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ec7dc  No. 704

A lot of new posters recently and quality went to shit pretty fast.
Doesn't those "warned" ppl deserve to be banned?

contingency plan:
Posters need to register accs with letter that would be verified by Lizmods/mins.
Tho we would still post as Reptilian.
It sounds good,right?

c4f09  No. 705

I don't think there's exactly a crisis, nor is there a need to register accounts. Instabanning has always seemed to be way too extreme a first-offense measure, so think of it this way: These new posters have now been warned, if they do not adapt and continue their bad habits, then they will be banned. Things do not have to be any more difficult or complex than that.

Personally as much as I believe in second chances, I don't think Lizmin ever formally specified a three-strikes policy either. If someone receives any warning from the staff here, they should take it seriously and adjust their behavior.

Which is a shame, since this is supposed to be a more laid-back kind of chan too. Nonetheless if you see someone shitting/peeing at a beach or pool, there must be consequences.

c1ec3  No. 706

>>A lot of new posters recently
Clueless lizzie here, I haven't visited here in about a year or so, is there a known reason for this shit? Last I saw this place was slow as hell (in a good way, all the fast/popular chans seem to end up completely fucking cunt shit real quick)

Not asking to stir up trouble or anything. Just curious.

dbfd7  No. 707

Probably just lurkers seeing the link on /tower/, I'd be running away from 8ch and 4chad too.

fafa8  No. 708

Lizchan is regularly posted about on 4chan's /qa/ board, usually in the "hidden/underground chan" threads. 8r9k and 4r9k also know about lizchan, along with wizchan.

There's no way it's from /tower/, we have less anons than you and lizchan isn't linked. I'm worried about the opposite of what you said - that shitposters from here find /tower/

dbfd7  No. 709

True /tower/ looks like it's been in stasis. I hope you have no proof of that or I will be saddened, the discord poster said they were from 4chan though.

624ec  No. 710

Please don't mention that place, respect its privacy (especially with the recent activity here). We'd rather have it completely inactive than filled with faggots from wizchan and co.

3a565  No. 716

There won't be any major changes to how the chan is working until Lizmin will be back.

Until then you can use the report function on suspicious posts and we will investigate and eventually if the poster is breaking the rules we'll drop the banhammer.

ec7dc  No. 717

is the report function supposed to redirect to site with "405 Not Allowed"?

3a565  No. 718

That error should appear only reporting from /all/.

If you navigate to the thread (in case of this thread https://www.lizchan.org/meta/res/704.html) the report function should be working fine.

I'll look into it though as that's not something that should be happening.

fafa8  No. 721

Unfortunately there is evidence for it:
References on /qa/ (only 6) - https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/lizchan/

References on /r9k/ (only 10 but worrying considering the traffic the board gets) - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/search/text/lizchan/

What's really worrying is the amount of references to magicchan:

References on /qa/ (double that of lizchan) - https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/magicchan/

References on /r9k/ (61 FUCKING REFERENCES) - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/search/text/magicchan/

Possible? reference to magicchan on Tohno chan (which is filled with /a/ refugees) - http://tohno-chan.com/ma/

Some faggot posting the full link to /tower/ and lizchan on a board with non-virgins, females, and trannys - https://sushigirl.us/hell/res/743.html#1818

In the above thread linked, poster 1410 also posts about lizchan. Both lizchan and /tower/ are occasionally posted about on /b/ on wizchan, but without an archive I can't post any evidence

dbfd7  No. 722

>but without an archive I can't post any evidence
Don't think I have any reason to doubt you. Well that's bad news.
But lizchan has always been a small imgboard and I don't see it blowing up to the point where it's ruined.
Small sites get spammed all the time, I think we've been lucky so far.

0cf10  No. 724

pretty soon lizmin is going to have to start capitalizing on this sites success and begin selling lizchan t-shirts and mugs

2f71a  No. 725

The fuck is this? After the sleeper agents here got exposed they are creating artificial drama. New people arent the problem here, its those who already sunk their teeth in here that will be hard to get rid of.

0cf10  No. 726

>Posters need to register accs

Terrible idea op. The site would cease to be an imageboard if accounts were required. If you want that go post on reddit.

5bd81  No. 728

It'd be still anonymous.
That's small price for purity just in case site get raided or sth

0cf10  No. 730

I don't care, reddit is anonymous, the people there just use stupid usernames. I don't like accounts. I want the ability to make posts without having to log in or out of anything.

c4f09  No. 732

now THIS is the real crisis. didn't know all these warmies know about this place, it's actually quite alarming. fugg

624ec  No. 733

I get what he's saying, it wouldn't be reddit, just protection from easy raids. Problem is that there's no real basis for who gets an account.

0cf10  No. 734

>it wouldn't be reddit

so you say

624ec  No. 735

He said we wouldn't use usernames, we'd still post as "reptilian", the idea is that if we get a flood of new posters they'd have to go through Lizmin first (unless I'm misunderstanding).

dbfd7  No. 736

Lizmin has been busy with real life for months, and there'd be no way to get new members except creating a circle jerking clique.
We shouldn't make such a drastic change after a shitpost or two, we're back to normal post rates anyway.

624ec  No. 737

>over 8 million views
This is concerning. So many know about us.

be6cb  No. 738

Lizchan from its inception was never a secret board. I think this is much ado about nothing.

cec90  No. 758

Some fag is advertising us again: https://8ch.net/tikilounge/res/878.html

Won't be long before we become wizchan 2.0 at this rate

0cf10  No. 759

>is advertising us

I wouldn't mind an increased post rate tbh.

>wizchan 2.0

It'll take a lot more than a couple of newfags to get down to pisschan levels.

b3e66  No. 814

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Contingency plan?

3eb5c  No. 817

You know the contingency plan already lizzie and we aren't supposed to discuss about it in front of the invader(s)

dbfd7  No. 819

Well have to go back to our home r/4chan if this keeps up, it's okay we can let the invaders know.

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