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Bury yourself in the ground lizzie
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Post horror themed pictures / webms, they don't really scare me I just like the imagination involved.



gonna dump sum later hold on


this shit deeply disturbs me



Nice, I find spooky stuff helps me not focus on sad things, need to become more spooked.




>sad things

You don't find child trafficking sad?


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Reminds me of those tribal death whistles they would use to scare their prey, would mimic screams or noises like this.
wish an alien would land near my place and watch anime with me.
Ah I was thinking more of being the kid in the scenario how I'd feel, sadness can be scary, most people tend to block out that extent of empathy though feelings wise and use situations like this to virtue signal ime.


this just keeps getting darker and darker


It has a happy ending though.
Yea I figured those loops were used to hold the kids in place, this guy might get shot investigating so much.


It's like the government is trying to tell us that pizzagate is real.



love horror movies where chad a stacy bite the dust.


Isn't that the plot of most horror movies? Chads and Stacys getting killed as punishment for their degeneracy.


It wouldn't make for much a movie if you had saintly fellows all but being martyred.


Same it's hard sitting through them if it's just a slasher though and they do their normalfag stuff all movie.
Yea that's to realistic to be horror, we're numbed to that.


Spooky! What the hell happened to him!


Once you're too woke the jews start aging you with radiation waves directed from space to your house, probably.


By radiation wave I'm guessing you mean the aids virus. It looks like Jim and his two pals got a full blast of it.


Haven't found anything spooky enough to post yet
Aids transmitted through a bombardment of radiation waves?


If by bombardment you mean gay anal sex than yes.


It's all just technical speak for the same thing yea.


Starting to like this guys channel, the videos aren't as scary as they're just atmospheric.
I like the hotel series and exploring abandoned properties.


Are we allowed to post true crime as well or just fantasy oriented stuff?



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It just baffles the hell out of me how brainwashed these people really were. Their children are being killed in front of them and they are celebrating.



he was ready to go and he talked a room full of normies into going with him. powerful


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say something nice about my wife lizchan


that scared the living shit out of me don't post that again


she probably has good eyesight and she never has to deal with food getting caught on the sides of her mouth while she's eating


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my worst nightmare


that's my wife dude, not cool.
You're right very cute when she eats.
Yea I hate mustard, and ketchup, i'd tard rage in that situation.


Hillary is one scary evil bitch.


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time is a helluva drug


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her now


shes aged like a fine wine truly


if you only knew the number of babies she had to sacrifice to look that way


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ya gotta crack a few skulls to harvest baby souls, anyone would do so in her situation.


one of the most creepiest videos I've ever seen


Indians are like our own lust personified with little shame.


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>we all have a little poo in us

please don't tell me it's true


Hello everybrony




Why isn't my ad blocker working?


you simply must take your meds.


Anyone else find reality more terrifying than fictional horror stories? Not trying to sound 13 but existing itself is pretty terrifying, to think you're you and can be nothing more or less, that time seems to act like a rushing stream that you can't stop, you have no idea where death takes you, that people find comfort in the possibility of not existing upon death is pretty spooky itself. Not that I don't think the same way.
What was the point of being born to make more creatures born? Is all we have to chase dopamine highs? It just seems so strange how did I ever get used to this.


>reality more terrifying than fictional horror stories?

Not so much where I live but in certain parts of the world it is.


Oh yeah I have it easy comparatively, my imagination is just overactive, when walking towards my home or noticing stretches of time have passed I get this artificial feeling live I'm in a dream I can't wake up from. I have to resort to abstract ways of scaring myself subconsciously I guess.
Are there more videos like that? The narrator would make great documentaries.


>narrator would make great documentaries

Charles Bowden made the documentary El Sicario, Room 164 but I can't seem to find a copy with English subtitles online now.


Interested but could only find dutch subs, sad times we live in.


If you haven't watched it yet go watch Cartel Land. It illustrates perfectly how hellish life is in Mexico.


Nice I will check this out, sounds like a comfy doc.


cult vidya


get out


cult anime (I wish I spoke Japanese)



>The film received positive reviews and was a box office success, grossing $148 million against a budget of $4.9 million.

wtf? how have I not heard about this film?


Because it sucks.


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Now I know where adult swim got their bump from.


Finally got around to watching it the other day, yeah it really sucked. Total cash grab. It was almost as bad as the film Ouija.


Think i'm gonno watch this now, love bad horror films.


It's not a so bad it's good kind of horror film. It's a waste the budget away on marketing and staring bland hack actors bad.


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They eat kids!




I don't believe you. If you were part of the child eating elite you would of had a lot of sex by now. Vile disgusting sex.



they got him


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There's some strange stuff going on at CERN.


me sacrificing the roast, you're welcome for the next week of watered crops.


>sacrificing the roast
>watered crops

Sorry, I don't understand your illuminati talk.


Anyone know of any good horror documentaries or haunting channels/series?
I've been watching a bunch of abandoned hospital/hotel videos and docs about tales like skin walker ranch and disappearances, I don't really like stuff like ghost hunters except for some comedy but really like the stories and locations for some reason.


>good horror documentaries

Conspiracy Of Silence is good if you're interested in pizzagate related topics. Also you should check out >>3146.


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Thanks going to finish iso collecting and watch these over night.


Here's another one if you think you're in a good enough frame of mind for it.

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