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Bury yourself in the ground lizzie
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Post here every time you visit lizchan.
We must crank up the speed somehow

  No. 7599

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I wake up at 4pm, tried not sleeping at all to fix it.
Made it but I slept for too long.
Now it's changed to 7pm ahh

I've started seriously applying for a job today. Previously I wasn't taking it seriously and now I have 11 days left to make some money lol
I might have to take a loan if I don't find any one day jobs

  No. 7600

>>>seriously applying for a job today. >Previously I wasn't taking it
Good good now I seriously have some brain damage. Previously my previous healthy brain was making things too hard, seriously guys

  No. 7602

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Oh no, someone hacked me xD
Golden blackmail

  No. 7604

There is a certain tradeoff between life and death. When you are alive and thriving you are infested with normal people and die at their hands. They'll never notice, just go on to feed off something else. When you are slightly ill, you attract certain kinds of insects that carry retardation. They mingle with normal people, but are at the same time incompatible, turning you into incomprehensible mess of normalcy and nihilism. When you are morbid crabs come into play to chew your rotten flesh. And only when you're dead are you finally left the fuck alone.

  No. 7606

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>no waifu
>no tulpa
>still wondering what's wrong
Everyliz needs someone who will understand them otherwise you go insane

  No. 7617

Imaginary friends are just a way to cripple your mind. What is more robust is magic. It gives you a universal support that does not fail anywhere. In any circumstances, in any predicament, you turn your soul to magic and flow on its generous torrents. Nothing is a hindrance to you. Waifus and tulpas are just a way to be in denial, to conceal and mutilate your desires of intimacy into schizophrenic delusion. Not like magic at all. For he who wields magic knows that things are given and taken by the Universal Order as is necessary for the proper operation of the whole. As such a mage doesn't need anything except his spells of wisdom. And if intimacy is not granted to him, he will rather die fighting against the Evil God than yield to negative disposition. Always remember that magic springs from the Beneficial God, as such it is the only substance that never fails to aid you in this struggle against vice.

  No. 7618

Yeah that did not work for me.
This brain is too warm, gonna stay with my midget.

  No. 7626

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Lel got the job at some arcade place.
It seems to be the easiest and least demanding job I had so far.

Recruiter basically told me to MAN UP and be more confident xDD
>"don't speak in such a high voice"
>"work on your posture"
>"stop looking into distance and focus on the eyes of people you talk to"
>"you could just Google how to be more confident and use tips for it"
But he told me that only 2-3 ppl will stay here from the 12 person team because rest is stupid.
So ig that I gave off a vibe of responsible person if he shares this info with me.

Coworkers seem to be full npcs but they accepted me quickly.
So that's nice.

Job's uniform is basically some yellow t-shirt. But I somehow need to cover my arms so the kids won't get scared.
What's less gay arm warmers or long sleeves under the t-shirt?

  No. 7628

Are you on the Autism spectrum? Sorry if I'm assuming, but it's only to say that the recruiter was being a bit intolerant if you were. What he said didn't sound very helpful, but it's not like I expect him to have the qualifications to help anyways.

  No. 7629

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Head doctors were saying that I should get tested.
Normal people ask me if I'm autistic.
Communicating with aspies felt like the most natural way of contact and they were saying that I'm not like others.

Parents didn't bother to check me and it would be pricy to do now.
I'm definetely not autistic.

  No. 7631

Work 8, sleep 8. The rest dissappears in like 2 hours top.
I forgot how it feels to wageslave.

  No. 7644

My weight is precisely 69 kilos

  No. 7646

mine is 120
lol, i could crush you like a turtie

  No. 7647

>i could crush you
Please do

  No. 7668

Things have been going well, lately. I've been cooking more, so I have a lot more energy. More energy means easier cooking, which means MORE energy. More energy also means doing more things and getting tired earlier, which means a better sleep schedule, which means MORE ENERGY. It won't last forever at all, but I hope this post finds me in the future and I remember that cooking my own meals makes me better off.

  No. 7669

What drugs are you on

  No. 7670

Carbohydrates, really. I try to eat a lot of beans and vegetables.

  No. 7672

Turns out Forest Anon inseminated a girl. I didn't even know he had a partner. How could one even expect it when the guy's living in the woods 24/7? Crazy. The post of him showing the actual fetus is two months old, so the kid will be born in December at the earliest.

  No. 7673

Could you please not bring those things up? Thanks

  No. 7676

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>guy's living in the woods 24/7?
How are Incels even real lol

  No. 7679

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  No. 7684

I hope you envy him and suffer, Wizard.

  No. 7685

Why would I? It's not my ideal life. I don't even want a kid or partner. Sorry if it offended you or anyone else. I'm just reporting something I found (frankly) astonishing. He's been mentioned on Wizchan a few times, so I assumed some people on Lizchan would wonder about him. I personally, was wondering where he was. I guess I know now.

  No. 7687

>mentioned on Wizchan a few times, so I assumed some people on Lizchan would wonder about him
Not him but isn't there like only one person here interested in wizchan lol

  No. 7688

I more assumed that people here were originally from wizchan. Still, it was quite a long time ago since he was mentioned. I can't even remember when. Maybe I'm chasing phantoms?

  No. 7690

Yes people here are from wizchan and they are here exactly because wizchan has bow become crabchan and has nothing to do with either wizardry or virgin culture. The key word is culture. What you have on wizchan is the opposite of culture.

  No. 7691

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Tried some mastodon servers because I was tired of the shitter algorithm, but all that I found is either porn or nutcases.
I just want to talk about my interests without a mod breathing down my neck, why is that so hard to get? I hate this gay internet where either things are gay as shit, or just complete schizo insanity. I just want to talk about games and other things but seems like the shitter algorithm has made enough damage to the internet in general.

  No. 7692

I am not mentally sound but if you want you can create a thread somewhere and if I manage to squeeze some energy out of my ongoing breakdown I'll talk with you.

  No. 7712

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Cashier: I need to see your ID sir
-ah I don't have it with me
>stares at me
-but I have receding hairline, look
Cashier: this proves nothing

My shitty facial hair can't even pass the 18 check.
I guess that's why she assumed me being +7 years younger lol

  No. 7713

Lucky for you. Looking young is nice. I have hair all over my face and I just can't care to do anything about it. I also figured that if I don't shave it doesn't grow. Unfortunately I have shaved before around chin and a bit to cheeks so there's a lot of stupid hair there, but the rest is just some soft growth. I look a bit monstrous because of it. Recently seen a guy with the same condition and was disgusted. Then remembered I'm the same. Good thing actually. Makes people think twice before speaking to me. Perfect. I dislike people. But if I shave I look like a child lmao.

  No. 7714

Some huge fatass pig is sitting in their car with engine on for over an hour.
It's too hot to close the window and it's too loud to sleep.
I should have bought some stoppers.

If I was American with a gun I would shoot this fucker into both knees, watch him cry then finish him off. Then myself

Situations like these make me want to start taking steroids and drugs while keeping the place nice and quiet.

One day, one day.
It is certain that I'm not gonna leave without making some change for the better

  No. 7722

Lmao I love this quote
>Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you

  No. 7723

blood in my veins is deathly cold
the fiercest ice will tremble and melt
as i ruthlessly continue to mold
your doom, as i strengthen my pelt

my wings shall spread, wider than Asgard
mortals shall fall, their corpse mutilated
bow down in terror, for i am a Lizard
behold my power, quintessence of hatred!

  No. 7724

another way to write the last verse could be

my wings shall spread, wider than Asgard
mortals shall fall, their corpse mutilated
behold my power, the power of Lizard
i am the terror, i am the hatred!

i like this one more tbh

  No. 7725

hideous dominance of wicked blood
engulfs your world, so full of food
tasty warm bloods, we're playing a game
i am the hunter and you are the prey

in the dark corners i shall thrive
in the midst of the carnage i shall live
screams of agony my music of joy
cries of despair my lovely toy

life force dwindles, you numbly gasp
splay of your bowels is last
of the thing you'll see
my claws! my claws know not mercy!

conquer! conquer, devastate and dance
on their gods and flimsy suns
on their wishes and hopes
sneering at their hateful vows
remember, all hatred belongs to me
and to you belongs to flee
to flee me!

murderous tyrant, i feast on your flesh
exultant, i cut and slash
swinging my tail to break your bones
devouring you right after your sons

cheer up human rats and greet your bane
despair and let me reap your grain
i'll stomp it in ground and spit upon
of your desecration i'll make me a crown

and with the end of the world withing my reach
i feast as the strongest Leech
on callous cruelty gently i lean
in raucous voice i yell that i win, i win

conquer! conquer, devastate and dance
on their gods and flimsy suns
on their wishes and hopes
sneering at their hateful vows
their ruin turn into your paradise
their stinky warmth in the beautiful ice
such beautiful ice!

  No. 7739

Pretty bruh day to be honest. Also I noticed when I go outside I immediately overly focus on internal thoughts, ignoring everything around as much as possible. Feels strange. As if my imagination is somehow more real.

  No. 7741


  No. 7742

on dreary landscapes of violent gore
i work through my days to forge my lore
denying weakness and denying light
bound by the oath to reptilian might!

  No. 7743


  No. 7744

lmao. i generally have two kinds of mental alarms. one is when i know i have to wake the fuck up in a very unusual time, so usually i wake up just alright. the other type is when waking up is mundane. then i set it 30-60 mins before i have to actually wake up and then just delay them successively until i know i'm doomed to open my eyes.

are you in a similar position?

  No. 7745

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I also have two types and every is painful.

1st I'm gonna wake up at 6:30
That will send me to bed early never happened

2nd consists a lot of alarms that go after each other randomly with breaks between 5-10-15 mins.
Mostly 5s and I still manage to squeeze in some sleep in that short time.

>until i know i'm doomed to open my eyes.

Same, that's why I'm late 10-25mins.
It's always like that. Unless mommy wakes my grown-up ass

Going back to sleep and falling when really tired is the best feeling ever.
No drug or accomplishment (not that I have any) comes close to that.

  No. 7747

…Could have 2 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
Instead I screw with my clock.
You can call it sleep edging

  No. 7750

I'll be dead by evening. Unfortunately not literally.

  No. 7751

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Hey lizzards! My wheel of time is repeating an age I'd sooner see in the fucking hell. Yeah! I'm so-o happy!

  No. 7752

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poo in the loo

  No. 7753

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eating comfort food, brothers

  No. 7755

What's yours? Mine is kebab

  No. 7758

Southern (US) food. It was cube steak with white pepper gravy and collard greens

  No. 7763

Been a while. So since I'm here hark ye lizkids my speech of truth unbound! To survive you have to work, but having to work makes survival purposeless. It's an ultimate checkmate. How do these normalfags live their lives happily while slaving away day after day? It's so sweet to neet through life you can relax with books, games and anime when you feel like it and then plunge back into some fun things to do with your pc or whatever. This shit beats the daylight out of me.

  No. 7766

>huge discount on average quality beer
>buys 16
>slowly sipping 1 with water from time to time
>gets headache

  No. 7778

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Mother was arguing with me that I don't clean nor help enough, which is not true.

Told me that I should move out. Replied that I've already paid month for this month.

She gave me money, I could feel that it's more than month worth.
Counted it and said that it's 3 times more, then specified amount and I asked her if she is certain about this.
>She nodded
>"so when are you going to move out?"

Week later brother told her story to me, in which I took month-worth then grabbed the rest on my own…
Ah lovely mother

Now I live with my brother in apartment belonging to father.

  No. 7779

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That's all the stuff I own, minus some sweaters and shoes in wardrobe.

I need to get some desk and sofa or bed, because I can't do anything comfortably.
This one is so bad that sitting on floor is much better, sleeping on it is not better my back hurts lol

Lived here week already.
This room is making me a bit uneasy and schiz-out.
I feel like something bad will happen, this feeling is particularly strong today.
But that's because I already lived here from 14 to 18 and father was quite abusive.

I just hope this feeling disappears

  No. 7780

looks comfy desu

  No. 7781

Glad to see lizards still alive.

  No. 7782

I had a strangest dream. First I illegally got into someone's flat and killed the owner, installed linux on their laptop and started developing some software on it. Then I decided to get into the next flat and rape its owner, but I was constantly delayed by some people. I was very angry but it never got to unleashing my sky breaker. And then I was building a huge bath in a very aggressive and dangerous environment. I had a few friends with me. Somebody tried to bully us for doing monkey's job and we beat them badly. They ran away crying and cursing. Somehow these were the most pleasant dreams in quite a while.

  No. 7784

This month I've been getting more comunication from HHRR.
Hopefully I get a job and my dad has to do less hard work, it isn't fair for him tbqh.

  No. 7785

Good luck liz
I quit mine today, may we find something decent

  No. 7786

How do we solve the GOTIS (Girl on the internet syndrome) pandemic?
Seems like almost all corners for incels got cornered by retarded roastoids. I hate it.

  No. 7787

>Girl on the internet syndrome
What's this?

  No. 7788

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>How do we solve the GOTIS
You need to become girly boy on the internet and kill the competition.

Dude what's the point of browsing the Incelnet? <-comedy gold
Aren't you going to become even bigger one by doing this?
Why would you do that?
Just git gud and bang some chick if that's what you desire and leave this site afterwards.
Don't sink in it.

But honestly
>How do we solve the GOTIS
If you stop acting like incel there will be less breeding ground for attention whores and problem is solved.

I hate your kind so much that I would sacrifice my lizdom to make it disappear, no homo

  No. 7790

I genuinely don't understand what you're talking about, I'm just sick of roastoids ruining internet communities with their shitty posts.
Sincerely, I wish they were all dead, but humanity would die with that so, what the hell

  No. 7791

Males have always been largely preoccupied with females, rendering the latter more or less the only point of their existence, thus letting themselves be enslaved by and subjected to transient pleasure and mundaneness of fake non-lonely existence. If you but have a feeling towards them, you're one of them. Hating them means thinking about them, be preoccupied by them and thus be one of them. The only way out of suffering is becoming a lizard. And that implies removing all and every feeling and desire pertaining to males, females and their relationship. Their existence and superiority are a fact. You accept it and just wait for sun to warm your cold blood. That said, all solutions are within. This is the way of lizards. If you can't begin to comprehend the depths of the saying "know thyself", though, you should probably return to wizchan and be bitter about "roastoids" there.

  No. 7794

>If you but have a feeling towards them, you're one of them. Hating them means thinking about them, be preoccupied by them and thus be one of them.
Counterpoint: I wouldn't even think about things as disgusting as womeme if they didn't permeate good communities in the internet.

  No. 7796

You sound like your desires need cleansing. Lizardize yourself more thoroughly. We must win somehow.

  No. 7798

Oh my Great Lizards, these high pitched voices of children drive me crazy. I want to drink up their light forsaken blood and dump their skins in the deepest depths of the damn hell.

  No. 7799

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And then carry them to other worlds in the stream of semen?

  No. 7849

There is some inexplicable charm to abandoned places. People are truly a bloat.

  No. 7855

i hope this charge of post nut clarity is enough to finish at least something otherwise my adhd or whatever the fuck it is is gonna kill me brutally. i don't think it's adhd tbh, i can't be ill xDD i think it's something simpler but since i can't fix it anyway, why not label it as per modern trend
yes i'm retarded, likely at least

  No. 7856

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Hmmm wouldn't getting shit done first be more rewarding and motivating?
I think you're using your spells in wrong order lizza

>think it's something simpler but since i can't fix it

Try to get yourself checked, that would show you the ways to at least find some methods that could help

Things are going to stay the same or get worse for sure if you don't act on it.
+it's easier to die if you tried all the possible methods to help yourself

  No. 7857

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>Hmmm wouldn't getting shit done first be more rewarding and motivating?
the shit's been playing on my nerves like some fucking Beethoven or whatever, I DO NOT GET MOTIVATED FROM DOING THIS BORING STUPID FUCKING REPETITIVE BULLSHIT, it's been driving me crazy for years now, i think i need a change but i've grown incapable of accepting the reality outside so yeah whatever

i can't even fucking sleep like a normal lizard

it's driving me nuts the tension is insane every time i have to do this fucking shit again i feel like i'm sitting on fucking needles, I JUST CAN'T KEEP GOING

picrel is me making a lasagna with the BLOOD OF THEIR FUCKING CHILDREN

  No. 7858

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>Try to get yourself checked, that would show you the ways to at least find some methods that could help
liz you bet i can't do no shit because just think about it, if i had access to actual medical help i wouldn't be in this predicament in the first place

the only help i can get in here is getting btfod. oh it's so fucking frustrating

i can't explain it to you liz even if i wanted that's just too fucking involved

i feel shit -> need to fix shit -> can't fix shit -> go get help -> from whom? -> from humans -> FROM HUMANS? GO FUCK YOURSELF -> i feel shit

this is roughly what happens in my light forsaken lizhead i am fucking sick of it, i don't even know where to start if i were asked what's wrong i'd reply I DON'T GIVE A FUCK

i know clever therapists or whatever probably can untangle this, but
a. there are none that i know of
b. there are no clinics that i trust anywhere around
c. who the fuck cares i can't even fucking pay
d. ??????????

liz this is insane

>it's easier to die if you tried all the possible methods to help yourself

can't even do that i am so mentally wrecked i'm not even up to killing myself because lol why i'll die eventually anyway, maybe if i starve i'll kill myself but till then it's just fast forward teeth clenched ass burning hatred boiling inside

warmbloods are so fucking abominable I WANT TO EAT THEIR BABIES

  No. 7859

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i'm done for today, didn't finish shit but at least made some sort of a move or whatever i hate this so fucking much

time to rot

oh i so wish that my brain doesn't work and doesn't torture me


  No. 7860

Haha that's literaly my view on life
>i can't even fucking sleep like a normal lizard
Been there, I always had to got myself to state where I was literaly falling asleep standing because otherwise my thoughts would torment me
>clever therapists or whatever probably can untangle this
Yeah therapist would be the most reliable thing.
Other than that self-observation and reflection, like journal or some shit - I was doing it in my head and that helped me understand why I am and act like this.
Then it's easier to work with therapist /or even chatgpt to get yourself to know better (not great but sometimes it can show you the direction or make your behaviour look less crazy)


I get it but unfortunately some problems can not be solved or explored solo.
What helped me open up was seeing them as tools, sure some might be dull but every opinion outside of your head has some worth as it can help you understand reality better - you don't have to agree (most will be dumb but in such cases it shows you that others are also limited beings, I often get jellous of their stupidity)

You are bothered by own issues for a long time and external help is needed.
If you were able to handle it solo then you would have already fixed this (the pain would already motivated you).
Or perhaps not, maybe you need more suffering but that's just too risky to wait for the answer to reveal itself.
You are not going to get used to the feelings that trouble you.
It will only get worse and make you lose sanity

  No. 7861

Lol "flood detected" had to change device

a. I signed up for the cheapest with the highest review score - will see how it goes tomorrow!
b. fuck it, yolo. You don't have to trust anyone, we are just money for them, I mean clients, um patients!
c. ask parents/get some part-time job - I get how hard and harmful that may be for you but it's still not worse than doing nothing about it and continuing to be in your current state.
I've gained two additional mental disorders from forcing myself to work when I was not ready but hey it's better than being hobo.
Pointing this out so it so I don't sound like git gud bro.

>can't even do that i am so mentally wrecked i'm not even up to killing myself because lol why i'll die eventually anyway

Been there but it gets worse, my subconsciousness gained their own voice and started tormenting + giving me very unpleasant visions.
It sounds cool when I write haha but that's really fucked up thing and sadly there is nothing good about it. Can't reason with it nor control it, annoying little shit that will make sure you spiral down even harder so it can die with you.

>didn't finish shit

Same, I can't bring myself to finish anything for a few weeks already. Tried organizing stuff in drawers so everything is out and it's even worse before I started.
At least I have enough motivation to keep the room free of any stuff that might start to stink.
Hnghhhh this pic is so cute and the color scheme is beautiful.

  No. 7862

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Cont of >>7860 >>7861

Ligga act up, I don't want you to get worse and suffer any longer.
I didn't fix any of my shit yet - taking first steps.
Still suicidal and nothing really changed but I'm fed up with prolonging my life any longer and being on egde of quiting.

Gave myself deadline of 18months, already wasted 5.
Can't imagine myself making it that far, wanna join me in this journey?

  No. 7863

thank you liz i don't know what to answer though, head empty. i rage quit yesterday again, digging even a deeper grave for myself. escapism goes rampant

  No. 7864

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Shieeet got diagnosed borderline.
There are 9 types of personality and I've got a mix
All good, take care

  No. 7865

what's the implication of being bpd?

  No. 7867

  No. 7868

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Hell, there is no me in me. My persona got obliterated. No sense of self.
I'm basically a corpse that can be molded like play-doh by other people, guided by fear and what people say to me.
Whole viewpoint and "personality" (that I don't even have) can change in a second
"I" am literally fucking dead.

Basically I was in such pain that my brain decided that the best decision is fucking wiping the drive clear.
I'm never going to be able to recover the person that was living in this body and controlling it.
Now there are just instincts left and other's opinions to guide.
And not like I can even count on these because I might just go crazy and do the opposite.

She said that I have mix of borderline personalities (there is probably one or two more mixed in but I will know on Friday):

Avoidant Personality Disorder – Marked by extreme sensitivity to criticism and rejection, leading to avoidance of social situations and close relationships.

Dependent Personality Disorder – Characterized by a strong need to depend on others, a fear of separation, and allowing others to make decisions for them."

Like Ligga what the fuck is this bullshit, those are the opposites.
+don't forget that's not who I was, that's just shit brain made up.

Fucking tortures

  No. 7869

I feel for you but can't relate to the symptoms. I'm not exactly in the state of mind when I can lucidly judge about my perception of the world. The only consistent trait about myself is lack of interest in others. I soft of half live in my day-dream-world and it's been like this since early adolescence. That's all I can say for sure. Everything else would be just some sort of a delusion.

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