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/b/ -Burrow

Bury yourself in the ground lizzie
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  No. 3639

What would be digital tips on staying comfy? I already have relaxing music playing in the background but I can't think of anything else. I've already got the non-digital part covered by pulling the curtains, donning a Snuggie and having a hot Chocolate by my side.

  No. 3640

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Not posting frog captured by normies would be a good start

  No. 3642

if you're using windows turn night light on and dim your screen

  No. 3649

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Ignore politics, find escapist worlds to get sunk into, make sure you're using a dark theme, browse pixiv profiles, sort your imageboard folder, look through dead imageboards, scroll through wiki's for hours absorbing information, make little projects on a game engine, or in an editing program, snoop through peoples music playlist.

  No. 3651

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Arrange your room so that you can use your computer from your bed like in OP's pic.

  No. 3679

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  No. 3684

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  No. 3685

Playing a slow burning jrpg, preferably an old one, taking time grinding, taking time thinking what to do next on your turn.

  No. 3690

What is the joke here, other than retarded nuwojak funny silly boomer man? You should feel ashamed, nigger.

  No. 3691

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It's represantation of every person that listen to weather sounds in low quality.
**wtf,I thought it's brainlet. I'm not up to date with normans. I lost my interest in memes long time ago.
Well that's akward**
F.lux is comfy,my eyes never turn red thanks to that program. Oh and changing windows aero to that retro looking one makes it cozier, at least for me.

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