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/b/ -Burrow

Bury yourself in the ground lizzie
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File: 1538473926063.jpg (156.25 KB ,780x524 , image.jpg )

  No. 2240

ITT we post /ourguys/ as represented by warmies

I'll start with a few

  No. 2241

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  No. 2242

>lizard shows off his power levels

  No. 2243

File: 1538477310134.jpg (2.18 MB ,1135x1722 , ragingliz.jpg )

  No. 2244

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  No. 2245

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wew lizmind

in that case I'll just post another

  No. 2246

File: 1538479993460.jpg (94.83 KB ,694x530 , gul dukat.jpg )

I nominate Cardassians as honorary lizards.
>Orderliness wasn't the only aspect of Cardassians that Andrew Robinson attributed to them having a reptilian mental complex. "I think of them as really working from the reptilian part of their brain," he admitted. "They're very suspicious when anyone tries to interfere or pry or get inside their very carefully constructed perimeters." Robinson also hypothesized that the reptilian portion of the Cardassian brain was responsible for their "need to defend and be loyal to your own territory." (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion, pp. 607 & 608)
>There are numerous similarities between Cardassians and reptiles. For example, while their skin is closer to that of Humans than reptiles, their neck ridges bear a resemblance to scales. Additionally, they prefer relatively dark rooms, enjoy the heat, are intolerant to cold (reptiles are cold-blooded), and are frequently portrayed as aggressors, an attribute often associated with reptiles.

  No. 2247

File: 1538516615010.jpg (16.06 KB ,300x400 , geico.jpg )

think about all the warmbloods hes scammed into buying his car insurance

  No. 2248

>scamming carhavers

never thought of the geico gecko that way. pretty based

  No. 2254

wtf i just saved 15% or more on car insurance

  No. 2255

that's just what the lizard wants you to think

  No. 2256

File: 1538696658188.jpg (342.66 KB ,1024x683 , 44347340_3d84172de4_b.jpg )

>and then I told them they "could" save 15 percent or more on car insurance
I've been seeing the Geico lizard less and less in Geico ads recently, is this some form of anti-lizard bigotry?

  No. 2261

The masses don't like seeing us reptilians, but like us existing.
It's why people will kill every snake they see but like the look or symbolism of them, and how 40% of the government is our undercover race.
we pull the strings.
baste jew liz

  No. 2262

not sure though

  No. 2263

File: 1538780939044.jpg (181.7 KB ,718x668 , dragon_on_the_beach_by_van….jpg )

if not reptilian enough I guess the Shadow Dragons would do

  No. 2272

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who was in the wrong here?

  No. 2274

based lizard king mind controls normies like it's nothing

  No. 3828

File: 1560091820287.gif (18.37 KB ,72x134 , Animreptileqq6.gif )

*finishes him*

thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAwWPadFsOA

  No. 3866

>thread theme

  No. 4008

File: 1562893268446.jpg (109.6 KB ,599x707 , lizpriorities.jpg )

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