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/b/ -Burrow

Bury yourself in the ground lizzie
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  No. 3681 [Reply]

After only being more or less with devices that are very close, my eyes get all foggy when I try to read something on a screen. Can I fix this in any way that doesn't involve going outside?
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  No. 3688

>technology that wasn't meant to be used in human beings
then why are you staring at screens?

  No. 3689

Yea I'm only 20 and noticed my far sight is a bit blurry, only as to make reading more difficult if it's small text.
Make sure your eyes aren't just really dry and need rest from staring for so long.

  No. 3693

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Well it's either glasses or you'll be bumping into everything and walking into open traffic like Mr Magoo.

  No. 3695

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Pic rel

  No. 3696

To be fair that'd get rid of all the poor eyesight niggers.

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  No. 3639 [Reply]

What would be digital tips on staying comfy? I already have relaxing music playing in the background but I can't think of anything else. I've already got the non-digital part covered by pulling the curtains, donning a Snuggie and having a hot Chocolate by my side.
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  No. 3679

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  No. 3684

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  No. 3685

Playing a slow burning jrpg, preferably an old one, taking time grinding, taking time thinking what to do next on your turn.

  No. 3690

What is the joke here, other than retarded nuwojak funny silly boomer man? You should feel ashamed, nigger.

  No. 3691

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It's represantation of every person that listen to weather sounds in low quality.
**wtf,I thought it's brainlet. I'm not up to date with normans. I lost my interest in memes long time ago.
Well that's akward**
F.lux is comfy,my eyes never turn red thanks to that program. Oh and changing windows aero to that retro looking one makes it cozier, at least for me.

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  No. 3250 [Reply]

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  No. 3345

That's the last one I really liked, used to have to mow a huge lawn out in the country and would listen to it every week as it was the only one loud enough to hear over it.
Yea NOTM had some nice moments mainly near the beginning and endings of most tracks but it wasn't enough to make 8 quality songs.

  No. 3599

Oh shit! Nignogs?!

  No. 3603

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America 2020

  No. 3606

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As yeah mane, no datz wut I shudda name: kulture

  No. 3608

dats rite muh niggah

  No. 1952 [Reply]

>shows off piss jar
>takes dick out
>shit pants on camera

Why would anyone humiliate themselves like this? It's not like normies are going to empathize with you or anything.
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  No. 3541

That's probably what he thought too. That's what everyone thinks when a girl isn't awful to a guy, since it's her job to interview him it makes sense that she's not acting terribly. She's most definitely judging him as he talks.

  No. 3548

>definitely judging him as he talks

She's also probably thinking about all the fame and money she's going to get after exploiting this awkward incel loser.

  No. 3550

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>"Weeheehee I bet this interview will get me 100 more followers on twitter, dumb stupid incel"
>"I wonder if this is the interview I'll be remembered for, maybe I'll be the next Larry King or Don Hewitt"
>"Uh oh, he's looking at me, better smile!"
<"fuck fuck fuck she smiled at me what do I do? If I play my cards right I'll lose my virginity tonight! I'll get her the chocolate bar she's looking at and it'll be smooth sailing from there, no wait! Women don't want chocolate, they want to be healthy! I'll get her that protein bar. No fuck she doesn't want that I should have offered the chocolate, better make a joke. Fuck that wasn't funny I'll never get laid"

  No. 3551

I just find it weird how he's the most attractive one, yet still the protagonist in their celdocumentery.
Also that woman unnerves me, I'm not sure but I think it's the constant smirk and something about how she looks at people.

  No. 3555

You can tell after the vegan salad remark and her laughing in his face that he was dying on the inside.

I can relate because I'm just as awkward in social situations. It's painful seeing another guy do that to himself.

  No. 3494 [Reply]

What hell must be like.
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  No. 3500

By the end of one week I'm sure we'd all be wanting to kill each other. The lack of privacy would drive me insane.

  No. 3501

If I am going to be completely honest here, I wouldn't mind a Lizard commune/cult where we all live in relative isolation but still together. I'm sure you guys aren't that bad.

  No. 3502

My only issues would be wanting a lockable door, and the fact i'd have to get a job. I don't talk much but being around similar people definitely lowers cortisol if there's no drama instigators.
There must be rules though, I for one say you must post once a day, or you lose your ramen privileges for the whole week.

  No. 3503

We could have our own farm, that way we wouldn't need to do as much in terms of buying food in public. I'm sure if we had enough people the work load wouldn't be terrible and we could have a relatively large amount of free time.

  No. 3504

Chickens are pretty easy to care for, I used to help feed them and grab eggs as a kid.
You'll pay nearly as much for bug repellent and resources for veggies as you would just buying them I wager.
Also the lack of health insurance will kill you if you ever have a issue.
I'd definitely rather do that than go homeless or have to rent with normal people though. If you guys ever fund our lizranch send me an invite i'll try and wagie with you.

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  No. 1192 [Reply]

Post weird questions you think of.

From a vegans point of view, would stealing already shelved meat and eating it be unethical?
Is hedonism bad even when bringing no harm to others other than those who created you?
Is having children equal to indirect murder?
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  No. 3414

>Is hedonism bad even when bringing no harm to others other than those who created you?
This seems to be coming from an antinatalist perspective which in itself is a pessimistic form of hedonism. To me, the question reads like "is it alright for me to live by my antinatalist beliefs and not have children even though this decision could be emotionally harmful to my parents?", which you could argue that the harm you're inflicting is a temporary discomfort compared to the continued harm you've chosen to prevent. No further parents will be disappointed by their antinatalist sons because of anything you've done. This is a net good.

  No. 3430

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  No. 3436

Is god a pervert for giving man and woman pleasure when they have sex, or just a bit of an asshole?

  No. 3440

I think gods by proxy a reflection of his creation, good, evil, pure, impure, etc.
I'm pretty sure god and satan as depicted are just one being and seperated into different people so masses feel like a side can eventually win.

  No. 3486

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Are Touhou the modern day japans equivalent to Roman Mythology?

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  No. 3204 [Reply]

Do you like to change the pitch or stretch songs you already like?

Don't know what I'm talking about and want to try? Have a look here: https://29a.ch/timestretch/

  No. 3206

>change the pitch
Yes. I was making nightcore and vapourwave before they were even genres.

  No. 3207

Yea but I can be picky, I watched this video years ago and still go back just for the background track that's never been uploaded.

  No. 3210

This thread reminds me of the way Ulillillia listens to music.

  No. 3360

came to post this vid

  No. 3443

I guess this isn't the same, but I like to stick together rap vocals with songs of the same bpm using audacity. Sometimes I also change the pitch and speed. They don't normally turn out as good as this one.

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  No. 3298 [Reply]

Well then, looks like EUnigs got LAWED again, what are the chances everything will still be as usual
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  No. 3310

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I can't even get on to it now. Maybe they closed with unannounced advance

  No. 3313

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>proactively prevent copyrighted material

Oye mate, ye goit a permit foor that internet meme?

  No. 3314

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>can post as much copyrighted shit as I want without reprecussions
>don't have any copyrighted content other than images from memes
>still get to lord it over EU faggots
Posting copyrighted content. Get fucked lel.

  No. 3315

Jokes on you, you have to wait 2 years to lord it over us

  No. 3359

even if a site is hosted in the US? time to start investing in VPN companies

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  No. 1536 [Reply]

fuck people amirite
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  No. 3128

>Are you being sarcastic?
It's more of a case of selective retardism, and very dry humor.

  No. 3132

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  No. 3136

it's an abstract kind of comedy

  No. 3320

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  No. 3341

the rat is happier in that drawing because he has more bling

  No. 894 [Reply]

Aniki has passed away.
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  No. 903

It was on 4chad blotter

  No. 907

If there is anything that exists such that it can be called imageboard culture, Billy was part of that. The lack of recognition (literally who?) of him on 4chan threads exposed just how much of the userbase was new. It's a bit like what Daddy Howard's death last Christmas was for Wizchan.

  No. 908

>imageboard culture

I'm not sure what imageboards you post on but I personally avoid the ones with gay pornstars.

  No. 909

Are you trying to imply I use 4scam?

  No. 3321

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He may have died but Ricardo will pave the way for the newer generations to come

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