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/b/ -Burrow

Bury yourself in the ground lizzie
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  No. 584

Post websites that you really like, or maybe certain artist profiles! I will share what I know, and wish to discover more!

https://lizchan.org - Imageboard full of reptilians.
https://fauux.neocities.org/- Both of these sites
https://mebious.neocities.org/- are about loving lain with aesthetic web design.
http://www.exitmundi.nl/exitmundi.htm - Speculation on probable extinction tier events.

  No. 585

  No. 586

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  No. 587

lots of gun videos and information


wiki for guns in films


  No. 588

"Chaos" Is a way of perceiving something, but doesn't exist imo, since things must be in order to create a chaotic event.

I keep tabs on wiz,liz,smug, and lain chan, only really post here though, also 8jp.
Thank you anon! I've been gaining interest in guns from shooting a 22. recently and this could help me choose one to save up for.

  No. 591

that puppy is so fucking cute and i can't stop looking at it

  No. 596

That right there's what we call a Hood Hound, a Dormant doggo, a Puffy Pupper,
a Sound snoozer.
One of a kind breed, often bread to promote comfy sleeps.

  No. 627

Great tank site. Has lots of good pictures.


decent general information ww2 site


  No. 658

>I've been gaining interest in guns from shooting a 22. recently

Pistol or rifle?

  No. 660

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https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Visual_effects#Unspeakable_horrors - interesting compilation of widely experienced psychedelic hallucinations.
http://megaliths.org - compilation of historic sites of interest, dunno how real.
It's a semi shiny rifle, I'll take a picture sometime this week and post it - been shooting pic related which is cathartic.
I always liked older german tanks a lot, cool to see ones i've never seen before as well.

  No. 695

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Here ya go if interested, forgot about my post till now.

  No. 696

Oh nice! Kinda reminds me of a Red Rider (except y'know, real). Any idea what era this model comes from?

  No. 698

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>old timey sixteen shooter

goin' ta brush with 'em Indians ah tay-uk it

  No. 700

I have a red ryder bb gun from my childhood because my dad would play that movie every christmas - says on the wiki the earlier models were made around 1860, is called a Golden Boy if you want to look it up too.
just preparing for if they try to take our lands back ya' hear?
ain't no injun gunna trifle with mah rifle no' siree

  No. 702

That's a Henry repeating rifle right?

  No. 703

hoping to inherit it fully and get a 357 revolver for somewhat cheap. and i'll be comfy for a good while.

  No. 819

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Just sharing some nightmare fuel, might make a thread later for book ideas.

  No. 820

I like this image

  No. 821

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>liking pictures showcasing the hell's of war itself
wow anon that's fucked up.

  No. 822

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>over a quarter of a million births so far today

humanities future looks bleak

  No. 825

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This site made me realize how small of a percentage of the world is white (most Chinese don't count)

  No. 827

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that and you have to keep in mind that a good percentage of whites and really just """whites"""

  No. 835

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>>827 I'm super white but still a germane/irish amerimutt. I guess no bloodline is 100% pure though but doesn't matter much since I'm not going to procreate anyways.

  No. 837

>I'm super white
>but doesn't matter much since I'm not going to procreate anyways.

I'm same boat as you bud. I guess the future belongs to the goblin people >>822.

  No. 843

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Wow this thread really got sidetracked. Some people on wiz /b/ were taking the robot test so this is a site that'll automatically calculate it for you: http://arfer.net/games/robot-test/

  No. 844

Interesting Conspiracy site.
Convert Images to paste able text.
Yea I forgot to post a link last time.
I feel sad, I used to get grand wizard but now i'm just an 11 point wizard.

  No. 846

It's not a contest about who's the biggest loser.

  No. 847

I wasn't thinking about it as a contest, I've just had such a subpar real life I'd be insulted if I were just a robot or something.

  No. 848

Got a 49

  No. 948


Anyone have any other random webm shuffle sites?
the few I knew of have been taken down or moved.

  No. 1147

Interesting look into human actions.

  No. 1158

>Marina Abramović

The spirit cooker!

  No. 1160

Jesus fuck op, I should not have gone on those websites at 5 AM. Creepy stuff.

  No. 1161


  No. 1174

http://tss.asenheim.org - Online oldschool playable eroge stuff, dunno the quality yet.
http://manganelo.com - Have found lots of translated manga here not uploaded on nyaa.
My whole life's creepy stuff and hardly in the cool way.
Don't know about instagram but bet their is a lot of 2d porn I don't blame you.
Facebooks alright if you don't use pictures and just follow bands imo, I mean the government knows what toilet paper you use facebook isn't notable compared to google and isps.

  No. 1175

I wonder what spirits taste like.
I want Hillary to cover me in pigs blood and curse me with satanic pedo magic.

  No. 1178

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I remember that first site. I used to play the true love or whatever game all the time. Jerked off to it quite a bit.

  No. 1185

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Well, this is where you would go if that's what you want. I wouldn't recommend it though lizard. The Comet Pizza kill room isn't a place you'd ever want find yourself.

  No. 1193

Just gonno leave this here http://www.deafmatch.com

  No. 1201

The site seems to be down.

  No. 2161

Does anyone know good literature discussion sites?

  No. 2162

Don't know if this ones very good for that but it could be: https://www.goodreads.com/
I'd say check a /lit/ board but all the ones i ever find are circlejerks.

  No. 2164

>good literature discussion sites

They're all filled with fart sniffing normies who will recommend books you probably won't enjoy.

This is good site if you're into looking up obscure books.

  No. 2165

yea, I asked because I want to get more into reading and the only place I could think of was 4chad and I obviously don't want to go there. 4/lit/'s charts look pretty good, but for a community I'd prefer something smaller and cozier, like here except for books

thanks liz, will check it out

  No. 2166

>reading literature
>reading at all
The only reading I do is studying and learning how to do shit. Reading literature is normalfag hobby.

  No. 2167

>learning or studying
fucking nerds shitting up my site.
the only acceptable reading is for incest eroge and the Quran.

  No. 2168

reading something that makes you productive sounds pretty norm to me

  No. 2172

exactly what I was thinking when I read his comment

  No. 2173

not every lizard has to be a sad sack of shit living in misery we want to better ourselves.

>inb4 improve brahs

  No. 2174

>Reading literature is normalfag hobby.
In what way? And why should you give a shit about what normalfags do?

  No. 2175

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Normalfags don't like to read anything more complicated than Harry Potter. Non-fiction is good though. Why do you give a shit about trying so hard to not look like a normalfag? Doing so is in itself normalfag.
>oh no normalfags like that! better stay away so i can look like all the other cool lizards!

  No. 2177

frig off

  No. 2179

Funny thing is every Rex that I ever met never reads anything beyond the sports column in the newspaper. Reading books, so long as they're not written by females, is more lizardly than not I would say.

  No. 2180

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I was just shit posting but post your book collections if you have one, I'm poor fag so I only have a handful or two. I want to find good fiction stuff as well, feel like I've read enough philosophy stuff to know 80% of it's feel good malarkey or pessimistic truthfulness.

  No. 2181


  No. 2182

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>no goosebumps
>no star trek books
>no airport fiction
>only dense books filled with big words

hello /lit/

  No. 2183

Yea those are the exact kind of books i need in my life, I've read most goosebumps books though helped me fail a school year they were pretty great.

  No. 2185

How was Either/Or? Did it bring you closer to Raptor Jesus?

  No. 2188

It was the first one I read and it was a good couple years ago in a psyche ward.
All I can really say is he came off as a flowery slightly less pessimistic Schopenhauer to me, His ideas were fairly easy to comprehend and where if you have a philosophical bone in your body you could easily match most of his understanding without reading him at all. Where he shines is describing belief systems in a more unique flowerful way that makes them impact you more emotionally than just intellectually.
He was my favorite at first but now I'm more of a Schopenhauer fan boy, but out of all the books I'd say The Nature Of Things was the most enjoyable to just read.
Sorry for the pseudo intellectual description I just don't remember the contents as much as the authors prose.
And no I think I am just as close to raptor jesus as before, most the things you'd read in any of those books you probably already understand in an internalized way if you've been reading imageboards for a long time or have thought about existential topics.
Still haven't finished The Secret Teachings because flip that.

  No. 3126

  No. 3143

  No. 3144

Flipped through the mecha archive since I lost my big collection a few years back. Seems to have a decent amount of what I lost. Funny to see some blasts from the past there. It's good to see that /m/ can't have changed too much since Dorkly is apparently still active. Unfortunately that also means that the less pleasant half of the tripfag circlejerk is likely still going strong. I guess /m/'s autism was too powerful for even 2016 to totally destroy.

  No. 3147

Damn man thanks for all the links, going to add a lot to the archive.

Yea the neocities website designs that I've seen are godly, really fun to navigate and always leaves you wanting more.

  No. 3148

Hehe, no problem. You guys like video games? I like video games.

https://pastebin.com/HSczKd5Z (The first 10 or so MEGA links seems to be dead)


  No. 3156

  No. 3850

How did you find this?

  No. 3851

Oh idk, internet?

  No. 3854

can't believe you guys have been making videogames without me.

  No. 3859

Sorry liz, you just weren't cool enough to cut it :(

  No. 3882

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I understand

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