqQFd.jpg)

Found a way how to add it near the boardlist

It will be added by the end of today

0d43f No.152

File: 1508451296815.png (26.45 KB,165x115,1507944861725.png)

Alright it is now added. It is only currently on the home page, but will be added later when you enter other pages.

17a0a No.169

Hello honorable wizadmin. We have a /b/, /liz/, and /meta/ category. What about one for /rec/(recreational activities), one for /news/(containment board, doesn't have to be /pol/ content), and /vg/ for video games? We could also have something like /kit/ for wizards who collect toys/amiibos, build things like pc's and mechas, and paint figurines.

718ca No.170

Welcome. I'm not making any other boards simply due to the amount of people we have here. Don't get me wrong i would like to make more boards but with the current amount of people it'd be pointless.

17a0a No.172

Makes sense. Thanks for replying so quickly. I'm used to waiting days to hear back from posters/mods.

2fdbc No.173

You're welcome.

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