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f73c4  No. 739 [Reply]

i remember reading a post here somewhere recently (i think? sorry I have brain fog) about a reptilianon suggesting that we should have wordfilters, which reminded me to make this thread. Now I don't know how exactly that will be done or if it's even possible, but I think it would be fun in the meantime to at least put some out there. I'll start with some of the obvious that we kind of already use, but would be cool if it was made official and automatic:

>Anon/Anonymous/Reptilian -> Reptilianon (like in the name field too)

>Chad -> Rex
>Normie -> Warmie

uhh that's all i have for now, but I'm sure there's more
6 postsand1 image replyomitted. Click reply to view.

fef86  No. 747

It should be largeliz

2cc0e  No. 749

oh shit you're a trained killer now?
you have to survive, we need you to lead lizchan's military division.
Hope overall you're doing well out there lizmin.

f73c4  No. 751

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godspeed, lizmin. stay strong

6d7fa  No. 752

Still out there, huh whiskey?

2cc0e  No. 753

godspeed lizmin hope you get some well earned off time

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bac50  No. 713 [Reply]

I suggest it be made a rule that members of the LGBTTQQIAAP community be banned from the site in order to prevent this site from getting overrun with gays like wizchan and protect the sites hatchling population.
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bac50  No. 715

I want it to be more explicit.

ee028  No. 719

Sounds like a really fucked up clan name.
Do people really rally under the flag of being a member of one of these groups?
like just be homosex man you don't gotta join a queer cult.

bb150  No. 720

Ya had one chance OP

bac50  No. 723

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>Do people really rally under the flag of being a member of one of these groups?

It's worse than that. There are entire nations that rally under the LGBTTQQIAAP flag.

34dd0  No. 731


eh the problem with making """"""hateful"""""" policies explicit like that is attracting edgy /pol/posters who just took redpill just yesterday and won't shut the fuck up about (((them))). basically i think it's best for us to stay away and remain neutral, inviting either side of extremists only invites trouble

I'm sure LGBTTQQIAAP already know they aren't exactly welcome here. Think of it like a small town, if some bad neighbors move in then the townspeople will let them know they're unwelcome and they should move out on their own when their kind isn't tolerated. no need to be uncivil about it though

if you ban your enemies, they win. t. leaf logic

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b9846  No. 43 [Reply]

What happened to the banners? I have copies of the old ones saved if they weren't carried over.

Made a new one btw, taken from >>>/b/1
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47187  No. 363


ee6df  No. 699

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This post is not automated I swear

ee6df  No. 700

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931e3  No. 701

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You can't stop the prophet

ee6df  No. 702


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4ee71  No. 598 [Reply]

I know it's sort of a clique thing to do but I feel like lizchan should have a mascot. If you guys have any ideas please dump them here.
45 postsand20 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view.

9552b  No. 659

how can you still browse r9k? it was filled with staceys and normalfaggotry for years

2f2e6  No. 660

You'd better be talking about the cripplechan /r9k/. The one on 8chan still has some value.

509ed  No. 661

Emphasis on some.

30ab1  No. 672

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wew congrats lizmin.
only two more years before we all make a colony where we host the site ourselves, after sacrifing the admins and uploading them to our server to become the sites eternal guardians.

d9c2d  No. 673

That sounds terrific!

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728fa  No. 662 [Reply]

Can mods change FAQ?
>Similar to Wizarchan in many ways this imageboard is serious for the most part.
Wizchan is disgrace filled with failed normals,crabs and other shit. FAQ is prob old but lizardchan has no similarities today other than virgin rule.
Wizchad has rules but only written, nothing more than that

c3613  No. 663

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Isn't that a lolcow roastie term? I'd rather not see it picked up here like wizchan has.
In fact maybe we should have our own term for incel. "frog" has a nice ring to it, since it's similar to a reptile but not quite the same, and if you asked a layman they'd probably say that reptiles and amphibians are the same.
Sage for offtopic.

5ae24  No. 668

At least add the d in Wizardchan and fix the spelling error lizmin.

86f76  No. 669

Ok it's fixed. ( I removed it.)

662eb  No. 670

Frog is perfect given Pepe.

728fa  No. 671

Sorry I was sleepy and forgot the d.
you're right silly me

Thanks admin

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cd905  No. 653 [Reply]

Just bear with me for a while lizards as I'm trying to get the SSL cert renew. I've been locked out of SSH access from the server and so has my sysadmin so I have to call customer support. Good thing is I bought a Comodo SSL cert for a whole so it won't be expiring every 3 months. This should be resolved by next Friday or Thursday.

Thank you.

0ec04  No. 654

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All good lizmin. Was wondering what was up with the site. I don't know if it was intentional, but the new cert's name is pretty on theme.

744b5  No. 655

don't worry I only cried 3 times in between the panic attacks and the psyche ward visit.

4cf07  No. 656

I was actually going to make a thread asking what was going on. I kid you not, the site was just fine and when I went to refresh the page two minutes later, it gave me the certificate error. I was more worried that someone hacked into the site or something.
Just feels good to know everything is alright and I can keep talking to my lizdudes.

42255  No. 657

Good to see it's being addressed.

25983  No. 658

>Lizmin showing up after getting the certificate renewed

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ebf1a  No. 590 [Reply]

Discord advertising should be a bannable offense
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e6f78  No. 592

Preventative medicine is the best kind and it's pretty clear from other places the cancerous effects that discord brings.

96125  No. 593

I completely agree. If this rule isn't in place, how long will it be before wizchan users start posting links to their discord here? They've already advertised their discord on other imageboards, like uboachan

c2071  No. 594

its in global rules 2 dumb dumb

cd70b  No. 595

Please report any instance of discord advertising so it can be resolved immediately.

d69e1  No. 597

What, you don't want to talk to failed normalfags and ironic 12 year olds? You don't enjoy their "wacky" and "zany" sense of humor that consists of repeating the same unfunny joke over and over? What is wrong with you sir!?

sarcasm of course. Everyone who uses Discord should be involuntarily euthanized

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d79bd  No. 520 [Reply]

Cool chan. How many fucking chan's are there?
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036bf  No. 534

Thanks for the lists

739c9  No. 578

It's made by ex-Lainchan users I think.

0c789  No. 579

Very cool layout, thanks I've noticed lainchan itself is pretty dead.

a3f53  No. 589

Wasn't Lainchan run by underages? How does this off-shoot fare?

edcc0  No. 596

There are close to 550 imageboards, almost half of those are english. Of all imageboards around 175 have chan in the name

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c86d4  No. 582 [Reply]

I've been using IB's and textboards for a while and I have always posted on these sites through a proxy server. That is, except this one. For some reason, Everytime I try to post through a proxy like Hide.me or something, it rejects my post. I'm sure this isn't intentional so I would like to bring it to Lizmin's attention.

7cdcd  No. 585

33543  No. 586

>your post looks automated; post discarded

It still won't let me post using a proxy.

7cdcd  No. 587

What exact thread are you trying to post or what are you trying to post exactly?

7cdcd  No. 588

It might be something on your end OP. Try clearing browser cache.

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433c5  No. 575 [Reply]

>The server took too long to submit your post. Your post was probably still submitted. If it wasn't, we might be experiencing issues right now – please try your post again later.

I keep getting these error messages when I post in certain threads. Please fix admin.
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433dc  No. 577

What exactly are you attempting to post and what threads?

2ad0f  No. 580

I emailed lizmin having the same issue but it turned out to just be the movie thread and the cute thread from memory.

433c5  No. 581

I was just trying to make my usual shitpost in this thread for example and as soon as I hit new reply that stupid message popped up.


433dc  No. 583


433dc  No. 584

Me and the sysadmin were experimenting with a nginx web server security plugin. I've disabled it for now since I'm too lazy and busy to figure it out. You shouldn't be getting that issue anymore. Thanks.

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