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 No.2367[View All]

I've been waiting for someone to make it so here it is
73 postsand15 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view.

  No. 3112

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Isabelle in a dream? How can I get one?!

My dreams always have real people.
Only had two with fictional characters; yordles and furry wolf gal, same anthro level as your pic.

Here is my latest dream.
Doc looked at papers and told me that there's nothing wrong with me.
I woke up screaming "I'm not okay". Short, boring and dumb as always.

  No. 3113

damn, I wish I had my own fictional characters. They're all based off of characters or people's faces I've seen. Also, a chunk of my dreams can be horrifying, like the one where I was in hell. My brain sure loves to torture me by making up scary stuff tailored just to me. lol.

  No. 3115

Some random asked where he can get similar keyboard that I was carrying.
Explained to him how mechanical keyboards differ, then started talking about switches and woke up.

True npc dreams

  No. 3116

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Had an odd dream about an odd fairytale that never happened and an odd man that haven't existed.
Alan Waitings was an old man who was the owner or a helper in a huge farm in the countryside of England. He would attend to the crops and the gardens of his higher ups and live in a small house inside of their fields.
One day after a long time of work, Waitings goes to sleep when from the looks of it, something odd was going on in his looking glass.
It started to break the shape it used to had and slowly the shape of a little girl was trying to break out of it. A blue reflective light female comes out of it, to what in his surprise would slowly take form, auch familiar form.
With her blue apron, bow and blonde hair, Alice would end up being the person to come out from this glass.
-"Excuse me sir, can I stay in your room for a while? I'm really eager to go back home, but I've travelled to so many places that at one point one gets tired."
Waitings was so stupified by the whole thing, he could barely believe his eyes. The girl from the fairytale "Alice in Wonderland" has sneaked into his cottage from his own mirror.
At first dubious of the whole thing, he lends her a mattress that was lying on his attic to her. "Go sleep here, we will get to know each other better tomorrow", said as he dropped the mattress next to his bed.
>"I'm sure we'll get to know each other more" the little girl said.

  No. 3117

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By the morning of the next day, a bright Sunday, Waitings and Alice decided to walk around the fields of their owners. While it wasn't the red queen's garden, the fields were host to unending flowers, unique bushes, and a nice forest of trees uncommon by the folk of the country. - These trees are huge! And all these violets, tulips and roses, they give the shape of a cute dove when seen from afar… Did you make these? The little girl was flabbergasted by the works of Waitings.

"I did make these, yes. I work attending the garden of my feudal lord. I am one of the lucky ones, they let me live here instead of outside the fields, I would have a nightmare just trying to get a piece of bread if I had to love outside." The little girl can see pride in Waitings' small but understandable fortune. She learns from this that the piece of bread he earns for his lunch is more than what many in the country can get. "And why did you decide to come across here? " He asked the little girl in a second of wonder, as they walked through the bushes and the sunflowers. - "I am planning on going back home. But this is not a bad piece of the sky you got here, Alan" Alan feels something he never felt before as he hears the kindness from the girl of the looking glass. A feeling where blood rushes through his veins rapidly. Where if given enough time, tears would fall from his face. Where if given enough time, some really weird sensation would befall in his inside. Waitings was in love. As so, he decided to start hanging out with the girl more and more.

  No. 3118

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For someone that looked like a mixture of Fester and Gargamel, he was astonished someone as pretty as her would give him the light of day. They went on to spend more and more time together. By the time she walked alongside him through the entire garden, he and she were one. When the last night came for them, they had the time of their lives beforehand. Tears fell from Waitings as he confessed to her that no one has ever really loved him as much as she did, because of attending his master's garden didn't let him see new people. As the tears fell from his face, a soft grasp of the little girl lays on his right cheek. She was also sharing the same sentiment. From running away from the red queen, to trying to find her home, if she didn't knew about her sisters she would have called his garden a new beginning. A soft kiss from her sends Waitings to unending and undying extasy. His first kiss, and it was with a girl that came from the looking glass… The night didn't wait for both of them to feed their impulses. As Waitings slept with Alice, his arm laying on her body. He felts as if he has finally died and gone to heaven. But sadly Waitings couldn't be to attached to the little girl, as she had to leave again soon. The only thing he wished is for her to realize what she wants in her heart, and go through with it. A soft kiss before parting, Waitings spells the following words to Alice "May you find your way, I will always love you." He couldn't see the girl leave through the looking glass, he looked away as that happened. Now left completely in his own, a huge weight of grief fell down on his shoulders. Tears of grief have flooded through his cabin for many years, that by the time he reached the last year of his life, the wood from his home was filled with the mold that came from them. Waitings never pursued any other love again. He was confident in what he had with her. Sometimes he wished for someone else, sometimes he wished for Alice to come back. Years didn't forgive Waitings as he sat and let it all slip by. But he couldn't do or think of anything else.

  No. 3119

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Last cont
On his last breaths, he improvised a portal to another world with a blue apron, a blue ribbon, the foot of rabbits, and a string of blonde hair taken from the master's daughter. He jumped into the hole he made with these items, set them all on fire, and as the things he have always loved were set ablaze, he woke up in a dark forest of naked trees. As he walked alongside a cliff, the aura of the little girl was there, yet… different… It was calling for him, the same way a siren calls for sailors. Waitings walked through the cliffs, through the naked forest, through trees next to the cliffs, and he found her? Is this the girl I fell in love with? It was still her, but, why did I pursue her? Is this what it was meant to be? Am I happy with her? Questions arose and arose and eventually, the girl would hold him in his embrace… …Sadly, the girl he loved is not the girl he found… as the embrace went longer than expected, the worst thing imaginable for Waitings started to happen. A huge amount of black tentacles started to come out of Alice's skin… she was not the girl he fell in love with, she was a monster. The last moments of Waitings life were him holding a façade of the girl he so much fell in love with. As the tentacles gre bigger and the noise louder, Waitings just held on to the fake Alice, until it was all over. And when everything went silent, and everything went dark. His time in life would have already be gone.
Woo this sadly took a turn for the worst

  No. 3120

Some music for the read, it is a bit long

  No. 3121

Big bird strangled me to death two times. Right on top of me, too. I hit him with a vodka bottle first, did nothing. After I woke up, my neck started hurting. lol.

  No. 3131

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When I get over or forget something terrible.
My dreams are here to reenact it in even worse way.
They only happen when I'm in a good mood, leaving me devastated instead.
My mind is such a troll.

  No. 3132

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Cont >>3131
Phew, woke up feeling normal the next day.

Had a dream where I showed my brother some game.
He liked it and started streaming with voice changer.
Became successful v-tuber and this was paying all his bills.

Can't stand v-tubers, weird that I dreamt about it.

  No. 3135

I had a dream that frozen cherries were $6.99 for FIVE POUNDS! I was ecstatic! All the fruit was super cheap (except apples, which were regular price). There was like a 50 pound bag of frozen cherries for super cheap. I totally wanted to buy those cherries and make a smoothie! Best dream ever.

  No. 3138

Just had the "Flash and Reverse Flash drinking dream". Yep. The Flash (Barry) and Reverse Flash are in a bar, masks off, costumes on, drinking and smoking a blunt. It starts out with Flash showing Reverse Flash a blunt, them smoking it, and then they drink (or at least Flash drinks) some Bacardi from a glass, and, eventually, from the bottle. Then, Reverse Flash goes to the bathroom, Flash follows, and the Reverse Flash goes through the passage while a drunken Barry tries to get in, to no avail. I woke up before Barry escapes, but he does escape using the passage in a novel way. I can't remember how though, but it's not like how the Reverse Flash uses it.

  No. 3141

Everyone wanted to meditate on their graves. Hundreds of people were in grave yards, floating like, 100 feet above their graves, in meditation. Even I, eventually, went to meditate. I started to fall to the side, and then woke up.

  No. 3157

Well I definetely have brainrot if I dream like that

I was ugly dyke on a school trip where I got closer to some girl.
It turned out that she was prince charles' (imaginary) daughter.
I embarrased myself infront of him.

Day later got invited to the party but before attending I had a make-over and I was looking pretty classy.

At the dinner table it turned into some musical where I was singing for a second chance and how much I love his daughter.
Woke up and went back to sleep.

Then I had sleep paralysis where man with a face of wolf was hauntin me.

  No. 3160

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had one of my back in high school dreams again. there I was, standing in the school hallway, an awkward loner, holding half completed homework and not graduating, just like in real life :(

  No. 3165

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  No. 3168

it is a sham. I just wish my dreams would stop bringing me back to that awful place

  No. 3169

It's all your fault mind you.
You choose the actions that take you to your destiny.
Shouldn't be choosing poorly.

  No. 3171

if I could go back I would of dropped out of school at 14. but then my parents probably would of kicked me out of the house. sometimes there's no winning

  No. 3180

If you've viewed a lot of those vagina video clips
or OnlyFans leaked - leaked only fans pics, you'll get what "start cunt" ways.
It's essentially how the vagina movements to generate place for
the male member. Some folks contact it "available vulva." The vagina features
this constant activity cheers to a slim coating of skin at the starting and a simple internal filling.

But the vulva is not the almost all delicate aspect,
thus folks shouldn't strain about holding it. It's fascinating to contact the vagina while obtaining
active, but folks want to retain their arms in verify to keep away
from any crashes. The vagina is all about muscle
tissues and little strong openings for G-spot and
sperm action. Thus if a man would like to orgasm, he's gotta work with his fingers to have there.
The nearness and squeezing of the vagina will be fantastic for folks and for striking that sugary area.
It's all about relocating again and out and up and down during love-making.

  No. 3185

galantamine is the lucid dreaming drug apparently. You can also try sensitizing 5ht2a for vividness, prolonged 5-htp will do that I think

  No. 3186

Are u a lucid junkie?
That's a skill I would love to train but my urge to stop existing after waking up is too strong so Im not able to do hold and go back to sleep in that tricky way

  No. 3187

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Keep being transformed into 13yo and having dream-made friends.
Am I hardcore liz and 3rd level of Maslow struggles to catch up to me OR just normiebrained

  No. 3192

I was in a big classroom with a bunch of desks and people. The class was something like "math 908". I was confused since I had taken a math class above this already when I saw her across the room… My daughter. She looked like Ushio from Clannad, but around her was like this bright aura. I felt this weird sense of wanting to know her and talk with her. I wanted a relationship with her. It's like I was seeing my child with a true love that only a father could know.

It wasn't my only dream, but the most prominent one. Honestly, I've never felt this way, and probably never will irl. I don't have the desire to have a romantic relationship to make a child. Even if I had a kid, I don't think I would feel like this. Still, it was a surreal experience.

  No. 3193

I was trying to buy something that I don't remember from pharmacy but no one wanted to sell me anything.
They were screaming that I should be locked up in madhouse lol
Haha what the fuck is this? Are you a lolicon by any chance?

I'm joking, thanks for sharing.

  No. 3194

>Are you a lolicon by any chance?

Most definitely.

  No. 3195

Hahah wtf that explains who just made that "loli collection" post just now xD
u know these bots that spam here from time to time

>Most definitely


  No. 3196

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I had a recurring dream about Chen from Touhou growing up poor and alone as like, an anime opening or something. Oddly enough, I was thinking in that opening that it's a good thing she was still thin. Then I realized that to be poor in the U.S. just means you're likely to be fat and undernourished by poor food. All still in the dream, of course. This is probably time I've had that dream, but first time I've had that realization in the dream. Odd.

Another dream had a fist fight going into a knife fight on a roof next to "my" house and having one of the guys falling off the roof after getting stabbed. All under a beautiful twilight sky. The last dream was watching a new show with my parents, and apparently, they got some sandwiches from the convenience store. Just like, 10 sandwiches since they don't have any sides. However, I was like, "they actually sell potato soup for about 4 bucks for half a gallon." Damn, that's a really good dream deal. I'm jealous, not gonna lie.

I hope I have more dreams about the cute cat Chen!

  No. 3199

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I bumped into some oldass butch looking woman, we started talking.
Turned out she lives in the same block.
She invited me in to smell check if her weed farm isn't leaking, then helped her with filters.

  No. 3200

Nooooo! I just realized my other Chen dream where I was chasing her was deleted when the server went down last time! I miss that response! It's my favorite post on the site!

  No. 3204

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Lmao I had a dream where I've been sitting above myself on bed and we were kissing.

What the fuck is the meaning of this dream.
Im not into autoeroticis. Maybe my brain started rotting or got damaged and that's the result of it.

And most important question : was that gay? jk

  No. 3206

extremely gay. nice pic though. not saved because purity of mind first. you won't grab my soul.

  No. 3210

I have dreams often of being rejected and humilated by women and I hate them and want them to stop

  No. 3213

lol and rip, must not be pleasant

I often hang out with dream-made ugly old dykes and they tell me to chill out.
Middle school had many of them so that explains.
Can't even remember last one that had normal women in them.

  No. 3215

thank you for the sympathy. its hell

  No. 3216

lamo women trauma. stop thinking of it as humiliation. they're not human. you won't blame a forest beast for eating you and you won't call it humiliation. females do not have human thinking patterns in them. they're animals to the very core. just reject their existence and stop troubling yourself. not gonna be easy, and not gonna be "just". you'll have to do a lot of mental workout and self persuasion

  No. 3217

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Bro that's gay af, why you have to be like incel.
It's worse than my troon story

  No. 3218

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I consistently have wet dreams about a specific anime girl at least one a week.

  No. 3219

Holy shit, this one right here is a breeding bull born as lizard.
Impressive! Did it come naturally or it's something that you had to learn?
Tell me about it, I'm genuinely intrigued.
Is she your Waifu?

  No. 3225

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I'm not sure if I could call her my waifu since that would likely need me to like everything about her, but I only really like her tsundere nature combined with, in my opinion, a perfect body for sex. I watched Lucky Star over the summer and every time I saw her in an outfit that revealed more of her body I got an instant boner. I might have my dick blow up into pieces this november from the buildup I will have thinking of her.
>Did it come naturally or it's something that you had to learn?
I was like this since I was 12 years old but loneliness and depression killed my sex drive from age 13 and onwards. I guess she awakened something in me, or maybe something else changed at the same time as me watching the show.

  No. 3227

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Woah there is even backstory to that.
So lovely, you guys should definetely get married.
>like this since I was 12 years old but loneliness and depression
I want a refund mine gave me nothing good

Ahh I should dust off mine

  No. 3230

I just had one dream while I was half asleep this morning about eating her pussy out. When I fully woke up I had been sucking and drooling on my pillow and coomed on my sheets…

  No. 3231

Met one bro from primary school I greeted him by his name, then another one and another.
There were like 10+ of them and I didn't remember only one.
I apologized to him then woke up.
It was such a cool dream honestly, took me back to easier and more social days.
Where classmates felt like siblings.

True love.
My midget visited me just once in all these years and we didn't even talk nor did anything interesting.

  No. 3232

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Had one last night of her just pulling up my shirt and laying her head on my stomach, no sexual stuff…

  No. 3234

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Blessed by autism.

Tried to imagine set and setting before falling asleep and all I got was short dream where some guy said that I'm late for work.
Fuck this

  No. 3235

^oh and the dream took place literally where I sleep.
So damn basic

  No. 3242

I only had three or four wet dreams that I remember in my entire life. I remember sometimes it gets close but I can never dress them down. You guys are fucking insane. The past year and half I've been feeling very sick about sexual stuff. Even while I still jerk off it feels like… It feels like biting a cake, but getting shit in your mouth instead. It's like 1 minute of pleasure and then 1439+ minutes of feeling sick. I guess it's part of my transformation into a Lizard. I finally start to get rid of the sexual drive. Actually, I've started to jerk off much more often these days and also feel much worse about it. It's sweet and bitter at the same. It's knowledge of progress. But I also don't know what to do further. Guess I need to take hold of myself or something

  No. 3243

After stabbing my parents I felt great relief and sense of freedom that there is no one left to blame and that we're even.
That definetely was the most edgy dream I had.
Not cool just pitiful.

Imo it's a matter of how you look at it and what you are watching.

For me it's a maintenance thing.
Cranking is a fast and effective way.
Not doing it makes me more social, not in romantic sense but as a need to be part of the group.
Typical monke brain effect that's why I prefer doing the thing over clouding my mind with the stuff that I'm not interested in.
Instinct pleased without any effort.

Also depends on how you see being a lizard.
I would even count someone who gets off to 3dpd but never drools irl as one.
I'm not like that but I can imagine the thought process behind it.

But idk how I would rate someone who has friends, what's your opinion on that Lizzies?

  No. 3244

I think people with fulfilling relationships are a different specimen. I don't think of them as good or bad, just enemies.

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