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Bury yourself in the ground lizzie
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  No. 5990 [Reply]

What are you watching lizanons? I just finished Gurren Lagann, and while it was great I don't think it was as good as Kaiji. I liked how the anime started growing in scale to the point it ended up with the cast becoming a government and the fights crossing dimensions and universes, but the ending didn't get to me. That sensation of everything coming to conclusion.
The music was there, the lights and the colours were bright, the feels were there, but I couldn't do that, shred a tear from the euphoria of the scene and how beautiful everything was. I personally blame it on not being able to detach from the real world completely, I can do that easily on a phone since you only see your fingers, but watching it on my computer I couldn't inmerse myself fully.

It was close though, now I'm going to get into SnK since the last season is coming soon, saw everyone posting like a maniac about the rumbling so I may want to see what it's all about. And then after that I'll see what else is there.

  No. 6047

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Gave this anime several chances but never managed to go past the first couple of episodes.

Don't know what happened in the meantime but right now I'm really liking it.

  No. 6048

The first season is good but not the second.

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  No. 5991 [Reply]

>tfw whatever happens to me it's certain I will have to sleep
This is what brings comfort to me. Even if I am beaten up and bullied, parents kick me out of my home, I end up homeless etc. it's just inevitable. No matter how bad things get, I will have to collapse at one point and sleep. At that point real world stops existing for me and I am incapacitated to be aware about it. You can kick my body however much you want, I wont wake up. You can even kill me and I won't be there to feel it. I don't need to fight you, cause I don't acknowledge your existence. It is the ultimate most natural escapism there is. I don't need anime, video games, alcohol, drugs etc. I just need to sleep.

It's just amazing that evolution made this exist, yet people don't like to sleep. I don't understand people who say 3rd of our lives is 'wasted' through sleep. The truth is, 2/3rds of our lives is wasted through wakefulness. Sleep is the natural state of our organism; wakefulness is the abnormality where we look for food and a safe place for our body in order to sleep. The ultimate goal of the human race has to be to put itself to an eternal sleep while something else takes care of their bodies.

  No. 5992

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i sleep to kill time, works wonders.
wize post op liz

  No. 1057 [Reply] [Last50 Posts]

Just going to post any random YouTube I find
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  No. 5938

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Mine don't care too
But if I roll myself up in a blanket pic rel they get mad dunno why
Trulizards are hairless.
Shave Your warmth

  No. 5945

blanket robes display an aura of smugness unmatched by boxer bearers.
I'm neet and even i'd feel threatened by our disparity in comfort levels, I'd probably start a tard brawl out of jealousy honestly.
I donno why but i've never went naked mode that often, makes me feel vulnerable. may have to get some silk boxers for royalty like myself as a compromise.

  No. 5963

remember when we all teamed up and did these heist? can't believe we're all retired with the lizchan domain payed off for decades now.

  No. 5971

how can one man be so based

  No. 5980

That guy sounds like a suburban antifa clown, what does he know about crime?

The guy in this video was actually in a Mexican cartel and he talks about all the ghoulish things they do.

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  No. 5403 [Reply] [Last50 Posts]

Post in this thread every time you want to post in this thread!
It's mine but i'll share.
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  No. 5972

Walked by the bog roll section in walmart today to see what the inventory was like and it was completely cleared out. There was a woman there who looked like she was in a state of panic. Lucky for me I bought an extra pack earlier, I'd hate to have to wipe my ass like an Indian.

  No. 5975

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>get the coof
What do you do?

  No. 5976

nothing really you can do other than panic, you're fucked. hopefully you won't need to take aids meds for the rest of your life

  No. 5977

panic and start murdering people for toilet paper

  No. 5979

*toilet paper company CEO rubs his hands together*

  No. 5705 [Reply]

Post boss fight music and others reply with images of what the boss would look like.
Video for example.
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  No. 5731


  No. 5732

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  No. 5734

reverse rule

  No. 5849

  No. 5850

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replying to own post

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  No. 910 [Reply] [Last50 Posts]

Post a photograph that resembles your life.

Mine is picture related.
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  No. 5781

File: R1CTH0GNj7KmdeOhsXqnlQiPtZMbUW.png (162.18 KB ,445x680 , 68bc7699977ca30c82556fbf86….png )

thats what aids will do to you

  No. 5809

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yup, that's me. (the one in the middle)

  No. 5827


These anime always seem to make the main protag a giant or something. They always absolutely tower over the love interests. It seems to be some kind of cliche that they're so big. They're always so nice and likeable though, so I would feel bad to have them hurt. He looks so happy and content. How can someone hate that?

  No. 5828

I hate him with a passion, smug prick gets to not be real, while simataniously being 2d and a anime chad. Hope that non existent nonce gets barbaricly basted.

  No. 5834

>t. manlet

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  No. 1514 [Reply] [Last50 Posts]

Hey guys I want to build up a comfy thread to reflect back too while playing games and watching anime, feel free to post comfy videos, asmr, pictures, websites, games, movies, activities etc!
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  No. 5328

Iktf Lizzie. Google images is comfy way to lurk.
it's weird how you can find pedostuff there tho

nice pics

  No. 5329

I really appreciate you going that far just to find those images, many blessings upon you anon. It genuinely disgusts me that there are people like that. If you're going to save an image, why not make sure it's the best possible quality? I don't understand, but I guess it's because they're too lazy to spend a couple of minutes on a reverse image search.

  No. 5331

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Here are some I made a while ago.
I think I got some more burind in my hardrive somewhere…

  No. 5334

I didn't know Jack Skellington was such a ladies man.

  No. 5613

Everyone talks about ai waifus but what about ai friends?
I want to have some ai friends, especially to play vr mmos with in the future.

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  No. 2373 [Reply] [Last50 Posts]

Post in this thread every time you check lizchan and can't think of a worthwhile thing to post!
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  No. 5373

welcome back liz, we're here to stay for good

  No. 5397

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>both the ventilations thread and this one are already on the bump limit
wew, we'll see if another thread is made, in the meantime I'll post this that was for the other thread.
If there's something that drives me mad, is fake dichotomies that are bringed up whenever someone confronts another guy.
>you shit on me shilling a team? you must be a nigger from the rival team
>you're not against the president? you must be a supporter of israel
>you're not pissed about a group? then you must be an apologist of them and one of them
And this methodology is spreading very fast lately, it's ridiculous how thinking stuff and how it would develop/what would be the outcomes is thrown away from the window and everyone has resorted to a mentality of us vs them.

  No. 5399

You don't support Isreal? What an anti-semite! You should be put to death! Start the oven, Goldbergenstein!
This dichotomy thinking is very useful for controlling cattle. I'm not sure if it would be better for them to all be completely aimless. It is annoying as hell though.

  No. 6627


  No. 6629


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  No. 722 [Reply] [Last50 Posts]

Come vent your emotions here. I'll start.

My therapist recently informed me that I am extremely depressed. I thought my feelings were just angst but apparently my hatred of the world was deeper than that. It just kind of shocked me because although I wasn't feeling great I didn't once consider that I was depressed. I'll just keep pushing through it I guess.
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  No. 5423

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woah are You for real or it's just a joke about making big cash from furstuff?

Are there any furfags or it's just me? as far as I know none is into ponies

  No. 5424

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>woah are You for real
Only time will tell.
>Are there any furfags or it's just me?
Hopefully its just you. But ive seen you here for awhile so
youre a good you, even if you are a degenerate.

  No. 5429

>Escapism baaaad
>What is the search for higher ideals?
>Rejection of reality is baaad
>if i cannot see it or hear it it is not real
>of course fighting for the things you care about and sacrificing the world for them is bad!!! can´t you see the collective is more important than your will!? submit to the masses anon don´t seek meaning for yourself just create things to get your sweet sweet validation
>the void is baaaad, don´t you see you always have to be moving?!
>i mean escapism is a sad thing because there is no meaning to it and its empty, unlike participating in society because you need them to exist, it totally isnt bleak and empty because you need other people to know that you exist in order to exist

jesus fuck i hate normalniggers, it always comes down to retarded materialism and social validation, because you can´t choose your own path or make things your own way, no no no you have to follow the will of the sheep and make things sanctioned by the people, because you are not an adult unless you wageslave yourself and create more children to slave themselves away for the government

sorry for the rant anons, this kind of shit really gets on my nerves, i dont know if it is the self-serving normalnigger rethoric, or the fact that the fag from the video and anno for that matter has not picked up a single book on philosophy EVER

  No. 5430

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Oh the norman mindset,that's funny stuff.
I never knew that ppl are so silly untill I started working in kfc.
couldn't see it earlier because I wasn't visiting any crowded places
They order for an example longer sandwich then get angry because they wanted other shit even though they said longer, there is no way that fault is on their side it must be mine!
Some time ago I found the great way to not let dumb ppl behaviour annoy me additionaly boost my mood.
>makes Eddy Wally wow sound
>puts everyone off the track
Maybe this will help ya oh and what did you expect from that video most of the content is judged by the normal rulebook

  No. 5440

I hate that normalfag rhetoric too. Not only is it wrong, but it's arrogant too with the way it seems to say:
> No one could have any real objections to modern society. Clearly they're just a sperg with a small dick who's jealous of how amazing I am and of all the sex that I have.
What's worse is that this way of thinking is so staggeringly retarded that it's impossible to argue against. There is no genuine search for truth and no appreciation for higher values. I hate the way that it shits on religion and philosophy for being "made up", but will cling rabidly to arbitrary social mores that didn't even exist as recently as five years ago. I hate the way it presupposes that social conventions are inherently good. I hate that the way that they use the conventions of today to shit on the conventions of the past. Fuck, man, I hate it all.

On of the biggest ironies is that normalfags aren't even good at being social. The average normalfag is a terrible conversationalist and they often have a profound lack of empathy. I grew up thinking that I didn't like talking to people, but that's not true. For example, I enjoy posting her and talking to lizards. The reality is that normalfags are just so thoroughly insufferable that they manage to make a fun experience bad.

Sorry for the rant but I wanted to get it off my chest.

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  No. 4615 [Reply]

So what is lizanon´s take on life?
the only correct one is atavismfight me niggers

i´ll get the ball rolling by Evola posting my entire library of Evola´s works
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  No. 4632

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>This three principles is what I derived from my experience with life. They work for me but might not work for you so don't take it personal if what I'm saying sound bullshit.
Apples and oranges I guess.

  No. 5036

If I'm so smart and self aware then why I go full retard when something unexpected happens or fall to negative thought loop over some meaningless things.
Maybe in reality I am silly and think otherwise just to cope with everything that I can't handle

  No. 5037

Depends on why you'd think you're smart.
Most people who are completely and utterly competent and amazing in a certain field are retarded in many others.
I'm biased but I see three types of main intelligence, that you gain through an interest or habit (art, music, programming, etc) this is all gained through habitual training/repetitive action. Usually the highest praised although it's main hurdle to overcome would be dedication.
Then social intelligence, this is attained through being attractive/being socialized while young, this is mainly manipulation which becomes easier the more attractive you are (stacks with the above type too) and having been socialized you become well learned with social norms/what people want to hear.
Then lastly realism, which is mainly in the realm of "pessimism"
this doesn't take dedication as much as just an open and empathetic mind. This is the least difficult as it's not as tedious as pushing a stone up a hill (until you hit that wall), but it's best to avoid it if you're wanting to be socially intelligent unless you're say Charles manson.
Anyway anon a difference of an iq of 100 and 140 isn't much different in the grand scheme of things, your still trapped in a system with a median iq of 80, many people will call you dumb for just sitting with your problems but if you knew they were that easy to fix you wouldn't keep yourself from expending the energy to do so.
sorry for rant
nothing wrong with being silly in a clown world.

  No. 5051

Sounds like you get flustered easily. You're not dumb but people who observe your behavior will definitely assume you are. I have the exact same problem.

  No. 5216

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I was interrupted halfway through Plato's Republic and have not yet gotten back to it. However, in the meanwhile I started reading Max Stirner, and I must admit that I find egoism very appealing. If you ask people what is good you will get many answers, but if you ask them why it is good I only get platitudes and circular logic. As an individual the only things that I have to base my conclusions on are my perceptions and my thoughts. I am not sure whether there is an animating force behind consciousness or if I and by logical extension everyone else are just complex biological machines. I suppose we'll either find that out when we're dead or never at all.

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