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File: LcDRKtI9NXOdJGHz2U1ZkYiu05WblP.png (386.03 KB,1920x1080,wallpaper.png)

fe70c No.845

I'll cut straight to the point. Yes I'm sorry for not paying payments for lizchan.org I recently just discovered this today by looking at some post on wizchan which i don't browse that much anymore. I don't know who the admin is but please email at

[email protected]

Yes this is actually lizmin. If you are the admin please email and I will provide proof I'm actually him if need be. If you would like me to become admin again that's fine if not I respect the decision not to but at least let me give you the ownership of the lizchan.org domain on which the website was founded.

Thank you.


fe70c No.846

[email protected]

*correct email

99f49 No.847

Also thanks for downloading or saving the mysql database. I'm assuming this is Incognito my old system admin I had. I should had done the same thing before left.

a87e2 No.848

What have you been up to?
I think you guys should both be equal owners and cover for each other if needed, you both seem to have a similar relaxed method of administrating and both have expressed z will to keep the site going at times.
Thanks liz whose kept the place up and running.
also upload my banner loser

510ce No.849

Here's the short version.

I joined the military. I was in Basic training for about 3 to 4 months. Obviously didn't have access to internet at all. Boom I graduated and didn't have access to my debit or credit card and had to hassle with bank people. By the time that happened lizchan.org was already expired. I renewed the domain but the VPS was also cancelled and thus I gave up because the sql database and vichan web directory was gone as well but lucky my old system admin I'm assuming saved it. That pretty much explains why it went down. I just assumed that lizchan was forever gone but I guess not.

00e85 No.850

File: GVsUbpYaQCAviu1XNfqZledTFO8Ph6.jpeg (46.79 KB,835x955,5809680956.jpeg)

>I joined the military.
So youre a zogbot now?

510ce No.851

I was being kicked out. Car broke down. It was literally my last resort. Yeah you can call me whatever but it's a steady income and it's only for 3 years.

510ce No.853


9e99d No.854

Reee this, you saved lizchan.
I'm with the hero on this one.
King that fleets is not a king at all

a87e2 No.855

You're replying to the original lizmin lol, he and the guy he left the site to seem to be on good terms so he's already an admin again.
He wouldn't have beenable to keep the site if he went homeless anyways, so I'm assuming him enlisting was the best option, if we have two people keeping the site up there are less risk of disaster.
If you guys both run into money issues let us know before you make the decision to just dump the site.

4f0b8 No.856

welcome back lizmin, glad to see you

9e99d No.857

Lol I'm dumb as rock

00e85 No.858

File: sb0UOSGkTz8eqFoLjB1EMwrAV7pX2x.jpg (169.05 KB,900x871,5f6f676ecda7a7d5d3ac18547c….jpg)

So is it hard to join the military?
Like is the physical difficult and do you recommend it?

9e99d No.859

not him tho had two family members there.
It's hard physicaly and mosty constant angry retards making orders On training.
IMo worth it if U have no plans for job, a You after that guaranteed easy comfy job and faster retirement bucks, not sure if they still give you a loan for a flat without any% here.
I've seen wizzies posting about joining the military and only one went through it easily and not broken
Have in mind that they may not let you in if u had any documented mental illness.
Everyone from my year that I know had examination, I was the only one not called.
If the war starts I'm gonna stay with 3dpd, cooking shit and stuff lol

>sleeping with over 6 turbonormans in one room

U sure?

4f611 No.860

No unless you have a medical or mental problem.
>physical and recommend
Yes and no.
I'm Infantry. So yeah it sucks. We do PT every morning, go to the field, shoot guns and train. Not much else to it. Don't join. If I could go back in time I would not join but too late for that. I ETS August 22 2022 which is when I get out.

And yes I'm still a virgin.

a87e2 No.861

baste trained killer government issued assassin virgin

00e85 No.862

File: yNTwFsdXCl8kc2BQU0bReqSYGhaE5f.png (444.18 KB,944x753,1d8d0589be7f30917187a9f92b….png)

I might have to join I dont have a lot of job prospects and I dont have any normalnigger friends who could get me a job.
I heard they changed the physical from the past and its more about muh dynamic exercises.
The only thing I might struggle on is the marathon shit bc im more of a sprinter than a long distance so I gas out.
Getting old sucks

80eef No.863

hopefully automatic backups are made just in case for easier migration with all this domain drama

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