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File: 1559949694582.jpg (9.68 KB ,450x300 , gecko_lizard.jpg )

bac50  No. 713

I suggest it be made a rule that members of the LGBTTQQIAAP community be banned from the site in order to prevent this site from getting overrun with gays like wizchan and protect the sites hatchling population.

ccccd  No. 714

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it is in the rules already
stop shitposting

bac50  No. 715

I want it to be more explicit.

ee028  No. 719

Sounds like a really fucked up clan name.
Do people really rally under the flag of being a member of one of these groups?
like just be homosex man you don't gotta join a queer cult.

bb150  No. 720

Ya had one chance OP

bac50  No. 723

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>Do people really rally under the flag of being a member of one of these groups?

It's worse than that. There are entire nations that rally under the LGBTTQQIAAP flag.

34dd0  No. 731


eh the problem with making """"""hateful"""""" policies explicit like that is attracting edgy /pol/posters who just took redpill just yesterday and won't shut the fuck up about (((them))). basically i think it's best for us to stay away and remain neutral, inviting either side of extremists only invites trouble

I'm sure LGBTTQQIAAP already know they aren't exactly welcome here. Think of it like a small town, if some bad neighbors move in then the townspeople will let them know they're unwelcome and they should move out on their own when their kind isn't tolerated. no need to be uncivil about it though

if you ban your enemies, they win. t. leaf logic

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