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/b/ -Burrow

Bury yourself in the ground lizzie
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Post boss fight music and others reply with images of what the boss would look like.
Video for example.


I have this thing with Guitar Hero that, if the song is really hard, I end up imagining boss fights while playing, and try to translate the patterns of the frets descendings as attacks, trying to discern how the player should react to them
I guess I'll start then, need to learn how to drawfag at one point to bring them to life


File: BZTcyDNdpF6UowLeMhWXQasu9JiPC0.png (930.41 KB,672x787,895264567820.png)


quite perfect
that songs not bad


File: S3ROHlNQ69CrDMPxu2sYymhIEj1e8k.jpg (81.83 KB,505x446,boomertime.jpg)


File: IQvmeL7Ug5OupPDMi2wCtzJSrZ1yco.jpg (29.47 KB,720x405,46784649.jpg)




File: WAvZ4eS0hQotwEMqfr6zjyVa35879i.png (274.16 KB,1037x1046,1579644934656-pol.png)


reverse rule



File: 0DZGlwqdx1jacPeBMSYUsHu3VLTJhi.png (599.27 KB,919x887,boss.png)

replying to own post

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