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/b/ -Burrow

Bury yourself in the ground lizzie
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  No. 2220 [Reply]

So I was just chillin' on a branch just minding my own damn lizbiz when some monkey motherfucker swung over on a vine and immediately started ooking and eeking about how damn great it is to be an endotherm. I calmly reminded him that he is easily spending more than half his energy on body heat while there was plenty of free, environmental heat, but this dense banana buster had apparently slurped one too many tree dicks today because he then started saying ectos are too low-energy (A GODDAMNED SLUR) for endothermy and are sour grapes about it. So I showed that simian shitsack that I had enough energy to pounce on him and beat him senseless. I was careful to not get him bloody, though; I don't want his monkey AIDS. Pic related. Took a nice lizdump on him after to keep him warm.

Fuck endos. Every single one of 'em. I bet evolution still kicks itself for thinking endothermy was a good idea.
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  No. 2224

Is this Lizchan's first shitpost?

  No. 2225

>first shitpost

Was his post the very first post you've read on the site?

  No. 2226

newfag liz

  No. 2227


spotted the lizling

  No. 2228


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  No. 2003 [Reply]

Happy late bday lizchan toot toot!!!!
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  No. 2010

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  No. 2012

I went to the pet shoppe a few days ago and saw a bunch of cute lizlords, should have taken pictures. One was hanging from his wired roof upside down at me and spooked me.

  No. 2023

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very belated toot toot

  No. 2123

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  No. 2128

look at those flippin' leaky lizards why are they so SOAKING

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  No. 1918 [Reply]

post your rarest pepes
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  No. 1924

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  No. 1933

>third pic

I genuinely miss the old days when anarchists were just teenage skater bros or that quiet kid in the back of the class. Now ancoms had to come in and add their shitty failed ideology to it. Fuck em.

  No. 1934

Modern anarchist theory has a lot of roots in Italian socialism. Especially anything that talks about revolutionary violence or resistance to achieve an anarchic system and maintain it. That is insurrectionary anarchism and is socialist in origin. The socialists have been one of the dominant schools in anarchist theory for the better part of the 20th century.

It was even a big part of why the Republican forces fell into infighting during the Spanish Civil War, some were communist and some were anarchists and/or syndicalist. It is not really a new development. If anything, the skater boy anarchist thing is the new phenomenon.

  No. 1941

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modern day anarchists are nothing but soldiers for the establishment

  No. 1995

No I get that. What I meant in that post was that anarchists used to be carefree rebelious teenagers, and now it seems most of them are sjws. Probably should have made that more clear.

(Also sorry for late reply. This website decided to start blocking in browser proxies, so after a while I said "fuck it" and downloaded a vpn.)

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  No. 1234 [Reply]

Where is the /r9k/ of this chan? I need more chans to plan world domination with the other elitists.
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  No. 1239

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I actually very much agree, Sisyphus is really a character that people can sympathize with. The difference though, I think, is that Sisyphus was condemned to his fate for eternity by the gods – he can't do anything else about it now. From the lizard point of view however, I always imagine that like most people we are all initially born, raised, and brought up to believe in Sisyphus' struggle as our own, but then we discover that we can actually walk away at any time.

And for normies, robots, and wizards alike, that is a scary thought if Sisyphus can actually walk away at any time to do what he just wants to do, since it means Sisyphus is no longer a product of the gods but of his own doing, torturing himself on pointless matters. Celibacy is naturally one aspect of this, because the relationships that incels secretly desire is just a chain to bound them to the world instead of abandoning the notion altogether and liberating themselves to true freedom.

As far as warm-bloods ruining their own world goes, no doubt they will continue to ruin it, but I would find it hard to believe that they would actually destroy it, per se. They will make it shitty, but in their ways will never have the guts to permanently end it all – a lot like the Chinese Sisyphus, Wu Gang, who would endlessly chop branches of a tree that just grows back. Warm-bloods will quarrel over which branch to chop, but will never uproot the tree itself. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wu_Gang

Lizards on the other hand, simply sit back and enjoy the fruit of said tree from a distance, neither cutting trees or playing with boulders, just relaxing while he can.

  No. 1240

>I need more chans to plan world domination

/pol/ and /int/ are the places where you do that. At /r9k/ you'd only find sadsack incels bitching about not having access to pussy.

  No. 1245

Ah I guess i'm just waging on nuclear war, a airborne virus or our curiosity killing them. I watch a lot of media like that though.
I think the longer our race lives the more damage is done, and I don't mean to the environment but to people themselves.
Thanks for the wiki link never heard of this.
I don't think any of them are up for real life challenges non-immediately benefiting to them. Not to say all their posters are bad, most being a step up from normalfags.

  No. 1618

gb to reddit xD

  No. 1821

>world domination

I would rather set up a commune exclusively for lizards and we will live ourselves out. Don't worry about world domination because normalfags are already doing a pretty good job of killing themselves.

  No. 1740 [Reply]

>when the frogposter normies invade

  No. 1742

facebook frog is in ruins

  No. 1751

>*director takes a hit of acid* "then he'll put on a nazi top hat and make babble noises"
>*does line of coke* "and then we'll dress up the frogs as Aztec warriors and conquistadors" *pops a quaalude*

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