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/b/ -Burrow

Bury yourself in the ground lizzie
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  No. 1626 [Reply]

anybody still using windows xp?
15 postsand7 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view.

  No. 1768

XP can be relatively safe on the internet:
1. Use a good firewall: Comodo, define decent rules for general use, also use latest exploit info
2. Use NAT
3. Replace Adobe Reader with Sumatra as the default program
4. Sandbox all PDFs and .Docs, Docx etc using Sandboxie
5. Disable flash - use flashblock for all but trusted sites, update regularly
6. Use Firefox, f&ck! Not for long…
7. Use Thinderbird in plain text mode, people who view html emails get f*cked
8. Use Ableword for .Docs, .docx by default
9. Disable Microsoft Networking and everything but TCP/IP
10. Quite a few other fiddles based on exploits found in the wild
11. Ublock addon
12. decent antivirus, regular scans
Disable network facing services

  No. 4238

seems like the site is dead now.
do you guys know anything about issues with installing win7 via a pirated iso/usb? i wanted to put it on a hard drive as a way to dualboot. however the harddrive i want to use is already occupied with my vidya archive. will i have to remove it? also booting from a usb gets me some "cant detect drivers" error

  No. 4239

interesting information, saved some of the software, thanks year old liz

  No. 4245

>create new partition on hdd,you don't have to format it
>then install on that particion

>also booting from a usb gets me some "cant detect drivers" error

Mobo too old for win7 or more likely it's the fault of pirated iso, try different one

  No. 4255

Fuck you

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  No. 3770 [Reply]

Fuck 8ch. Used that site for 5 years and every board Ive encountered there is a rulecucked shithole filled with shills, redditors, and 4um refugees. Is this a good place to be? I was recommended here by an anon to come here when I eventually would get fed up with them…
17 postsand7 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view.

  No. 3822

what do you think would have been a fair outcome that's not deleting and instabanning?

surely there must be a way to convey what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior without inviting further abuse

  No. 3825

nvm this liz >>3820 is in the right

  No. 4030

>4chan refugees!!!
>guys im a 8chan refugee do you like me?
why are you so retarded

  No. 4224

then leave retard, why even type this shit out?

  No. 4225

>Lizchanners are more lame normalfags though

How so?

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  No. 2240 [Reply]

ITT we post /ourguys/ as represented by warmies

I'll start with a few
14 postsand8 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view.

  No. 2272

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who was in the wrong here?

  No. 2274

based lizard king mind controls normies like it's nothing

  No. 3828

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*finishes him*

thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAwWPadFsOA

  No. 3866

>thread theme

  No. 4008

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  No. 584 [Reply]

Post websites that you really like, or maybe certain artist profiles! I will share what I know, and wish to discover more!

https://lizchan.org - Imageboard full of reptilians.
https://fauux.neocities.org/- Both of these sites
https://mebious.neocities.org/- are about loving lain with aesthetic web design.
http://www.exitmundi.nl/exitmundi.htm - Speculation on probable extinction tier events.
64 postsand17 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view.

  No. 3850

How did you find this?

  No. 3851

Oh idk, internet?

  No. 3854

can't believe you guys have been making videogames without me.

  No. 3859

Sorry liz, you just weren't cool enough to cut it :(

  No. 3882

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I understand

  No. 1901 [Reply]

I want to build a small collection, i'll post a few to start off.
19 postsomitted. Click reply to view.

  No. 3241

  No. 3442

Going for an extra lap with this little piece.

  No. 3445

You Japanese or just able to speak moonrunes?

  No. 3488

I lack practice but I studied Japanese a while back.

  No. 3844

This game is better than I've been told, clunky so far but fun. Reminds me of dynasty warriors.

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  No. 1179 [Reply]

Does anyone want to stream Naruto together? Or at the very least, set up a sort of discussion thread for it?
To all wizards who haven't seen Naruto, make this the official Naruto discussion thread.
6 postsand1 image replyomitted. Click reply to view.

  No. 1220

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hello chronic shitposter i see you're back

  No. 1265

Naruto is pretty good imo. I also like when people sperg out at the mere mention of the show (see thread for details).

  No. 1267


  No. 3790

I stopped watching during the middle of the chunnin exam arc. I think its mostly because I realized I can never watch a show that so many episodes. I wish I could give it a chance but I just can't. I already struggle with watching 20 episode animes as well.

  No. 3840

Posting to keep this picture safe.

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  No. 1642 [Reply]

Post horror themed pictures / webms, they don't really scare me I just like the imagination involved.
74 postsand13 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view.

  No. 3761

>sacrificing the roast
>watered crops

Sorry, I don't understand your illuminati talk.

  No. 3763

Anyone know of any good horror documentaries or haunting channels/series?
I've been watching a bunch of abandoned hospital/hotel videos and docs about tales like skin walker ranch and disappearances, I don't really like stuff like ghost hunters except for some comedy but really like the stories and locations for some reason.

  No. 3764

>good horror documentaries

Conspiracy Of Silence is good if you're interested in pizzagate related topics. Also you should check out >>3146.

  No. 3797

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Thanks going to finish iso collecting and watch these over night.

  No. 3833

Here's another one if you think you're in a good enough frame of mind for it.

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  No. 380 [Reply]

Meanwhile, in bizarro lizchan…
12 postsand6 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view.

  No. 1011

i hope you mean that unironically

  No. 1012

Hey guys am I allowed here? I'm not a virgin but It's because a hippopotamus had non-consensual coitus with me. It was female.

  No. 1013

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  No. 1020

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  No. 3821

i dislike boys uWu

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  No. 3811 [Reply]

hi im a femcel here, got banned for trying to get friends on 4chan, so i came here, ill make it brief, i play minecraft and my discord is:

daddy jen#4741

  No. 3812

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  No. 3813

based undercover jannies trying to lure out the thirsty non-lizards

  No. 3814

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, please reread the rules. You have now been warned.


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  No. 3768 [Reply]

Sometimes when I open the YT homepage I foolishly hope to see the thumbnail of him with the red text under saying he's livestreaming.

Then I remind myself where he is. Hope you're doing well up there with Mr God you beautiful bastard.

  No. 3769

Can't believe the CIA niggers stole him from us.

  No. 3786

Honour his memory by saying the word nigger as often as possible and in public places.

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