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/b/ -Burrow

Bury yourself in the ground lizzie
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  No. 7598 [Reply] [Last50 Posts]

Post here every time you visit lizchan.
We must crank up the speed somehow
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  No. 8410

not that lizard but i'm not aware of working at the construction that would be worth the money

  No. 8411

It can be depending on your craft and once you become a journeyman and eventually foreman. Blue collar work is not for the mentally and physically weak. I wouldn't recommend it. Your body will be broken by age 40.

  No. 8414

My arms, mouth and skin on head feels numb.
The fuck is going on lol

No drugs or anything, I just ate a bit too much.

  No. 8415

Cont. >>8414
Oh shit, this might be migraine aura. Oh god please no

  No. 8417

Dude pills NOWW. There are no reasons, not ever, to suffer through that when you can take a pill.

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  No. 6787 [Reply]

Lizbros, what the heck??
This chan is copying us https://onesixtwo.club/scv/
The jungle theme is an exclusive property of Lizchan!
13 postsand3 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view.

  No. 7124

Third of all

  No. 7143

Don't tell me that's everyliz
It feels like 4, not 3

  No. 8323

fuck you leather head

  No. 8324

we came to visit you!

  No. 8325

one six two hut one six two hut one six two hut one six two hut

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  No. 7549 [Reply] [Last50 Posts]

Wah waah posts go here
262 postsand74 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view.

  No. 8362

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Shit, I want to rant so badly. One thing I want to rant about is that I sort of understand now why so many people drown their lives in a drink once they are free from work. There is really no way to cope with it any other way, but I can't even do that. Another thing I want to rant about is that the drink doesn't solve it in any way either, just another false promise like everything and everyone else.

Each day one more day. Each one-more-day the same another-one-more-day. Unending. Always. Perpetual. What the fuck, honestly. This isn't supposed to be so stupid.

Another thing I want to rant about is fucking gaslighting faggots, but that is even more disgusting than anything else. Thankfully, I don't feel anything strongly enough for it to become something stronger than repulsion. Faggots wanna show off and put you down? Alright it's not like you can stop them anyway. But still their firm belief that they have lives as a consequence of their own choices is so deeply disgusting, I think it will take me a few more years to get over it properly.

  No. 8363

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There's probably something else I want to rant about but I don't remember. Mostly faggots, though. They have me by the throat. I didn't know it could be so suffocating to live with no one but faggots around. My bad of course, but as far as my knowledge goes people don't get any less faggots outside imageboards either. Imageboards at this point are a spin off of social media with the only difference that you can ban evade more easily, the flavors of faggotry here are exactly the same, though. It is especially emphasized by faggots who like to shit out walls of text ranting about how imageboards are superior to social media, huuh. Really they're so autistic they put me to shame in comparison.

On the other hand, social media is a doxx and I don't see why I should doxx myself just to eat more fresh shit. Been roaming some traditional forums (lmao yeah), but no fruit there either, though I did not expect any to be honest. More technical forums justly focus on more technical things and since my skills at anything are somewhat like nonexistent there's no way I can fit in (oohh lmao yeah fit in I fucking despise this phrase) without being an embarrassing faggot myself. Did not bother with less technical forums. Anyway most of the people there are pale old farts who discuss nothing but politics and some deeply irrelevant (to me) shit. Not to blame them, but I'm not interested at all.

Just imagine it, if you have a fucking brain, think about a fucking minute, you have to *actually* work your ass off to gain the *privilege* of talking to other people. Much in the same way you work your ass off to get food. This is so fucking deeply atrocious I can't put it in words. You have to gain the right to be around people *the same way* you gain the right to sleep under a rood or eat a meal. Realizing this really fucked up my understanding of human scum. So in the end, the people others claim to be psychopaths turn out to be very correct, albeit in a very ugly way. I sure wouldn't want to be butchered alive by some unhinged sick badass, but it doesn't negate the truth in any way. People are worthless sacks of meat and the only healthy way to think of them is as of accommodations.

  No. 8364

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But it takes away all purpose. I don't care about accommodations. If people are inherently so worthless, I can't care. I see no point at all in proceeding further along this line of thinking. Naturally, after realizing people are just things in the same way as everything else, you should abandon all morale and simply bully your way through to whatever you want. In reality, there are quite a few impediments. For one, it would require a lot of skill and dedication, and I have neither. On the other hand, I don't even care. If the nature of things is inherent emptiness, I don't care about attaining any of them.

This world is sick. So deeply empty and deprived of meaning. Think about butchering animals. Think how little you care. Think about all people dying right now. Think how little you care. Think about how all you stand for will vanish in a hundred of years. Think how little you care. In the end, all you have to do is to reproduce and fuck off kindly to wherever Styx flows.

But people who live under their illusions of meaning are so deeply disgusting. And you can't even blame them. For some reason, nature had to play this cruel trick to everyone. Of course they have to delude themselves, this is the only way they will be willing to reproduce - by believing that begetting offsprings matters.

The foundations of this existence are so deeply buried in vanity it makes me want to vomit. Just why in the name of Raptor does it have to be like this?

  No. 8375

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Everyone and everything around is so disgusting I want to vomit. But I am also very tired mentally while desperately needing to escape my own mind. This makes want to laugh, sort of. Not a very joyful laugh, you understand. It's not like I would like to stop feeling disgusted with disgusting things, but I really wish it didn't feel so dog shit awful. If things are this way, surely I should be able to live among them just fine, yes? Somehow, no. I don't understand this part. If only I could somehow escape consciousness…

  No. 8386

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Stumbled upon this shit while skimming through gelbooru. Guess who's gonna have an exercise of will right now

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  No. 6023 [Reply] [Last50 Posts]

I am going to post 1(one) cute file every day until raptor jesus takes me.God bless.
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  No. 8402

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A-are you hungry?

  No. 8404

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Another day another food!

  No. 8408

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Lets save the world from hunger!

  No. 8413

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Hi-i! Please don't forget to eat well!

  No. 8416

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Oh my, you must be starved!

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  No. 7994 [Reply]

Eat it out all bob
17 postsand8 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view.

  No. 8026

i hate women sometimes…. my goodness

  No. 8027

You should hate everyone equally lizza
Otherwise it doesn't sound good

  No. 8030

My words exactly. Did you by chance hear it elsewhere or am I hallucinating again?

  No. 8032

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had a bigmac and fries and a large coke yummy goyslop

  No. 8072

Dude I swear I'm thin as a match, maybe it's because I haven't hit 30 yet, but eating doesn't seem to matter, I just stay thin. But I don't eat McDonald's shit either. I eat a lot of farinaceous food, though. Don't drink soda though.

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  No. 6009 [Reply] [Last50 Posts]

Hi Lizzies, this is a thread where you can post how your day was.
215 postsand74 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view.

  No. 7923

Today I was in a trance. I didn't really feel anything at all. Tomorrow is going to be full of shit so I brace myself against what I hate so fucking much, but apart from that, I rot pretty successfully. I think I'm sort of past the lowest point of the breakdown. At least I don't feel acutely pained and restless anymore. I'm becoming hollow again. Guess it isn't that bad, just need more time to turn into a zombie again.

  No. 7927

I legitimately spent the day browsing imageboards and doing shit. I don't even know how the day ended so quickly. I did absolutely fucking nothing.

  No. 7951

Today I used depilation cream around food disposal outlet.
I understand that it may be misunderstood by those fortunate enough to not have -1,5cm 0.6 inch forest on their ass

  No. 7970

Lizchan back from beyond the grave! Wanted to throw in a few words of daily hatred, but site was down. I got a bit upset, but then thought that probably cold blood will not surrender to society, and here it is. All hail lizachan!

  No. 8122

Went for a ride then was rotting.
For past 4days I'm excersizing my legs hard. It's really fun oh and the pump feels great.
I always had stick legs but when I started commuting on bike and walking to 11th floor they got a bit better.
So I'm planning to have huge legs so I can one kick kill normies.
+they treat fit people with more respect for some reason so I've gaslighted myself that having a muscular pair of walkers is going to make them focus less on my retarded ways.
Also trying to gain some weight so I can hate myself less.
Having goals is a good feeling.

But I should probably focus on other things as my mentals are in shambles and I'm unemployed again lol

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  No. 2077 [Reply]

I don't want it to be true.
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  No. 2084

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that or he's trapped within his OS

  No. 2090

Trapped is such a mean word. He was embraced by it.

  No. 2096

Hope someone makes an archive of all his videos, needs to be kept alive in his works at least.

  No. 7823

Felt like this was yesterday.

  No. 7824

2018 really wasn't so long ago i'll probably walk out of the window if i keep thinking about how fucking fast time goes

Embedding error.

  No. 1441 [Reply] [Last50 Posts]

Music of any kind i don't care
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  No. 7648

here is shogezae pop

  No. 7649

sda dasdhak shjdfias wadoi ajwasd

  No. 7769

artist: ssshhhiiittt!
Song: домой

translation is "home" of some kind.

  No. 7770

Heh I remember posting them here before they became popular, good stuff liz

  No. 7773

denotes direction towards home. doesn't have a particular meaning on itself. most often it means going home though

  No. 220 [Reply]

Trying to find new videos to play while I stare into the abyss or play random video games.
Feel free to post anything that is a good time waster.
I'll post a few throughout the thread.
73 postsand20 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view.

  No. 3054

I've been looking for this one for months.
Thanks a ton!

  No. 3061

No problemo.
I'm still here, lurking from the shadows

  No. 3067

Upload a new video my nigger.

  No. 3107

  No. 7696

Moooooods ban this cunt

  No. 7650 [Reply]

kawaii de kawaii
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  No. 7658

  No. 7659

  No. 7660

  No. 7661


  No. 7662

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