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File: 1504296659915.png (44.32 KB ,300x100 , banner.png )

b9846  No. 43

What happened to the banners? I have copies of the old ones saved if they weren't carried over.

Made a new one btw, taken from >>>/b/1

d3dae  No. 44

Just dump them here and we will use them.

b9846  No. 45

File: 1504329770449.png (51.97 KB ,300x100 , 1502179812523.png )

Will do. Also noticed that the favicon icon is missing, think I should resend it to the admin? I thought it was a nice little touch the same way that /liz/'s subtitle should be "Warm-bloods Not Welcome" (right now it says "WelcomeD" for some reason)

b9846  No. 46

File: 1504329783974.gif (32.76 KB ,300x100 , 1502401746349.gif )

b9846  No. 47

File: 1504329891616.png (55.34 KB ,300x100 , 1502401866610.png )

Hmm, also noticed the "update" button isn't there anymore at the bottom of each thread and that a "catalog" link is missing under each board title.

b9846  No. 48

File: 1504329998810.png (73.05 KB ,300x100 , 1502412801238.png )

b9846  No. 49

File: 1504330281991.gif (191.03 KB ,300x100 , 1502781900005.gif )

d3dae  No. 57

Does anyone have the lizchan favicon?

b9846  No. 58

Looks like we found and have it again. It looks great. Banners and things are also back, kudos all

b9846  No. 59

Hmm, just noticed that the banners don't cycle though. Strange.

d3dae  No. 62

I've only added two so far i will add the rest later. The gif didn't seem to be working because I was using wget into the banner directory. Will be fixed later.

c25be  No. 63

File: 1508090243538.jpg (32.03 KB ,400x400 , 404.jpg )

>tfw lost my banner suggestion folder

d3dae  No. 64


c25be  No. 65

File: 1508090243538.jpg (32.03 KB ,400x400 , 404.jpg )

I mean, I might still go through my general lizards folder.

d3dae  No. 66

It seems like the banners only change when you refresh the page. I can't find a solution, but if anyone has suggestions please leave them in this thread.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

d3dae  No. 67


d3dae  No. 68


c25be  No. 69

File: 1508090243538.jpg (32.03 KB ,400x400 , 404.jpg )

more like
user was bannered for this post

d3dae  No. 70

File: 1508090243538.jpg (32.03 KB ,400x400 , 404.jpg )

c25be  No. 71

File: 1508090243538.jpg (32.03 KB ,400x400 , 404.jpg )

It isn't healthy to bottle up your anger like that.

d3dae  No. 72

Going to advertise the site on 8ch probably Tuesday. If anyone has a banner for advertise then please post them. Thank you.

c25be  No. 73

File: 1508090243538.jpg (32.03 KB ,400x400 , 404.jpg )

i mean somebody else posted it in another thread already

c25be  No. 74

File: 1508090243538.jpg (32.03 KB ,400x400 , 404.jpg )

also yeah i'll see if i can cut some of my gallery down to banner size

or maybe someone else can because i'm a lazy fuck who is too busy trying not to do 10 other things

d3dae  No. 75

Alright thanks.

89bc0  No. 76

File: 1508090243538.jpg (32.03 KB ,400x400 , 404.jpg )

I can't read fucking read this shit. Fix this.

46210  No. 77

Are you on mobile?

46210  No. 78

If you click on the image it fixes itself.

d3dae  No. 79

File: 1508090243538.jpg (32.03 KB ,400x400 , 404.jpg )

Scratch that idea for now. Won't be able to advertise due to money issues. Next month i promise for sure i will advertise. Sorry if i'm acting like a cheap jew bag but being a wageslave and paying fucking bills and food sucks ass.


afb98  No. 80

No hurry, no pressure my dude

aa2dd  No. 81

>being a wageslave and paying fucking bills and food sucks ass

I hear that

afb98  No. 103

File: 1508090243538.jpg (32.03 KB ,400x400 , 404.jpg )

when life gives you lizards, you make dank lizard banners

c25be  No. 104

is that

is that

is that comic fucking sans

afb98  No. 107

nice meme

afb98  No. 153

Not banner related, but what are the optimal resolution requirements for custom 404 pages?

I have a few ideas in mind, and I would prefer having them scaled properly beforehand rather than afterwards.

d3dae  No. 154

Tell me the optimal resolution.

d3dae  No. 155

File: 1508703661796.jpg (434.89 KB ,1280x1175 , 1422043322657.jpg )

I don't have a optimal resolution right now. Suggest what i should use.

afb98  No. 156

Well, historically wizchan uses a 700x500 standard for their 404 images. Given that we share the vichan engine, that might be the most optimal resolution. But I don't really know, 4chan does not follow any kind of 404 standardization at all and their 404's work/look fine.

Reason I asked is that I could of sworn there was already a stated optimal resolution here before by the admin, prior to the first initial shutdowns and resets.

65491  No. 157

Admin here. I guess I'll just use 700x500. I don't really care.

d3dae  No. 158

File: 1508974975781-0.jpg (235.83 KB ,1305x892 , 1454963595649.jpg )

File: 1508974975781-1.jpg (5.99 KB ,159x199 , 1507040880283.jpg )

File: 1508974975781-2.jpg (8.61 KB ,226x223 , gee, i wonder where this i….jpg )

File: 1508974975781-3.jpg (30.12 KB ,260x304 , ptolemy_portrait.jpg )

testing for multi images

afb98  No. 159

File: 1508979281146-0.jpg (266.58 KB ,700x500 , 1.jpg )

File: 1508979281146-1.jpg (343.53 KB ,700x500 , 2.jpg )

File: 1508979281146-2.jpg (469.56 KB ,700x500 , 3.jpg )

File: 1508979281146-3.jpg (73.81 KB ,700x500 , 4.jpg )

Perfect timing. I've got tons of good stuff to share this evening from what I've been working on.

Behold: Lizchan 404

afb98  No. 160

File: 1508979313446-0.jpg (459.5 KB ,700x500 , 5.jpg )

File: 1508979313446-1.jpg (305.21 KB ,700x500 , 6.jpg )


d3dae  No. 161

Thanks. They'll be put to use later sometime next weekend.

d3dae  No. 166

Alright 404 page is done for now. There will be changes later but for now it is good.

d3dae  No. 167

Would also be neat if we could get a custom spoiler image.

d3dae  No. 168

Also might use one short webm for 403 unauthorized pages just like wizchan has it.

46210  No. 174

Actually 403 would be forbidden and 401 would be authentication.
I don't think we have any 403 forbidden pagesm

90727  No. 189

why cant i create threads
stop bullying me ;^;

d3dae  No. 191

except you can

a0a59  No. 204


46210  No. 205

I'll be using that tripcode from now on.

90727  No. 212

Desd :D

bd8a0  No. 214

bd8a0  No. 215

You scared the shit out me. Don't do that ever again. I need to disable that.

90727  No. 232

i was trying to trip code but i havent been using 4chan for 2 years

46210  No. 233

I forgot to disable the 'Subject' field when you are replying to a thread post. It will be disabled later.

90727  No. 235

hehe like u, disabled xD

47b88  No. 304

Check it out Lizmin.


47187  No. 329


47187  No. 339

need more banners

46210  No. 345

*banners are down
I meant

47187  No. 361

FAQ page has been updated with file types and size info.

47187  No. 362


47187  No. 363


ee6df  No. 699

File: 1557928612847.png (56.15 KB ,300x100 , radreptoids.png )

This post is not automated I swear

ee6df  No. 700

File: 1557931380364.png (70.35 KB ,300x100 , d63ff7a24c145ed4ebe503ad6b….png )

931e3  No. 701

File: 1557943571294.jpg (176.74 KB ,500x708 , lainzine04-thumb.jpg )

You can't stop the prophet

ee6df  No. 702


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