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/b/ -Burrow

Bury yourself in the ground lizzie
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File: 1600552037112.jpg (331.7 KB ,658x575 , IBt0nObvpTSGUk4HhWQCqEVr13….jpg )

  No. 6023 [Last50 Posts]

I am going to post 1(one) cute file every day until raptor jesus takes me.God bless.

  No. 6024

File: 1600553061882.jpg (405.01 KB ,1250x1250 , 1355085873773.jpg )

not the liz who made the original thread,
but I hope to revive it until he and others return
and I will keep the spirit going.

  No. 6025

File: 1600657617746.jpg (581.51 KB ,1200x1697 , 640079e7eb9204f64670563d5e….jpg )

  No. 6026

File: 1600713445946.png (219.77 KB ,512x512 , unnamed.png )


  No. 6027

File: 1600737088079.jpg (558.74 KB ,750x531 , 762caae523926992d99f9fbae2….jpg )

  No. 6028

File: 1600910274178.jpg (213.78 KB ,1280x910 , 9dda7bd7906f946ce0cbb3f2e6….jpg )

  No. 6029

File: 1600946786243.gif (406.77 KB ,500x500 , chen_gif.gif )

>mfw browsing lizchan

  No. 6030

File: 1600961697204.gif (211.95 KB ,560x315 , 19d0d1476fb0c6379ce732bc22….gif )

Im still MAD that it took them this LONG to bring it back up,
It was pure TORTURE interacting with warmbloods on other ibs.

  No. 6031

File: 1600969997664.jpg (185.01 KB ,800x800 , 0792d3ba7b05ff35bf28f42e89….jpg )

Not even him who brought it back.

  No. 6032

File: 1600978882613.jpeg (176.37 KB ,1080x1080 , 48bde363f26c4464ac7ba7699….jpeg )

  No. 6033

File: 1600999103605.gif (1.14 MB ,510x510 , me.gif )

Doesnt matter!
I still want that apology!

  No. 6034

File: 1601137951896.jpg (1.52 MB ,1536x2048 , 37efa79ff2d9afa157b3585134….jpg )

  No. 6035

File: 1601227853965.jpg (149.32 KB ,900x1400 , 072dbe940f14482a1ea228c013….jpg )

  No. 6036

File: 1601254905161.jpg (122.98 KB ,860x822 , 7ap100jwvek31.jpg )

I missed this place, and this thread in particular.

  No. 6037

File: 1601257631772.jpg (97.54 KB ,544x626 , 1588259659743.jpg )

kept you waiting, huh?

  No. 6038

File: 1601369194614.jpg (175.13 KB ,627x885 , fc10aa12605684adeb33e1195f….jpg )

I made some pancakes
Want sum?

  No. 6039

File: 1601478263951.jpg (823.73 KB ,1881x2048 , 2f81b04184f09ac5a322baddf3….jpg )

Don't mind if I do.

  No. 6040

File: 1601481682468.png (256.64 KB ,800x800 , 85e4b180c4adc3c543be1d7802….png )

Pancakes are the best

  No. 6041

File: 1601494788823.png (981.49 KB ,1280x720 , b78796716625877cb2f0f5600d….png )

  No. 6042

File: 1601605589108.gif (966.01 KB ,500x281 , a8f45fb41ee1bf97f59c8a4161….gif )

  No. 6043

File: 1601696371772-0.jpg (540.71 KB ,566x800 , 7eb8b32654274c563befc6a05d….jpg )

File: 1601696371773-1.jpg (154.38 KB ,1000x930 , 605baaa86e5552f9336dc4e005….jpg )

File: 1601696371773-2.jpg (98.56 KB ,600x450 , bcca959ceb855f94985ea13208….jpg )

File: 1601696371773-3.jpg (720.11 KB ,1600x1200 , c4fdb90df75286bc0c4cb890d2….jpg )

having cofefe and donuts.
hbu lizzies?

  No. 6044

File: 1601861982735.png (614.75 KB ,640x631 , 0cc9813dd34ddd4b9b889fdcc0….png )

>mfw no lizzie wants sum cofefe and donuts

  No. 6045

File: 1601899632143.jpg (1.94 MB ,4093x2894 , 80f8f51e1e5bb905f1a160bbf8….jpg )

We've just had a visitor who literally runs a coffee-themed chan.
I think it was very rude of him not to drop by this thread!

  No. 6046

File: 1601981414101.png (1.97 MB ,1000x1000 , a7bdf66f6fa308b221d1b5ef98….png )

bury rude indeed

  No. 6050

File: 1602032077974.jpg (1.07 MB ,1254x1771 , bfddb5d4fb6e86bc5b96508ffb….jpg )

pov of me in my home

  No. 6064

File: 1602118939062.jpg (464.05 KB ,1000x1000 , e3b4a5c9956e38ecc6148c299b….jpg )

  No. 6068

File: 1602223264576.jpg (199.12 KB ,700x800 , 22d1c9b97d2160285399a7b1dc….jpg )


  No. 6073

File: 1602278517473.jpg (705.32 KB ,1200x1200 , a00b007ae2696c35a0624c5a86….jpg )

  No. 6076

why cant i post webms

  No. 6078

File: 1602392050936.jpg (870.55 KB ,900x675 , 60c6c83716a925bf23f1930985….jpg )

  No. 6080

File: 1602526221558.jpg (118.62 KB ,1000x1000 , fdb7eb89dc940f613c7fc09ad5….jpg )

  No. 6082

File: 1602548988407.gif (1.67 MB ,1018x679 , 2709cd1915d39e7bf574e4fd46….gif )

  No. 6085

File: 1602718321713.gif (931.06 KB ,1x1 , 92672493efed5b89c6a388f43a….gif )

  No. 6088

File: 1602789930997.jpg (15.47 KB ,200x200 , honja.jpg )

why isnt my gif loading?

  No. 6112

File: 1603232784177.jpg (329.86 KB ,553x655 , f3a2932383b55c503edfd078f2….jpg )

  No. 6117

File: 1603339642824.jpg (788.74 KB ,2480x3508 , 553f3d532fa5fdd8259f39f4a5….jpg )

*blows smoke in your face*

  No. 6159

File: 1603748164458.jpg (261.36 KB ,959x1089 , 96cbffbe596126430c44efadcc….jpg )

You've been slacking on your duties to post cute pics OP!

  No. 6167

File: 1603776853944.png (843.68 KB ,1000x1647 , 8a733f7fda81e7ca321a9bc9af….png )

I havent been feeling so good lately

  No. 6181

File: 1604037203580.jpg (305.37 KB ,893x872 , 8d8046de51ec6ce8a0c03e7403….jpg )

  No. 6184

File: 1604115352895.jpg (4.44 MB ,3400x4800 , f9dd6c539ee159a028cffb5127….jpg )

  No. 6193

File: 1604206777235-0.jpg (60.56 KB ,600x370 , 5166a89b16b8735cb336cab8ad….jpg )

File: 1604206777235-1.jpg (122.46 KB ,296x700 , 7c8fe0ecb98a1531a6daa5d827….jpg )

File: 1604206777235-2.jpg (84.49 KB ,761x1090 , bd49364a7155b1871f142dde96….jpg )


  No. 6194

File: 1604206847696-0.png (28.9 KB ,750x600 , 846052ce6a563d36ae6b5e846f….png )

File: 1604206847696-1.jpg (414.71 KB ,2048x1152 , 18411ce6a802d79efc1525af79….jpg )

File: 1604206847696-2.jpg (57.09 KB ,474x670 , 952e981b7740db37a592072ba9….jpg )

  No. 6195

File: 1604206952832-0.jpg (2.92 MB ,2480x3507 , 800cf0cc315fc472628749c2ee….jpg )

File: 1604206952832-1.jpg (554.46 KB ,600x800 , 720f72e83b5f5db7b41bf7d745….jpg )

File: 1604206952832-2.png (697.35 KB ,800x764 , cb8b2dd65ce78676abedfc07bc….png )

  No. 6196

File: 1604207072738-0.jpg (319.26 KB ,1463x1024 , d57710e198baa68062f80e4987….jpg )

File: 1604207072738-1.png (280.46 KB ,1500x1500 , dac74312a42741451a0fc3b447….png )

File: 1604207072738-2.jpg (59.06 KB ,1024x629 , cb9bbfe16b3324585541c461e3….jpg )


  No. 6197

File: 1604207183641-0.jpg (65.91 KB ,768x958 , dc26795d789dabdeb314be6d40….jpg )

File: 1604207183641-1.jpg (556.63 KB ,1158x1637 , 24b305bec1bb02168a9999cc0d….jpg )

File: 1604207183641-2.jpg (255.84 KB ,800x1000 , a9752aebad93c0bcbc00c39082….jpg )


  No. 6198

File: 1604207340009-0.jpg (90.84 KB ,512x640 , 25f9f936655be83337e1d7712c….jpg )

File: 1604207340009-1.jpg (109.93 KB ,749x1000 , a33905a92d639f2fe8727c13bb….jpg )

File: 1604207340010-2.jpg (158.76 KB ,960x1280 , 4534651640e2265299f22b81e5….jpg )


  No. 6199

File: 1604207560368-0.jpg (71.64 KB ,1000x1000 , 6d7ef7dba176e8554b0a001141….jpg )

File: 1604207560368-1.png (862.29 KB ,1297x1655 , 8782c129dfed45138817ba9495….png )

File: 1604207560368-2.png (1.32 MB ,1369x2000 , 1ec65c4eaf126271845d5050fd….png )

  No. 6200

File: 1604207650153-0.jpg (195.44 KB ,1865x1780 , 57db47cc2a12b0243e2bbdf81f….jpg )

File: 1604207650153-1.jpg (1.16 MB ,2039x2738 , 9beafeab7a2be5e15078fb7bdd….jpg )

File: 1604207650153-2.jpg (336.08 KB ,1923x1923 , ec2f83ef75a8feea7970e93a37….jpg )

  No. 6201

File: 1604207755043-0.png (352.12 KB ,511x743 , 10044598afefbfb21c7cc99015….png )

File: 1604207755043-1.png (443.92 KB ,511x743 , 582c99e384359dbbca43bd3ab0….png )

File: 1604207755043-2.jpg (891.37 KB ,1447x2047 , bee782835140fb3f9b6d7de0d8….jpg )

  No. 6202

File: 1604207820347.png (570.76 KB ,566x800 , dd8b8c814c057686969ff8a6c2….png )

tahts all folks

  No. 6203

oofie this is a lot of cute

  No. 6208


goodnight, sweet prince.

  No. 6210

File: 1604280203559.jpg (327.62 KB ,866x1000 , 1b2a6faf68c95ebea8b52f4f73….jpg )

ily cute poster !

  No. 6214

File: 1604298840969.png (410.25 KB ,682x682 , 88cdda007fc27878e164525c51….png )

  No. 6215

File: 1604302558451.jpg (15.59 KB ,256x266 , 445724_1352736143321_256_2….jpg )


  No. 6217

File: 1604376074421.jpg (280.93 KB ,2039x1378 , 949337983f6c2171b6cbda9f07….jpg )

  No. 6218

File: 1604453216240.png (2.74 MB ,3541x2508 , 90dc8f7d360363c4418f65cc7d….png )

Want some food stranger?

  No. 6219

Can I haz some cunny with that bread?

  No. 6220

File: 1604528259618.jpg (1.56 MB ,1840x2304 , 18e6a0cd96a1d0c89ee8fd9de8….jpg )

I was just kidding, get fucked lol

  No. 6226

File: 1604642930524.jpg (90.99 KB ,503x354 , 1287b3ec9873b4da8d9be1aadc….jpg )

  No. 6241

File: 1604861165925.png (788.87 KB ,728x823 , bf9215b3234d030fe9fb5eb0c0….png )

  No. 6250

File: 1604959393758.jpg (53.09 KB ,337x333 , f71b6149e4c2457a201a9deb4b….jpg )

  No. 6251

File: 1604967273898-0.jpg (2.27 MB ,2367x3541 , 5a95126b5dc829ffc786345b00….jpg )

File: 1604967273898-1.jpg (59.15 KB ,449x515 , 84663336acba0006115fae0251….jpg )

File: 1604967273898-2.jpg (187.97 KB ,1245x2111 , 9547c62eb802fba246fe746c11….jpg )

Feeling good today gonna post some more

  No. 6252

File: 1604967317285-0.jpg (132.49 KB ,1360x1360 , eb452a327a4a732c54680e09f5….jpg )

File: 1604967317285-1.jpg (1.98 MB ,2039x2894 , 404f7c1570e6998ae311b9663d….jpg )

File: 1604967317285-2.jpg (503.19 KB ,2048x1653 , 8bff189f839d860142f926aafc….jpg )

  No. 6253

File: 1604967378191-0.jpg (236.53 KB ,1281x906 , 0ea092f058766a35116886726e….jpg )

File: 1604967378191-1.jpg (217.59 KB ,1000x500 , 80cdbc57b00a2ad6877effcf18….jpg )

File: 1604967378191-2.jpg (291.78 KB ,2039x1378 , 4df9d4a24c91e5d3a23c68171d….jpg )

  No. 6254

File: 1604967587078-0.png (481.28 KB ,1003x892 , 55068bc76acdf53156088e7baa….png )

File: 1604967587078-1.jpg (43.73 KB ,350x382 , fea9a68670db22dd1d40f31cf9….jpg )

File: 1604967587078-2.png (174.76 KB ,326x340 , b000d950e0e0e6d2a7c81939d8….png )

  No. 6255

File: 1604967628924.jpg (741.2 KB ,1280x1280 , d1fb54d6e2703ed3e9d0813d48….jpg )

  No. 6261

File: 1605048228378.jpg (474.26 KB ,1517x2048 , b28f7281841e768b262cb2ddbf….jpg )

  No. 6273

File: 1605153503022.jpg (1.56 MB ,2000x1367 , 1604608741599.jpg )

  No. 6296

File: 1605344925724.jpg (157.24 KB ,960x1280 , 7f357809bf9d8e5403dca29718….jpg )

  No. 6297

I just experienced an extremely satisfying and copious orgasm.

  No. 6298

File: 1605361661868.png (1.62 MB ,879x973 , 93a01bf669dfef8665cfe840cc….png )


  No. 6301

File: 1605399276439.mp4 (4.54 MB ,360x360 , Shikkoku no Sharnoth.mp4 )

  No. 6327

File: 1605665618595.jpg (658.98 KB ,1371x959 , 43dc3a0d9505f4c0305f7e721e….jpg )

  No. 6337

File: 1605713123881.jpeg (Spoiler Image,79.59 KB ,1091x775 , 3d331b954988dec02f66008e7….jpeg )

God I wish that were me

  No. 6339

Finally a brave soul to demolish lewd prohibition

  No. 6344

Yes I am very brave

  No. 6384

File: 1606607713009.png (66.34 KB ,388x389 , 1606248120138.png )

Wth mods whyd you delete my post it wasnt even that bad?
Jeez how hard is it to put on a spoiler feature, it was there last time.

  No. 6385

File: 1606609958372.jpg (61.79 KB ,684x468 , _d7078717e22a605a1cb3862b….jpg )

I second that

  No. 6386

Rule 5 (also this is borderline >>6337)

  No. 6389

File: 1606649601500.jpg (38.76 KB ,400x400 , f96f5f2a9388378f6654ac5762….jpg )

>No ones even posted hentai yet I'm pretty sure and it's only allowed on /b/, I believe the rule is about expressing desire for 3D more so than 2D - I may be wrong.

That's how it was and never changed untill now. No 2d was deleted ever.
Only 3dpd was banished.

Yet it was posted so rarely that >>6386 thinks this rule apply to drawings.
It's funny because previous "I am going to post 1(one) cute file every day " thread had it but now it's not okay to post stuff in newer one.

Here are pics to back up what I wrote because I have to much time
>>5615 >>5144 >>5164 >>5575 >>5608 >>5791 >>5801 >>5811 >>5816 >>3526 >>5393 >>5394

  No. 6390

2d hentai is porn though. What are you talking about?

Yes, the rule is a new thing. You can't post depictions of sex although you can certainly post nude/ecchi, so all of those are fine (except one that had futa dick sucking). It's pretty lax, therefore only your file is even going to be deleted and not your entire post, nor are you going to get banned for this rule (unless you spam porn, but spamming is a different rule). The rule is there in order to make Lizchan enjoyable to browse and not get blasted by NSFW inside every thread you open. But if you don't like it, you can certainly go argue your case in /meta/ because that is where the rule was first suggested (this post should've been a thread in /meta/ >>6384).

I don't understand why do you want to post obscene/graphic material in a cute thread anyway?

  No. 6392

>Yes, the rule is a new thing. You can't post depictions of sex although you can certainly post nude/ecchi
This isnt sex though and it fits your own rule in your head. Like I said it put a spoiler like what we had before if it bothers your so much.
>I don't understand why do you want to post obscene/graphic material in a cute thread anyway?
Its banter read the previous posts, shame this place has turned to become no different then faceberg, discord, 4cuck where tranny mods delete shit that they dont agree with and what pretty much constitutes thought crimes tier.

  No. 6396

File: 1606698353226.png (655.66 KB ,894x894 , e20a6459d72a112bc1d009dc53….png )

This pic is technicaly SFW but I don't feel safe.
What was on that deleted picture?
Could you upload to imgur? I want to know what's going lol
>all of those are fine (except futa sucking one)
Oh so it's cool as long as they're not touching their things and stuff. And 2d solo action is okay? Same with post 2dsex pics if there is only one person?
Looks like it's a little complicated that's why I'm asking

  No. 6398

Woah it looks even worse today.
Hands down the most disturbing thing posted.

  No. 6723

  No. 6891

File: 1638832568333.jpg (521.71 KB ,740x1035 , loooong.jpg )

It seems like we've both died, and are now ghost. But through our obnoxious cute image posting we've kept jp spirit alive in our place.

  No. 6894

File: 1638929506475.png (1.84 MB ,1713x2423 , 83425853_p2.png )

  No. 6896

File: 1639023719557.jpg (83.96 KB ,1080x1153 , snale.jpg )

  No. 6898

File: 1639106402023.jpg (127.27 KB ,750x993 , EJTJpu7WoAQVYed.jpg )

  No. 6900

File: 1639190250689.png (299.15 KB ,517x729 , 1604715614636.png )

  No. 6910

File: 1639278925072.jpg (99.74 KB ,600x600 , 1594938718202.jpg )

*blocks ur path*

  No. 6912

Holy scales!
That's Yakui <.<

  No. 6913

File: 1639375307788.png (138.02 KB ,339x444 , 1557952371483.png )

You must be mistaken.

  No. 6915

File: 1639488120854.jpg (900.61 KB ,2500x2500 , 79152884_p0.jpg )

  No. 6922

File: 1639580743617.png (572.6 KB ,1000x699 , LuckyOJ.png )

  No. 6924

File: 1639713783644.png (216.32 KB ,626x484 , 9c5181d1abccfc19dfd8ba9603….png )

  No. 6925

File: 1639846184831.jpg (29.87 KB ,600x500 , 99.jpg )

  No. 6930

File: 1639930598468.jpg (1.15 MB ,1448x2048 , 81147162_p0.jpg )

  No. 6934

File: 1640038771918.jpg (1010.17 KB ,3846x2336 , 90382268_p0.jpg )

  No. 6938

File: 1640120258005.jpg (408.22 KB ,1664x1432 , 88985969_p1.jpg )

  No. 6942

File: 1640217632542.jpg (220.56 KB ,900x971 , 31a2ea5f3b1d7e14c9b4fc5884….jpg )

  No. 6950

File: 1640317117703.jpg (66.27 KB ,1280x999 , 1621993886238.jpg )

  No. 6954

File: 1640393889028.jpg (750.27 KB ,648x911 , 94994909_p0.jpg )

  No. 6964

File: 1640478302270.jpg (564.34 KB ,1544x2000 , 73074452_p0.jpg )

  No. 6965

File: 1640567714918.jpg (544.83 KB ,1429x1957 , FEGWFNXakAA3ile.jpg )

  No. 6966

File: 1640651705425.jpg (130.69 KB ,1024x921 , EOU0oPyU8AEvl1g.jpg )

  No. 6969

File: 1640742495569.jpg (197 KB ,862x934 , sand.jpg )

  No. 6978

File: 1640831744937.png (1.6 MB ,4299x2618 , HuTao106.png )

  No. 6981

File: 1640923131843.jpg (214.33 KB ,1000x750 , EvEwtkBVIAQGZf-.jpg )

  No. 6983


  No. 6985

File: 1641002557977.jpg (306.83 KB ,850x1133 , amber16.jpg )

  No. 6989

File: 1641092239331.gif (92.84 KB ,370x300 , 1596779508979.gif )

  No. 6990

File: 1641186012613.png (1.31 MB ,1243x1500 , 1608042063217.png )

  No. 6993

File: 1641273474593.jpg (453.85 KB ,1582x2048 , FD_mjw3akAA67lX.jpg )

  No. 6999

File: 1641371475868.gif (1.78 MB ,378x368 , 1571194468086.gif )

  No. 7001

File: 1641452544482.jpg (111.23 KB ,774x817 , 1612247267490.jpg )

I am at my FUCKING limit

  No. 7004

File: 1641542811969.gif (1.99 MB ,389x415 , 1528464050610.gif )

  No. 7005

File: 1641611476134.jpg (109.54 KB ,850x850 , 1606563554632.jpg )

  No. 7008

File: 1641710463400.png (384.21 KB ,936x1000 , 1587665378110.png )

  No. 7016

File: 1641847834837.gif (1015.35 KB ,471x265 , wBTMF9v.gif )

  No. 7028

File: 1641970776519.png (1003.98 KB ,1000x1412 , 74372784_p0.png )

  No. 7030

File: 1642093104167.gif (233.06 KB ,180x320 , 1469024850177.gif )

  No. 7040

File: 1642225008287.jpg (84.95 KB ,400x400 , 68707999_p5.jpg )

  No. 7042

File: 1642407618460.jpg (856.76 KB ,2150x3035 , 72820914_p1.jpg )

cleaning the board

  No. 7044

File: 1642496374567.png (79.39 KB ,740x437 , 1626281991764.png )

  No. 7051

File: 1642640952344.jpg (127.27 KB ,912x503 , 1623281113546.jpg )

  No. 7058

File: 1642761697676.jpg (148.98 KB ,734x1014 , 1537052326352.jpg )

  No. 7064

File: 1642918482664.png (482.84 KB ,792x840 , 1kwp6qifvv711.png )

  No. 7069

File: 1643069197298.gif (677.8 KB ,640x480 , 1456739772166.gif )

  No. 7073

File: 1643212564899.jpg (574.26 KB ,3000x3000 , FJ__db_VIAApDCS.jpg )

  No. 7074

Weird legs, tho look at that color shift

  No. 7080

File: 1643385507858.jpg (756.76 KB ,960x1200 , 92408307_p0_master1200.jpg )

  No. 7086

File: 1643540642209.jpg (1.47 MB ,1041x1473 , 94600438_p0.jpg )

  No. 7092

File: 1643677933485.jpg (679.31 KB ,2221x2378 , 92902654_p2.jpg )

  No. 7095

File: 1643892136018.jpg (1012.06 KB ,1029x1200 , 95156196_p0_master1200.jpg )

  No. 7096

File: 1644019693086.jpg (479.25 KB ,851x1200 , 96008501_p0_master1200.jpg )

  No. 7098

File: 1644155730401.jpg (276.16 KB ,828x1028 , 96005385_p5.jpg )

  No. 7365

Are you dead?

  No. 7366

When the server was backed up, all of my images were gone, and I didn't want to rebuild the thread after that. I started after the last cute poster in at least February 2023 and ended in July.

  No. 7590

File: 1718507734218-0.jpg (74.3 KB ,850x780 , agent 3 bike by dr mice.jpg )

File: 1718507734218-1.jpg (99.64 KB ,850x647 , agent 3 by dr mice.jpg )

File: 1718507734218-2.jpg (108.82 KB ,850x637 , akatsuki kirika, tachibana….jpg )

File: 1718507734218-3.jpg (169.71 KB ,850x1102 , amou kanade and kazanari t….jpg )

File: 1718507734218-4.jpg (116.39 KB ,850x850 , annaka haruna by aaaa (qua….jpg )

Rebuilding my contribution (154 files). Minimum amount of days if I post the maximum (5) a day: 30.4 days. I'm just gonna post them from the top of my folder to the bottom of my folder.

  No. 7591

File: 1718576245391-0.jpg (585.4 KB ,850x540 , aoshima.jpg )

File: 1718576245391-1.jpg (496.48 KB ,850x1202 , argonian by sat-v12.jpg )

File: 1718576245391-2.jpg (162.16 KB ,1040x1300 , ashley graham and leon s. ….jpg )

File: 1718576245391-3.jpg (122.78 KB ,850x1134 , azazel (helltaer) by noah ….jpg )

File: 1718576245391-4.webm (71.97 KB ,800x600 , banjo-kazooie 2 by iro g….webm )

  No. 7593

File: 1718685502184-0.webm (256.39 KB ,800x600 , banjo-kazooie by iro goma….webm )

File: 1718685502184-1.webm (1.01 MB ,768x576 , banjo-kazooie pogchamp by….webm )

File: 1718685502184-2.jpg (77.33 KB ,850x402 , black betty (meme) by umbr….jpg )

File: 1718685502184-3.jpg (585.06 KB ,756x1080 , brdget (guilty gear) by on….jpg )

File: 1718685502184-4.jpg (124.15 KB ,850x930 , bunnie rabbot by vi bunja.jpg )

All B's today.

  No. 7594

File: 1718730749909-0.jpg (69.91 KB ,400x400 , tumblr_ptzab93GP31vy2tgqo8….jpg )

Heck yeh he's back

  No. 7601

File: 1718857532967-0.jpg (218.49 KB ,900x1200 , chen by nunnun (shunka shu….jpg )

File: 1718857532967-1.jpg (462.86 KB ,700x988 , chen scared by ryuu (multi….jpg )

File: 1718857532967-2.jpg (185.92 KB ,850x946 , coco and crash bandicoot b….jpg )

File: 1718857532967-3.png (34.18 KB ,471x637 , curly brace by wamudraws.png )

Just realized it's alphabetical. Today's letter is C!

  No. 7623

File: 1718997912382-0.png (117.34 KB ,900x568 , dot warner by emererre.png )

File: 1718997912382-1.png (560.72 KB ,680x660 , dragonite by akadako.png )

File: 1718997912382-2.jpg (103.97 KB ,850x1047 , druid troll (warcraft) by ….jpg )

File: 1718997912382-3.jpeg (356.12 KB ,1000x750 , Elder Scrolls by Velena G….jpeg )

File: 1718997912382-4.jpg (114.07 KB ,850x680 , eromanga sensei, lucky sta….jpg )

I'm going to try catching up by posting twice today. One now, one later.

  No. 7624

File: 1719020621679-0.png (618.51 KB ,915x1300 , fujiwara chika by aetherio….png )

File: 1719020621679-1.jpg (28.73 KB ,401x536 , fujiwara no mokou by jokan….jpg )

File: 1719020621679-2.jpg (1.06 MB ,850x1136 , futari escape by taguchi s….jpg )

File: 1719020621679-3.jpg (121.53 KB ,850x1328 , gotou hitori by kanata mak….jpg )

File: 1719020621679-4.jpg (380.32 KB ,850x850 , go-toubun no hanayome by a….jpg )

  No. 7625

File: 1719085213996-0.jpg (294.28 KB ,850x1212 , harry potter parody by tyr….jpg )

File: 1719085213996-1.jpg (517.86 KB ,850x966 , hat kid and hilda by brick….jpg )

File: 1719085213996-2.jpeg (619.69 KB ,882x1115 , hat kid by unknown.jpeg )

File: 1719085213996-3.jpg (268.33 KB ,850x1360 , hatsune miku by unknown.jpg )

File: 1719085213996-4.png (1.73 MB ,1008x1723 , hayasaka ai by unknown.png )

Ooo Hitori looks so cute in that picture. Almost makes reconsider my total love of lolicon.

  No. 7627

File: 1719359829439-0.jpg (87.09 KB ,720x1061 , heveli by lagartixa amarel….jpg )

File: 1719359829439-1.png (529.19 KB ,1024x633 , hieda no akyuu, himekaidou….png )

File: 1719359829439-2.jpg (67.95 KB ,850x495 , higashiyama kobeni and vio….jpg )

File: 1719359829439-3.jpg (153.19 KB ,850x1119 , higashiyama kobeni by null….jpg )

File: 1719359829439-4.jpg (111.27 KB ,850x1313 , hiiragi tsukasa by hano lu….jpg )

Due to the SSL certificate being invalid for a day, I'm gonna have to play catch up again. Only for two days, though.

  No. 7630

File: 1719406351751-0.jpg (84.62 KB ,850x852 , hinata yukari cosplaying c….jpg )

File: 1719406351751-1.png (901.29 KB ,900x1262 , houjou satoko by satou mit….png )

File: 1719406351751-2.png (456.43 KB ,900x1058 , hozuki kaede by nekotoufu.png )

File: 1719406351751-3.jpg (133.67 KB ,850x804 , hozuki kaedr and oyama mih….jpg )

File: 1719406351751-4.jpg (240.28 KB ,850x850 , huntress wizard and finn t….jpg )

  No. 7633

can you post more Hanako? I know it's Bocchi in the 4th image but I seriously dig Hanako

  No. 7634

*Urawa Hanako

  No. 7635

File: 1719486804321-0.jpg (417.68 KB ,850x850 , ibarazaki emi by boa (bria….jpg )

File: 1719486804321-1.jpg (42.63 KB ,850x853 , ibarazaki emi by zlix0n.jpg )

File: 1719486804321-2.png (190.99 KB ,850x628 , ichijou mirakichi.png )

File: 1719486804321-3.jpg (567.77 KB ,763x1089 , imaizumi kagerou by wool (….jpg )

File: 1719486804321-4.jpg (180.46 KB ,850x1342 , inubashiri momiji by match….jpg )

I gotcha. I'll post Hanako soon.

  No. 7636

File: 1719514569604-0.jpg (764.72 KB ,850x1162 , Urawa Hanako by mmmakaron8….jpg )

File: 1719514569604-1.jpg (383.2 KB ,850x1453 , Urawa Hanako by kji (rozo).jpg )

File: 1719514569604-2.jpg (378.42 KB ,850x643 , Urawa Hanako by sawada yuu….jpg )

File: 1719514569604-3.jpg (152.75 KB ,850x1141 , Urawa Hanako.jpg )

  No. 7637

File: 1719528661681-0.jpg (165.24 KB ,850x1051 , isabelle by panken.jpg )

File: 1719528661681-1.jpg (137.67 KB ,850x747 , isabelle dark souls by spi….jpg )

File: 1719528661681-2.jpg (104.8 KB ,850x890 , iwakura lain by aiu404l.jpg )

File: 1719528661681-3.png (151.31 KB ,400x800 , iwakura lain by aoi nori (….png )

File: 1719528661681-4.jpg (199.15 KB ,1431x2048 , kaban (kemono friends) by ….jpg )

  No. 7638

File: 1719588839937-0.jpg (190.19 KB ,850x1392 , kaban and serval (kemono f….jpg )

File: 1719588839937-1.jpg (234.02 KB ,850x1700 , kagari atsuko by orenji (w….jpg )

File: 1719588839937-2.jpg (80.42 KB ,850x850 , kagari atsuko by psylduck.jpg )

File: 1719588839937-3.jpg (100.42 KB ,850x584 , kagari atsuko by rappa.jpg )

File: 1719588839937-4.png (28.26 KB ,757x528 , kagura from azumanga daioh….png )

Woah, a lot of Atsuko pictures ngl. She's pretty cute though, so it makes sense why I decided to post her three times. In other news, I'm downloading new pictures to post after this, so please look forward to that. I'm trying to focus on original content, different artists, and girls from different content for some variety. I'm also going to try to add content from animations that I personally loved as well as sharing animated content in general.

  No. 7639

File: 1719620072736.jpeg (3.93 KB ,225x225 , images (15).jpeg )

Lain is not retarded attention whore she would never wear cringe like this

  No. 7640

File: 1719620659568.jpg (59.55 KB ,850x890 , 1719528661681-2~3.jpg )

Much better now

  No. 7641

File: 1719622424345.png (21.95 KB ,434x463 , 1719020740540821.png )

God Hanako ticks me in all the good spots.
Thanks liz.

  No. 7642

File: 1719638158818-0.jpg (138.36 KB ,850x1063 , kanna kamui and kobayashi ….jpg )

File: 1719638158818-1.jpg (74.02 KB ,531x760 , kasuga ayumu by asaba.jpg )

File: 1719638158818-2.jpg (92.28 KB ,792x1016 , kasuga 'osaka' ayumu by su….jpg )

File: 1719638158818-3.jpg (328.06 KB ,850x1226 , kazami yuuka by unknown.jpg )

File: 1719638158818-4.jpg (356 KB ,850x1235 , kel from omoroi by 720M_or….jpg )

Ew, no way! Hitler's bad. I'd rather have a million attention whores vs any person who even likes that guy!

  No. 7643

File: 1719683325651-0.jpg (152.14 KB ,850x517 , kirby by suyasuyabi.jpg )

File: 1719683325651-1.jpg (72.26 KB ,500x557 , kirisame marisa by kokono ….jpg )

File: 1719683325651-2.jpg (113.59 KB ,850x768 , kirisame marisa by unknown.jpg )

File: 1719683325651-3.jpg (139.88 KB ,850x478 , knight lady lapice from gu….jpg )

File: 1719683325651-4.jpg (602.31 KB ,850x708 , komeiji koishi and satori ….jpg )

No problem, liz.

  No. 7645

File: 1719770893893-0.jpg (141.62 KB ,850x1202 , komeiji koishi by dfra.jpg )

File: 1719770893893-1.jpg (149.23 KB ,850x1211 , komeiji koishi by shirotsu….jpg )

File: 1719770893893-2.jpg (89.51 KB ,850x478 , komeiji koishi by unknown.jpg )

File: 1719770893893-3.jpg (1.14 MB ,850x1200 , konpaku youmu by majamari.jpg )

File: 1719770893893-4.jpg (147.28 KB ,850x1206 , kotobuki tsumugi by kicchi….jpg )

  No. 7664

File: 1719801860986-0.jpg (149.22 KB ,850x638 , kudamaki tsukasa by kasuya….jpg )

File: 1719801860986-1.jpg (486.17 KB ,992x1403 , kusakabe misao by kanokoga.jpg )

File: 1719801860986-2.jpg (100.39 KB ,850x1350 , mabel pines by Midnight ・ミ….jpg )

File: 1719801860986-3.jpg (236.9 KB ,1024x576 , made in abyss by unknown.jpg )

File: 1719801860986-4.png (505.72 KB ,600x800 , mankanshoku mako by aether….png )

  No. 7666

It's insane how Mako is both erotic, and a gag character at the same time. I don't know how they did it.

  No. 7667

File: 1719888706915-0.jpg (339.3 KB ,850x478 , megumin by unknown.jpg )

File: 1719888706915-1.jpg (250.18 KB ,850x1176 , megumin by unnown 2.jpg )

File: 1719888706915-2.jpg (1.09 MB ,850x1181 , meica by docozi.jpg )

File: 1719888706915-3.jpg (105.06 KB ,850x638 , mimi-sentry by emperpep.jpg )

File: 1719888706915-4.jpg (144.74 KB ,850x1644 , mina mongoose by yoako.jpg )

The blessed numbers do not lie.I shall post More Mako tomorrow.

This post is also for tomorrow btw. I just find it easier to post in advance.

  No. 7671

File: 1719977086999-0.jpg (102.73 KB ,850x1323 , mankanshoku mako by once.jpg )

File: 1719977086999-1.png (68.29 KB ,390x625 , mankanshoku mako by unknow….png )

File: 1719977086999-2.gif (2.83 MB ,519x475 , mankanshoku mako official ….gif )

File: 1719977086999-3.gif (989.02 KB ,500x281 , mankanshoku mako official.gif )

File: 1719977086999-4.gif (1.41 MB ,670x536 , kill la kill by chim.gif )

  No. 7674

i've seen too much bbw porn to think that that couch is either tits or an ass…

  No. 7675

File: 1720051037447-0.jpg (562.69 KB ,850x675 , miyano shiho by astrayin.jpg )

File: 1720051037447-1.jpg (752.71 KB ,868x1228 , momiji cartoon.jpg )

File: 1720051037447-2.jpg (156.85 KB ,850x1046 , momiji peace.jpg )

File: 1720051037447-3.jpg (109.66 KB ,850x617 , momiji's cute abs.jpg )

File: 1720051037447-4.jpg (114.17 KB ,850x797 , mona from warioware and wa….jpg )

  No. 7677

File: 1720155909496-0.jpg (529.84 KB ,850x1150 , mona from warioware by tob….jpg )

File: 1720155909496-1.jpg (521.74 KB ,850x1202 , mori calliope, gawr gura, ….jpg )

File: 1720155909496-2.jpg (187.72 KB ,850x1431 , moushley and ranni the wit….jpg )

File: 1720155909496-3.jpg (125.08 KB ,850x850 , nagatoro hayase by gnsisir.jpg )

File: 1720155909496-4.jpeg (17.52 KB ,385x351 , nathy by dalehan.jpeg )

  No. 7678

File: 1720206644260-0.jpeg (360.74 KB ,900x1263 , nichijou by unknown.jpeg )

File: 1720206644260-1.jpg (370.63 KB ,850x1200 , niko (oneshot) and ralsei ….jpg )

File: 1720206644260-2.jpg (127.36 KB ,800x566 , ninamori eri by unknown.jpg )

File: 1720206644260-3.jpg (698.09 KB ,875x1127 , niwatari kutaka by ginnkei.jpg )

File: 1720206644260-4.jpg (115.98 KB ,850x1012 , noir vesper by chaos_hondo….jpg )

  No. 7681

File: 1720327013204-0.jpg (109.89 KB ,727x900 , ohnuma kurumi by amezawa k….jpg )

File: 1720327013204-1.jpg (236.4 KB ,850x1063 , original by bakui02.jpg )

File: 1720327013204-2.jpg (388.56 KB ,850x673 , original by daliyang.jpg )

File: 1720327013204-3.jpg (2.01 MB ,850x1409 , original by goroku.jpg )

File: 1720327013204-4.jpg (93.07 KB ,850x706 , original by karin hosono.jpg )

  No. 7682

File: 1720370247988-0.png (1.2 MB ,708x1000 , original by nurikabe (mict….png )

File: 1720370247988-1.jpg (113.2 KB ,850x850 , original by puppycritter.jpg )

File: 1720370247988-2.jpg (241.01 KB ,850x1202 , original by qooo003.jpg )

File: 1720370247988-3.jpg (181.33 KB ,850x900 , original by st.kuma.jpg )

File: 1720370247988-4.jpg (202.65 KB ,800x855 , original by thelatestkate.jpg )

  No. 7683

File: 1720488499651-0.jpg (888.25 KB ,703x1024 , original by yeyuan33.jpg )

File: 1720488499651-1.jpg (199.67 KB ,868x1228 , orin carte.jpg )

File: 1720488499651-2.jpg (238.83 KB ,850x664 , orin citrus (place).jpg )

File: 1720488499651-3.jpg (209.39 KB ,850x1105 , oshino shinobu by shimizu ….jpg )

File: 1720488499651-4.jpg (1.11 MB ,1000x1200 , piccolo and gohan by 弘教寺.jpg )

  No. 7686

File: 1720650140442-0.jpg (76.95 KB ,850x645 , piers and raihan by dr mic….jpg )

File: 1720650140442-1.jpg (101.64 KB ,850x1191 , pikachu libre by dorobo 39.jpg )

File: 1720650140442-2.jpg (212.51 KB ,850x1133 , pokemon by hakkentai pdkn.jpg )

File: 1720650140442-3.jpg (227.21 KB ,850x1202 , poppy (animal crossing) by….jpg )

File: 1720650140442-4.jpg (106.64 KB ,850x771 , princess daisy by cremanat….jpg )

  No. 7689

File: 1720659656159-0.jpeg (153.58 KB ,1000x1000 , princess daisy by ensunma….jpeg )

File: 1720659656159-1.jpg (211 KB ,850x850 , qiqi (genshin impact) by y….jpg )

File: 1720659656159-2.jpg (219.31 KB ,850x1020 , rakka from haibane renmei ….jpg )

File: 1720659656159-3.jpg (100.65 KB ,850x1208 , rebecca (cyberpunk) by fat….jpg )

File: 1720659656159-4.jpg (829.77 KB ,850x1200 , Reisin Udogein Inaba by EO….jpg )

  No. 7693

File: 1720726933087-0.png (396.92 KB ,819x619 , Reisin Udogein Inaba by un….png )

File: 1720726933087-1.jpg (70.22 KB ,924x1200 , relateable hatate.jpg )

File: 1720726933087-2.jpg (144.62 KB ,850x835 , remilia scarlet as link by….jpg )

File: 1720726933087-3.jpg (939.02 KB ,1200x858 , Renko Usami and Maribel He….jpg )

File: 1720726933087-4.gif (2.42 MB ,588x442 , roll (mega man) by unknown.gif )

I like Reisen because she has a cute face and large breasts. <3

  No. 7694

File: 1720759374622-0.png (209.1 KB ,548x597 , rumia by cock robin.png )

File: 1720759374622-1.jpg (166.35 KB ,850x467 , RWBY by sunset xi and yuug….jpg )

File: 1720759374622-2.jpg (78.46 KB ,850x1149 , sakurai momoka by gar32.jpg )

File: 1720759374622-3.jpg (491.33 KB ,850x1360 , samejima mamimi by miura-n….jpg )

File: 1720759374622-4.jpg (198.75 KB ,850x1063 , samus aran by yyemoyy.jpg )

ooouh Rumia!

  No. 7700

File: 1720927780774-0.jpg (91.59 KB ,850x607 , sasha (animal crossing) by….jpg )

File: 1720927780774-1.jpg (715.35 KB ,850x1373 , satanichia kurumizawa mcdo….jpg )

File: 1720927780774-2.jpg (202.55 KB ,1024x1024 , shimakaze (kancolle) by me….jpg )

File: 1720927780774-3.jpeg (160.66 KB ,640x1136 , shizune and tonton from n….jpeg )

File: 1720927780774-4.jpg (225.41 KB ,1042x741 , son goku and son goten by ….jpg )

  No. 7701

File: 1720987703429-0.jpg (161.64 KB ,1230x1000 , souryuu asuka langley by a….jpg )

File: 1720987703429-1.jpg (185.3 KB ,850x894 , tailmon and yagami hikari ….jpg )

File: 1720987703429-2.jpg (499.7 KB ,850x1198 , tewi nanaironokabi.jpg )

File: 1720987703429-3.jpg (774.64 KB ,1000x1000 , touhou and azumanga daiou ….jpg )

File: 1720987703429-4.jpg (232.64 KB ,850x605 , touhou fairies by amibazh.jpg )

  No. 7702

File: 1721021289991-0.jpg (242.22 KB ,850x850 , touhou fairies.jpg )

File: 1721021289991-1.jpg (192.19 KB ,777x690 , toyosatomimi no miko by ci….jpg )

File: 1721021289991-2.jpg (499.48 KB ,850x1111 , troll (warcraft) by distr.jpg )

File: 1721021289991-3.jpg (120.96 KB ,850x1105 , tsukimiya ayu by unknown.jpg )

File: 1721021289991-4.gif (338.38 KB ,881x900 , wario by cutie-png.gif )

One more post and I'll have caught up to before the server got rolled back.

  No. 7708

File: 1721171952061-0.png (1.32 MB ,824x1200 , winning ticket (umamusume)….png )

File: 1721171952061-1.jpg (291 KB ,850x1202 , yakumo ran by sarasadou da….jpg )

File: 1721171952061-2.jpg (162.71 KB ,1000x1000 , yakumo ran by shiroi karas….jpg )

File: 1721171952061-3.png (259.04 KB ,700x900 , yugo, elatrop and az by fe….png )

  No. 7718

File: 1721416344339.jpg (562.12 KB ,1071x901 , Rumia by ゼケ.jpg )

Delicious thighs!

  No. 7719

females are unlizardly, sorry

  No. 7727

File: 1721495446179.jpg (844.76 KB ,1320x1500 , Wonder Momo by T2(喪中).jpg )

Sorry 😭😭
Here's a cute one only.

  No. 7728

Why did you use emojis?

  No. 7729

File: 1721536177037.png (248.32 KB ,616x493 , Hypnotic Ran by JungleBoyA….png )

brain damage 😖😩

  No. 7731

I'd ban you if I could.

  No. 7732

File: 1721584205701.png (1.01 MB ,1280x1080 , Nazrin by Kasuya Baiyan.png )

Well, I guess it's a good thing you have now power then, isn't it? 😂😝

  No. 7733

I did have power, just not anymore.

  No. 7735

omg did you loose virginity or what? how can a lizard loose his powah????

  No. 7736

I just hope you aren't a discord tranny.

  No. 7737

no i'm not. not that lizard at all. just thought like making a joke about your lost power. please apply cold water to the burned area
>I just hope
you're not unvirgin btw!

  No. 7738


  No. 7740

File: 1721777267874.jpg (56.28 KB ,576x844 , 289d13b523d5aa63f5f037efc3….jpg )

I'm just insane man, not trooning.

  No. 7748

File: 1722049346815.jpg (1.65 MB ,1737x1570 , original 2 by みなぎ竜次.jpg )

  No. 7749

File: 1722059832105.jpg (243.7 KB ,1200x1429 , original 2 by 이리아 Iria.jpg )

  No. 7754

File: 1722389233083.jpg (104.53 KB ,850x1204 , original by onigiriad.jpg )

furry girly

  No. 7756

File: 1722443375816.gif (276.08 KB ,200x200 , licking-anime.gif )

  No. 7757

File: 1722459609079.jpg (65.76 KB ,800x800 , 1722429637268951.jpg )


  No. 7759

File: 1723084182183.jpg (1.23 MB ,1500x1500 , original by T2(喪中).jpg )

  No. 7760

File: 1723337398911.jpg (1.3 MB ,2894x2894 , original by うにみかん.jpg )

  No. 7761

File: 1723404617074.jpg (2.31 MB ,2275x1573 , original by みなぎ竜次.jpg )

  No. 7762

File: 1723428002288.jpg (614.77 KB ,1058x1218 , original by 이리아 Iria.jpg )

  No. 7764

File: 1723525129748.jpg (88.83 KB ,850x801 , rouge the bat by chauvels.jpg )

  No. 7767

File: 1724612140253.jpg (115.03 KB ,850x567 , undertale by tsaoshin.jpg )

I haven't been on the computer I use to post these very often, so if I get on it, I'll try to post a cute picture.

  No. 7771

File: 1725399298588.gif (172.25 KB ,250x250 , 3ccxrt934fw71.gif )

  No. 7816

File: 1728772621876.jpeg (248.28 KB ,1000x775 , yZn5WaYq.jpeg )

Insanity levels are through the roof, nowhere is quiet - wherever you go there are unending screams and ramblings foaming up from people's mouths.
You could have prevented this

  No. 7818

File: 1728856836457.jpg (161.54 KB ,1003x1416 , unknown by eip (pepai).jpg )

I must admit, since I promised myself if someone posted on this thread that I would respond. I had gotten on my main computer a few times after making that post, but not only did I not want to post cute pictures any more, I've decided to stop posting on lizchan as well. Almost a year ago, I made my final post on wizchan, and I even forgot about the mysterious bunker. I've started to hang out at sushigirl more often, but it's also slow. I'm trying to become a person who doesn't need these online communities. At the very least, I won't be posting here again, but I'll probably come by to see what people post. By the way, that doesn't mean I'm going to try to be a normie or whatever people hate. I just don't want to be reliant on imageboards any more. I realize that I can't really stay away and I get bored without them. I might be changing into more rounded person. Regardless of where I go in the future, please, wish me luck.

Someone else is going to have to post cute pictures from now on.

  No. 7820

File: 1728869069107.jpg (36.91 KB ,591x591 , _i_salute__by_sleepyhorses….jpg )

Damn it, sad to see you go then
Your posts were brighting up my days
Thank you for the reply and your service
I hope everything turns out just the way you want it to be
Take care friendo
My honest reaction 😭😭😭

  No. 7822


  No. 7825

Good luck. Wish you get out of here.

  No. 8039

File: 1732122746439.jpg (484.54 KB ,800x1044 , 3450cc9cd9a3b7f1e38b8d1d84….jpg )

Your succubus for today. Complain and die!

  No. 8040

I'm kinda curious. How old are you guys? I'm wonder if I'm the youngest?

  No. 8042

I appreciate your interest, but I am wary of some three letter dudes datamining me, so sorry. Age doesn't matter. If you post already, keep posting. If you fit in, you fit in. If you don't, seek another place. Don't bother about it. And be careful. Making imageboards a part of your personality is about the dumbest shit you can do to yourself. You will do it anyway, just keep in mind that you will have to go through agony to undo it later in future.

  No. 8043

File: 1732200994815.png (315.23 KB ,1024x1024 , 07c9f652b402e40467816d85a8….png )

Yer today's food for being a good lizard.

  No. 8046

File: 1732302785184.jpg (87.8 KB ,587x529 , 0e7.jpg )

Nice shotabaiting Mister officer
Pls spy on me I'm 25 years old crazy individual.
I wish Santa could grant me suicide by cop

  No. 8047

Thank you for the insight.

  No. 8048

>Pls spy on me I'm 25 years old crazy individual.
Fear not they only spy on schizos like me

  No. 8052

File: 1732305437651.jpg (2.9 MB ,2055x4093 , 62d10bb3c11e2278061304d35c….jpg )

She could make for a nice decoration in a burrow. %%Nice cutie%%

  No. 8053

File: 1732306285631.jpg (29.01 KB ,750x581 , c5a4db8d69c5c3e8166f8d86c2….jpg )

  No. 8054

File: 1732307060417.jpg (532.92 KB ,875x1080 , c3edea2ba0b8e3d2d1eaa2b8da….jpg )

Nope, we're different people hehe. Here take another cutie, thought to reserve her for tomorrow but never mind

  No. 8055

I know, I was just leading him to you since that policeman is rp'ing as lil kid.

>Here take another cutie

Thanks, I hope she fucking beheads me

  No. 8056

File: 1732310338207.jpg (1.16 MB ,2332x3499 , 6393459750b60e856ee7efe079….jpg )

>I know, I was just leading him to you
I'm not sure if I'm excited about eating shotas!
>Thanks, I hope she fucking beheads me
And then I will be the only one left on this board. Checked out /tower/ today and it's just some tohno style misery all around, if we forget it's dead. I wonder where all based outcasts go. These perpetual gloom and misery make me sick. Everyone seems to bury themselves in cope taking it to ridiculous heights, so in the end you either have to deal with modern no brain z00mers which are in most cases just too obnoxious to deal with, or some woe ridden wrecks who won't even bother. There were once a few cool virgins around in my life and we used to gather once in a blue moon to play games and talk without all this woe-to-me bullshit. A shame they normied up, though I saw it coming. I call them cool because they weren't this modern type of an obnoxious z00mer who is incapable of using his verbal speech organ without frustrating everyone around. We had a competition-less environment that held purely on good faith.

This experience always leaves me wondering where are all based outcasts. I like this my concept of lizard's watering place. A place where you can come whenever you feel like it, have a word with other lizards that happen to be there, maybe play a game of dice and then get back in your burrow. No this normalnigger bullshit like prove-you-are-my-friend, relationships maintenance, etc etc. All of that is normalfag bullshit. First and foremost I don't make friends, fuck off. Then, I don't care about my relationships with you, fuck off as well. Just meet once in a while to discuss hunting grounds and burrow design and go on your own way.

And if you wonder why my rant reeks of normalfaggotry, I'm also sort of bipolar :D

  No. 8057

Call it

  No. 8058

Call what? Ambulance? They're just gonna laugh

  No. 8059

File: 1732357845960.jpg (34.88 KB ,850x849 , __don_quixote_project_moon….jpg )

God I wish that >>8056 were me

But instead I'm
>woe ridden wreck

>rant reeks of normalfaggotry

Too based to fall under this category

  No. 8060

>But instead I'm
>>woe ridden wreck
I have my share of downtime time and again too, but it makes my bipolar whatever very sick that nobody seems to even be trying. "Oh, I reached 30, it's over for me". What the fuck is this mentality? You may suffer, we all do, but so long as you *intend* to keep as much of that to yourself as you can, you're basically based lizard. Because nothing is more commendable than the good will. You will never start feeling better by drowning deeper in misery. The only way is to stand up and spit in the face of misery. It won't work the first time. It won't give much of a result after a hundred of times. But it is a struggle and the long term result will be much better. But instead people choose to fall apart, buy a plastic vagina and shut off all attempts at fighting misery under the pretense of futility. And they don't even try to pretend they're not wretched.

>too based

I don't think so. This rant isn't based at all. I'm not based at all. I have lived through a prolonged near-death-experience, I know what it feels like when your brain just shuts down and doesn't let you do anything. In fact, I'm not in control of half of my own actions even now.

All my rambling is probably just some schizo babble. I'm just frustrated. Social media went complete outrageous brain fart and imageboards are full of woe and fucking obnoxious social media users, but I just want somebody based to finally appear in my life. Somebody with whom it would be possible to
A. Avoid asserting anyone's personality. This is fucking obnoxious. If I choose to go out of my burrow, it's not to endure your shitty desire to be alpha male.
B. Avoid competition. This is fucking obnoxious as well. I don't give a fuck what you have achieved. I didn't go out of my burrow to listen to your 1000 and 1 reasons why you're better than me. My burrow puts your entire existence to shame, fuck off.
C. Avoid woe speech. This only multiplies misery. Based lizards cheer each other instead of multiplying misery, no matter how bad things are for either.
D. Avoid normalfag topics. Don't you dare speak about women in my presence. If you secretly crave to get laid, either don't bring it up or stop pretending to be a lizard. Variable with the name "women" doesn't exist in my working memory, I want to hear nothing of them.
E. No bullshit "responsibilities". I am a lizard, you are lizard. This says all. I don't owe you shit, you don't owe me shit. I promote helping each other, but if you demand something of me just because we "did stuff together" you get BTFO'd. I have my own burrow to look after and I'll only help if I can and if you don't test my patience.

  No. 8061

That mostly summarizes my wishlist. But since I aspire to be (I am not now) like based lizards are, I must not be upset that my wishlist doesn't come true. So I'll end it on a more cheerful note. DON'T GIVE UP. Mental illness is hard and it is normal to feel that there is no hope ahead. Because there is truly no hope. The suffering won't cease. The problems won't go away. The pain will not stop. All you can do is to increase your resistance every time you feel bright enough to do so. Dig deeper, hunt more precisely, strike more viciously, think more coldly. Brace your skin against the cold. If even I am capable of at least an attempt, you must be capable of at least a step forward. I believe in you!

  No. 8062

You need to call it. I can't call it for you. It wouldn't be fair.

  No. 8063

File: 1732385447831.jpeg (1.1 MB ,848x1200 , 3d924fd3dd0913a022d2abf23….jpeg )

Today's food to make my sins one post closer to oblivion.


  No. 8065

File: 1732385982011.jpg (583.04 KB ,1041x1348 , 86a744d14ddfe95198981a1ce4….jpg )

Two posts closer to oblivion. But I must stop since gluttony is a sin as well.

  No. 8066

File: 1732444007900.jpeg (142.97 KB ,988x1522 , 9091f5162a3b87606ff5c15f6….jpeg )

Today's first portion of food to make my sins one more post closer to oblivion. Also to not let existential horror possess me since it is against the principle of being cold blooded.

  No. 8070

File: 1732464175275.png (1.76 MB ,1724x2177 , f9f40aafde5afc9db6c5e14922….png )


  No. 8076

File: 1732543324760.png (1.24 MB ,3000x1500 , 4b44babf8ef4e9a724c24eecdf….png )

I still keep it together somehow. I feel like suspended in air in a falling airplane, but soon it's going to resume and I'll crush headlong into ground

  No. 8086

File: 1732622016397.jpg (117.18 KB ,1170x1439 , 443dc4123d33930f2354934feb….jpg )

I am still not done!

  No. 8087

File: 1732622221876.png (1.16 MB ,2713x3837 , 6d821ef27685ba5bf55d38b4df….png )

That feel when going on for one more day feels like an achievement, though to be honest I barely woke up today, had to force myself by ungodly effort of will. Now I need to live to the end of this day, somehow.

  No. 8097

File: 1732742866614.png (690.38 KB ,1536x2048 , c6d5765e2c3384cdc494451e83….png )

Recreative disintegration of self. Today wasn't. No, you're not correct on this one. You omit the core of the purpose. Don't even try. This has gone too far. I still can see, but not influence.

  No. 8103

File: 1732817852887.png (346.74 KB ,1280x1280 , 0cd06dcf0bcaecb4fe1f11b869….png )

I am so agitated this just surpasses any possible god forsaken height limitation or whatever the fuck would be the right word to describe what I am feeling. This TENSION is fucking insane like I am being simultaneously cut in thousand pieces while being stretched taut like a fucking sheet of rubber I JUST CAN'T FUCKING CONCENTRATE ON ANYTHING LIKE THIS my mind is racing like crazy I WANT TO FUCKING MURDER SOMEBODY, this entire world of abominable fucking hypocrites, down to every one of them, fucking disgusting creatures, sons of bitches, born as a result of some fucking unholy incest between godfather and his daughters I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO MAKE IT SOUND MORE DISGUSTING.

I HATE YOU. I HAAATE YOU. I HATE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH. Stupid fucking discarded filth, your existence is a joke. The whole humanity, one huge atrocious mass of pure sickness, stupid, hypocrite and ultimately seeking nothing else than to DESTROY ITSELF THROUGH ITS OWN SHEER RETARDATION. This world could have been such a beautiful place but these genetic dregs called human asses just ruined everything.

Oh holy heavens blast this cursed hell the fuck away. I am so fucking pained, I HAVE DONE ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING, I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY WHYYY IS THIS HAPPENING? FUCKING DIE SCUM

Humanity is so deeply rotten it must be simply wiped out. Just cut down every one of them. Every fucking one. No pity. No mercy. Disgusting filth. Fuck you

  No. 8112

File: 1732855002608.jpg (58.81 KB ,500x698 , 6nezpkt4m2561.jpg )

You're cool Lizza I wish I could help you figure stuff out

  No. 8114

File: 1732882138069.jpg (281.82 KB ,1197x2048 , 24a1028550b3d14a26c1f327a2….jpg )

Don't worry liz I figured it out long ago. All that's left is to slowly fade away into obscurity. My screams are just a small contribution to the hellish noise of all the tortured and the damned. Those who find consolation in medication are worse than the dead.

  No. 8125

File: 1732975806378.jpg (473.24 KB ,1131x1687 , 7ceb374700a24b8506ee241b76….jpg )

Today's cuteness for whoever has at least some decency left at their disposal

  No. 8128

File: 1732976668396.png (304.94 KB ,1071x853 , 1b56e4300601205bd5eb64cad7….png )

Bleh interacting with warm bloods makes me want to vomit

  No. 8137

File: 1733069509608.jpg (3.53 MB ,3472x5457 , dfc54f4de336b5ad1f954f4bbd….jpg )

Today's food for whoever isn't as bad as me

  No. 8144

File: 1733166155030.png (822.68 KB ,2039x2894 , e8a2ed6ba2d13093f386042725….png )

Sadly it's eat or die out there

  No. 8158

File: 1733263404360.jpg (216.88 KB ,800x1000 , 55b07bd93bd8f21398a3178656….jpg )


  No. 8161

File: 1733335264479.png (4.67 MB ,2894x4093 , 6ecc0fd0c8724eaa75db617fdf….png )

Self destruction is a bliss. I never knew just how wonderful it is until I started practicing it.

  No. 8162

I'm suprised you've posted this long to be honest.

  No. 8163

Only been two weeks. My small tribute to OP. Cute posters are amazing people. Wish I could be like them. But it won't take long until devil alters my personality again and I will stop posting, probably even hate myself for doing it. It depends. There are certain patterns but a lot of things in my new personalities always form unique combinations, so I can never confidently say what I'm going to be next.

  No. 8164

And I thank you for keeping lizchan alive.

  No. 8166

Even though I'm a schizo who sometimes randomly attacks people because of some arbitrary bullshit? There is no limit to how much I can be disgusted with people like me who can't control shit and just end up offending everyone around for no reason and then thinking about suicide until head aches. This is far more unlizardly than the bpd guy who wants to attach to somebody, because he's not obnoxious and because unlike me he seeks help. Gosh it's so frustrating when people don't just permabtfo me, how could you tolerate such a piece of shit?

  No. 8167

>how could you tolerate such a piece of shit?
Because I am one as well. Things alike agree with each other.

  No. 8168


  No. 8169

File: 1733423939075.png (3.07 MB ,1654x2339 , 3fa4f69580a054febe714be863….png )

We eat them down
We eat them down
We eat them down

  No. 8170

File: 1733424739675.webm (1.81 MB ,600x599 , M-16.webm )

Darn that's such a banger! Can't upload more than 120 seconds unfortunately.

  No. 8172

File: 1733505532705.jpg (61.18 KB ,935x810 , 72fedd0b8b96952c3cb4f0e6fc….jpg )

My OCD parents (who could imagine OCD son to have OCD parents, right?) decided to bang their head against a wall and invited me to waste my weekends watching them exhaust themselves running in a squirrel cage. Guess who's in no position to refuse

  No. 8173

File: 1733560953955.jpg (173.33 KB ,978x1907 , 2c6adfce6a064c59738a480566….jpg )

You're eating way too much, Lizard!

  No. 8180

File: 1733667209674.jpg (205.9 KB ,1629x2048 , d740cb69a6b67375813a3786f9….jpg )

Got some food for our burrow…

  No. 8184

File: 1733746411424.jpg (366.89 KB ,2457x2560 , a61cd2c73d18ef2446e099c424….jpg )

We can't die as long as there is something to have for a lunch!

  No. 8190

File: 1733841426674.png (520.09 KB ,919x773 , 4258359826a8d1de239ec541dd….png )

The death is after me again, but look I've got a potato so we don't have to stay hungry!

  No. 8192

File: 1733916237354.png (994.09 KB ,1120x1408 , 92508969b422aab022784414d1….png )

Great artist. Great edibles! I hope none of you stay hungry

  No. 8198

File: 1733997639150.jpg (325.09 KB ,1004x1416 , 05dd311146e9e20465eefba112….jpg )

Posting moar of this artist, because he's really nice. If I had such food every day I could eventually stop being depressed!

  No. 8203

File: 1734102430359.jpg (1.89 MB ,2893x4092 , ee8da0cf8e4e30d447945baf6f….jpg )

I still got some food for us! No hungry lizards!

  No. 8204

File: 1734206134729.jpg (4.02 MB ,3900x7016 , ae3262ec5d4f2facfb71194ce4….jpg )

Not starving just yet!

  No. 8205

File: 1734268078764.jpg (310.57 KB ,1448x2048 , e941fb39f41f3d70b19d01b733….jpg )

Lets sing a hymn to Food!

  No. 8206

File: 1734347231777.jpg (174.78 KB ,961x1307 , ff3a81ba2d8c4995eaec1ab624….jpg )

Today with sugar!

  No. 8208

File: 1734433448635.png (481.25 KB ,880x1600 , 661a13b0c90cf4eb98cbecfb34….png )

Starvation is bad for you!

Alright, speaking of starvation, I didn't care to eat normally lately. I skip breakfasts and don't really bother with the rest. It probably adds up to my overall fuckup but somehow I don't care. Yeah okay that *should* be fixed but how? Even thinking about it is too much energy, so fuck it

  No. 8209

Starvation is good. My fat ass is trying to lose weight.

  No. 8210

File: 1734517209200.png (403.87 KB ,1000x832 , d569a691fbe1635cd99bb735ee….png )

Alright boys calm down!

  No. 8212

File: 1734594961209.png (269.11 KB ,752x800 , 01cbd3d682d85a19822400f599….png )

Ain't we having some healthy food in here, huh!?

  No. 8215

File: 1734693252507.jpg (138.13 KB ,1838x2048 , 9e985898813a99e47b8f067c50….jpg )

Today with gunpowder!

  No. 8223

File: 1734782698300.jpg (282.29 KB ,1077x2048 , 93cb301b522ae419aa9acff46a….jpg )

Alright that's my mood for today! Nasty food!

  No. 8226

File: 1734863792985.png (640.72 KB ,1196x1250 , 7403b7ec0bb9200650f2500423….png )

Gao! I'll eat you!

  No. 8227

File: 1734892606747.jpg (95.97 KB ,1280x720 , Rakuzita (album) - Chata.jpg )

Thank you to the liz who continues the legacy of posting cute pictures on this thread. I was the last cute poster in this thread who left because I wanted to be less dependent on imageboards. Over this time, my life's become slightly better, but nothing revolutionary. I still post on Sushigirl and look at it every dayish while completely leaving wizchan and lizchan, thankfully. It doesn't mean I'm a normie. In fact, I'll be a wizard in 2025 (to answer this post about age >>8040). I actually also hang on Gikopoi and stream video games, but I would rather just leave the internet altogether. There's nothing on here that interest me, and the things that did interest me or that helped me cope through harder times just doesn't work any more. Youtube is barren with content that doesn't really make me happy, either. I was literally on Youtube since its conception, and now, it's just no fun any more. Damn. I guess I've outgrown the internet. I'll come back here in a few months at least, but if the other cute posters are out there, especially the first one who made this thread in 2020, how are you doing? What about the second one? There might have been an original thread like the OP said, but I just don't remember it. I was on lizchan back in 2017 as well, but sadly, it's just a memory. I was on Wizchan back when it was called Wizardchan in 2013. I sometimes think of the old posts on this imageboards and wonder how they're doing. I would guess some aren't around any more, and for them, I wish them a peaceful rest. For all the other posters from that time, I hope they're doing okay. We may not be here together in the future, but I still wish the best for everyone here.

Thanks for reading. I actually revise my posts, but the everything after the "how are you doing" wasn't revised, so it might be a bit rambly. Also, the picture is from an album called Rakuzita, and the singer is "Chata". It's different than posting a picture with an artist, but it's the album I'm listening to right now.

Goodbye again!

  No. 8228

File: 1734896628678.jpg (22.96 KB ,400x224 , s-l400.jpg )

  No. 8231

File: 1734949289847.png (212.56 KB ,1290x675 , 54a3c0fd03afe02ac65f6a05cf….png )

You should not eat too much fats, fool!

That's uncanny how one wrong turn in your life gets you to end up on imageboards forever. And you can't even say it's untrue. There are 50+ people still using imageboards/forums/whatever. I guess there is some deeper meaning in it. Some desire to gather in group and discuss shit. Like in Athens, for example, public forums and whatnot. It's easy to say "I am stopping using internet" but in the absence of any real life groups to hang out with it's impossible. And besides, after a while you just get too used to it. Imageboards start feeling like a home (or a poor excuse for one) and this dumb emotional attachment gets in the way as well.

Cheers liz. I might write some response to you later but right now no thoughts head empty!
>how are you doing
Alternating between genki-happy-go-lucky and strongly suicidal. Might be some mood disorder for all I know. Still haven't fixed my god damn sleep schedule, just can't sleep until I'm too tired to keep my eyes open. Some internal dread of whatever the fuck sort of chews me alive. I don't know what exactly it is, but sum up all my experience, it's probably a form of burn out from constant computer usage, so it feels scary to stop using it. A very bad thing. Or not. Depends on your PoV. But I personally don't take any pleasure at all in being dysfunctional, so I'd like to fix that. Htf am I supposed to defend my burrow if I'm a ninny?
>There's nothing on here that interest me
You're going through a stage. Anyway, I know that feel. And since you're close to 30 I guess you have it worse, because I'm younger than you. Ahh, I'm too agitated to think clearly. Bipolar kicks in! :DD Nevermind I'm just rambling and actually never read my posts twice!

  No. 8232

File: 1735043854568.jpg (464.65 KB ,688x971 , 255d71ad6a166e6196acf56d8a….jpg )

Did you loose weight again!? You must be eating well!

  No. 8238

File: 1735120191809.jpg (217.75 KB ,1407x1947 , 1b640bb7d627602a804a0328cc….jpg )

Your Christmas food!

  No. 8239

File: 1735203581554.jpeg (311.47 KB ,650x800 , f3bcf964a3e9d398c12eebe26….jpeg )

Yesterday's food was a bit fat so today I've got a remedy!

  No. 8247

File: 1735310474491.jpg (363.92 KB ,2008x2716 , 639e541510922db59cefa8e6dd….jpg )

Rock hard food!

  No. 8254

File: 1735379377387.jpg (366.06 KB ,992x1319 , 9c8df7a3785348a552c6b3bd6d….jpg )

You? Eat me!? Huuuh!

  No. 8259

File: 1735488430651.jpg (184.21 KB ,1048x1481 , 358d359913f13eef39b91eac39….jpg )

Is you blood cold enough to eat it..?

  No. 8261

File: 1735551460409.jpg (875.92 KB ,987x1383 , 951dc119db42c70a82fd7b3c6f….jpg )

Be careful this food is magical!

  No. 8262

File: 1735652347958.jpg (571.56 KB ,1280x1280 , b971097530f8c1e1bfda9b5546….jpg )

Not feeling the New Year spirit as you would expect, but we are not starving today either!

  No. 8264

File: 1735734799851.png (7.76 KB ,540x450 , 8dcf47b7dfb4d18e03f6f6bcd1….png )

Nobody celebrates hungry!

  No. 8265

File: 1735816191088.png (780.76 KB ,748x2038 , 382db351dd746c4bfa12a431e9….png )

This food looks tasty! Young!

  No. 8266

I'm the same guy for both of those posts, so it'll just be one post.

I don't have much against the internet, but I do know it can be abused like anything else. I don't think anyone has to stop using the internet, but it can be used as a tool for hobbies and the such. Hell, even nice conversations like this one (thanks for replying btw) can be nice. I definitely agree imageboards can be a (poor) excuse for a home. I was on wizchan since 2013, and I had an emotional attachment to it, but I stopped browsing because the wizchan I knew and loved was gone and I've changed too much to even fathom being there.

>how are you doing

I'm glad you're doing great, and I hope you finally fix your sleep schedule. I've been doing great on my sleep schedule for about a week now, but it's getting a bit later. Still, I'm going to keep trying to go to bed at a reasonable time. Last night, I went to bed at 11PM.
>There's nothing on here that interest me
I wish I were going through a stage. Youtube hasn't been pleasurable for a while for me. I'm glad, honestly. I would rather spend my time playing video games, learning something, or doing any of my other hobbies than watch videos about a topic that goes on for WAY too long. Youtube videos seem to go on forever now, and that's not a me thing. They're all getting longer and the content is getting stretched thin. A video that could have been five minutes long is 30 minutes now. Gross. I think it's also me realizing the worth of my time and the worthlessness of these people's content. I'm not going to spend all that time not listening to someone who just yaps for 30 minutes.

  No. 8267

File: 1735869364979.jpg (481.19 KB ,650x910 , momiji inubashiri by kei k….jpg )

btw forgot the picture this time. My B.

  No. 8268

File: 1735893406783.jpg (167 KB ,800x1042 , 750a70a0d6062f9b70e73d4ea0….jpg )

I don't often watch youtube myself. There are a few select channels I get back to once in a while but that's about it. Mostly games/anime stuff.

  No. 8269

File: 1735984416393.jpg (282.16 KB ,1286x2048 , 0f800974dae9d34c5a91208711….jpg )

Satanic food!

  No. 8270

I literally cannot function without caffeine.

  No. 8272

File: 1736071749751.jpg (73.22 KB ,819x1188 , a4d088983608fbbbea25c9446a….jpg )

Enthusiastic marine food!

  No. 8275

File: 1736160444871.jpg (96.34 KB ,736x969 , e940c844dc854d0e5c6d78141c….jpg )

This food brags about being more nutritious!

  No. 8276

File: 1736247338817.png (67.26 KB ,494x644 , f21383d422dd9d3a5c78f10149….png )

Properly clad kantai food!

  No. 8279

File: 1736331793037.jpg (57.36 KB ,827x1024 , aa308a1971a1d87c860f68c230….jpg )

Studying to be good food!

  No. 8281

File: 1736424648997.jpg (2.93 MB ,3981x5000 , ea4b3e65b2cc07c1fb3bd67f59….jpg )

Neko won't let us starve!

  No. 8286

File: 1736509808881.jpeg (241.53 KB ,1799x1920 , 5a5d81025ea7fd0432df6f7d9….jpeg )

Starvation is really bad for your health!

  No. 8289

File: 1736581001957.jpg (140.57 KB ,1448x2048 , 316df1879f0fda1c565a87e45f….jpg )

Eat well, sleep soundly and build burrows!

  No. 8290

File: 1736673292122.jpg (1.39 MB ,2513x2325 , aa8f34be9d6be3817d392bd4c6….jpg )

Nyan! No hungry!

  No. 8291

File: 1736767408038.jpg (3.2 MB ,1800x2525 , 68100cc369fe81b6fcc5c7a473….jpg )

Raptor feedeth those who love him!

  No. 8292

File: 1736853986010.jpg (291.33 KB ,800x1092 , 6cf54f63b1e849b68851dd7814….jpg )

No starving for knowledge!

  No. 8293

Where do you get your images from liz?

  No. 8294

File: 1736943029705.jpg (4.72 MB ,2894x4093 , bbb01f34a514f337c2f69fe176….jpg )

Cute chibi food!

  No. 8295

File: 1736943100749.jpg (2.67 MB ,2480x3508 , d845ca31435fb0adf6c804884d….jpg )

I hunt them down, liz @gelbooru(dot)com

  No. 8296

File: 1737024432578.jpg (298.26 KB ,1636x2048 , 976095bfeaffb74a6fd7b6c428….jpg )

Working hard to produce food!

  No. 8297

File: 1737106036961.jpg (124.45 KB ,1070x809 , ef8ee454c3d1f159a72a958440….jpg )

Cats can be super edible, huh!?

  No. 8298

File: 1737216688334.jpg (348.9 KB ,1000x528 , 4f8381231d01e92cc032bdc1c6….jpg )

One way or the other, but you must get food.

  No. 8300

File: 1737278307963.jpg (1.93 MB ,2187x3213 , ced0a09417ebd34d52d19c5296….jpg )

Genki anti starvation service!

  No. 8304

File: 1737374193771.jpg (125.39 KB ,713x1200 , 06e8b4a9bd4c3ce48f191e8952….jpg )

Shrine food!

  No. 8306

File: 1737454444287.png (65.47 KB ,322x250 , 03877700c026281e1b3224e7fe….png )

Pure maiden food!

  No. 8310

File: 1737564895671.png (263.44 KB ,1102x1643 , ba8f794cd4ab7f20bedec33f8f….png )

Your food, goshuliz-sama!

  No. 8311

File: 1737659082178.jpg (292.92 KB ,1625x3350 , 3b23a4db700ae59d17efaa37d4….jpg )

It is sacrilege to neglect your meals!

  No. 8312

File: 1737729928444.jpg (445.54 KB ,1045x782 , d774985cd4faaf866b64f0deef….jpg )

Did you skip your meal again?

  No. 8313

File: 1737800508933.jpg (319.76 KB ,1828x2047 , 115d1d4171c52c4fcffedd25b6….jpg )

Somehow still not starving!

  No. 8314

File: 1737897629837.jpg (280.89 KB ,1800x2400 , 3e41a64bc6daaa4e9f64d6153a….jpg )

It's just one more day, but we still have some food left!

  No. 8315

File: 1737974459035.jpeg (373.15 KB ,2480x3508 , 1a05789140047ccfd987fa696….jpeg )

Tricky food today!

  No. 8316

File: 1738059435180.jpg (654.06 KB ,2048x2048 , 97e3dd8cb09b1d22c46e7ef74d….jpg )

And yet we make another step against starvation.

  No. 8317

File: 1738143933059.jpg (2.1 MB ,2894x4093 , 2e83227198e81566ae3583129f….jpg )

Junk food, eh?

  No. 8319

File: 1738246715662.jpg (123.92 KB ,903x1329 , 6125ab20030f0f36765ccf4080….jpg )

We still fend off hunger somehow!

  No. 8320

File: 1738326009109.jpg (1.19 MB ,2039x2894 , 23727448871944f31a22bc7fc6….jpg )

Seductive food!

  No. 8321

File: 1738410986383.jpg (129.28 KB ,2048x2048 , 5ea78116d5fdeffb0bc4ccc207….jpg )

No hungry!

  No. 8322

File: 1738491622657.jpg (1.73 MB ,1324x1500 , 289d42eafa2399c95f34a74b28….jpg )

Feral meals!

  No. 8327

File: 1738567441692.jpg (371.62 KB ,1640x2048 , e90e08c94ac9c390f5dd9ad12d….jpg )

A lizard must value each new day he's allowed to live without hunger.

  No. 8332

File: 1738661365704.png (445.4 KB ,1243x2281 , f3dcfe966b167b3d3fc6ddfa74….png )

P-please don't eat me!

  No. 8334

File: 1738745483865.jpg (280.35 KB ,1536x2048 , 2e6931f89ce44bf81f23a8403c….jpg )

Cheerful and edible!

  No. 8337

File: 1738829108319.jpeg (429.42 KB ,1234x1102 , e781f8405372d73738367f26d….jpeg )

Fighting for food!

  No. 8339

File: 1738919624296.png (617.37 KB ,768x1280 , 74241da84b8875c770ec0d9fa9….png )

Eat this chocoheart, not me!

  No. 8341

File: 1739031421017.jpg (453.97 KB ,1085x1119 , 768b3304b3ba11b61de0f25dc3….jpg )

Athletic food!

  No. 8343

File: 1739178641863.jpg (167.51 KB ,1200x1600 , 844b7b22caf2cea9df51ae2964….jpg )

What? Starved? Already?!

  No. 8344

File: 1739178745964.jpg (354.53 KB ,2048x2048 , bc0d920588030c08eb4de88ed8….jpg )

One day missed because of certificate expiration (probably?) that prevented me from entering the burrow.

So additional portion to make up for the loss.

  No. 8345

File: 1739212355914.jpg (41.25 KB ,500x375 , caca.jpg )

Yes the cert expired, please continue cute posting.

  No. 8347

File: 1739269499737.jpg (51.58 KB ,625x468 , im-not-mad-im-just-disappo….jpg )

Why you're shitting in cute posting thread?

  No. 8348

File: 1739276465883.jpg (172.87 KB ,2048x1314 , 1ae56bacac6df658669b55984f….jpg )

I ain't no yer meal niga

  No. 8349

File: 1739349575690.jpg (350.5 KB ,1240x1754 , 10e5afef74c6147564a50188b5….jpg )

A meal passed down right from heavens!

  No. 8351

File: 1739441350270.png (63.33 KB ,150x281 , 959168f4accafef00df69e73ab….png )

Bound and ready to battle hunger!

  No. 8353

File: 1739531151854.jpeg (551.12 KB ,900x756 , acdf9cbf63556f5bccad62002….jpeg )

Your valentine food!

  No. 8354

File: 1739610673717.jpg (203.4 KB ,1536x2048 , a0d0a231caa5467a687982809b….jpg )

You can't be happy and starve at the same time!

  No. 8357

File: 1739699345429.jpg (181.39 KB ,600x600 , dfcb0c96e96548c4c902d25926….jpg )

You'll damage your stomach if you only eat meat!

  No. 8358

File: 1739785600224.png (2.9 MB ,2510x3345 , 1a5242f0806c59118f78b8def5….png )

Scientific railmeal!

  No. 8359

File: 1739874013068.png (661.31 KB ,1017x1304 , 360da5ebd5707a2ac707b59ab4….png )

It's time to refill!

  No. 8360

File: 1739964150974.png (652.99 KB ,846x1200 , e8dd14866f514ab7673634185e….png )

You the hungry lizard!?

  No. 8365

File: 1740046345419.jpg (421.9 KB ,1800x2400 , 6d84bf4f95dc976f8f7456b236….jpg )

S-so hungry!

  No. 8366

File: 1740138602437.jpg (240.55 KB ,748x1043 , 43ac36b90219f806ae0fa01904….jpg )

Complaint about food equals death!

  No. 8368

File: 1740194398660.jpg (195.52 KB ,1228x2048 , c5b3a3b102bc6a3a2320d81767….jpg )

Very early food. Red as my wrath and bright as my fear and despair. A lizard mustn't stay hungry!

  No. 8373

File: 1740307201013.jpg (99.64 KB ,885x1065 , aaa710743321a78796dc06ff6d….jpg )

You slop eating lizard, you mustn't starve!

  No. 8374

File: 1740390104596.png (1.55 MB ,1024x1024 , 2348d3d822a47d70a5770e6169….png )

What do you mean you haven't eaten yet!?

  No. 8376

File: 1740472005522.png (347.72 KB ,700x676 , e87b7bf40ffa4ebd5636693295….png )

Aaam! No hungry!

  No. 8380

File: 1740563192116.jpg (237.13 KB ,1366x2048 , 07bab387ebe91ee864359de8f8….jpg )

What do you want me to cook?

  No. 8383

File: 1740651509152.jpg (197.18 KB ,1650x2200 , b8ea46443572714c93a4fede9d….jpg )

You want to eat?

  No. 8385

File: 1740737599444.jpg (260.67 KB ,1512x2048 , eca26a0cc73205566260ae2a00….jpg )

Maiden food!

  No. 8387

File: 1740821913932.jpg (262.29 KB ,1891x1971 , 835e0e702adfd74da161d5fda9….jpg )

Is *that* the size of your hunger??

  No. 8391

File: 1740916104207.jpg (236.66 KB ,1024x1536 , b52722aaa41ab664cc0147cd07….jpg )

You must eat regularly!

  No. 8393

File: 1740988615698.jpg (333.28 KB ,800x1200 , 1533aef8b9c77d80ce45791e2a….jpg )

We can't be starving just yet!

  No. 8394

File: 1741082855496.jpg (82.39 KB ,350x739 , 15cb1790b666e98d28662ea451….jpg )

The meal has arrived!

  No. 8396

File: 1741169188442.jpg (306.75 KB ,867x867 , 23f4fc5d6dd1c7ad7c7a2c6ad7….jpg )

Rabbit meal!

  No. 8397

File: 1741247428232.jpg (117.22 KB ,893x1241 , eb792361a911d1e8166f13495a….jpg )

Cookie for the good lizards!

  No. 8400

File: 1741331462009.png (2.04 MB ,1089x1775 , da61e08e766ca375c2a867fa0e….png )

Hehe I owe you food, you say?

  No. 8402

File: 1741436436556.jpg (138.17 KB ,964x1510 , 8e7b56a012044d6fba006dc918….jpg )

A-are you hungry?

  No. 8404

File: 1741521751712.jpg (130.51 KB ,1080x1785 , b35bafcd5649cf4c010694ad86….jpg )

Another day another food!

  No. 8408

File: 1741601382389.jpg (567.21 KB ,2198x2198 , 57ad11a4250e5a4353c04f999c….jpg )

Lets save the world from hunger!

  No. 8413

File: 1741708424426.jpg (704.57 KB ,2048x2048 , cfb8951cd411b124bfadaa5113….jpg )

Hi-i! Please don't forget to eat well!

  No. 8416

File: 1741771612935.jpg (402.67 KB ,1538x2048 , dfe5b26c02877414ce57a4246d….jpg )

Oh my, you must be starved!

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