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File: 1534977681711.jpg (19.98 KB ,236x333 , 6f8be1bbc45c74867b9829fcd2….jpg )

d79bd  No. 520

Cool chan. How many fucking chan's are there?

0c789  No. 521

File: 1534987459864.png (32.44 KB ,302x998 , fbiwatchlist.png )

if someone has more to add to my list that would be cool, Only really post on lizchan and /jp/ boards though.

37a31  No. 524

a dozen

622c2  No. 527

A lot and that's excluding the Russian ones. Search up Creamy's list of IBs.

0c789  No. 529

File: 1535020473937.jpg (932.48 KB ,2000x2500 , 1467814341299.jpg )

Damn thanks for the info, I could never visit all these.

036bf  No. 534

Thanks for the lists

739c9  No. 578

It's made by ex-Lainchan users I think.

0c789  No. 579

Very cool layout, thanks I've noticed lainchan itself is pretty dead.

a3f53  No. 589

Wasn't Lainchan run by underages? How does this off-shoot fare?

edcc0  No. 596

There are close to 550 imageboards, almost half of those are english. Of all imageboards around 175 have chan in the name

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