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Bury yourself in the ground lizzie
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  No. 2900 [Reply]

I hate to bring up an unpleasant topic, but I think this is an important discussion. It seems like every 4 years the internet gets worse and worse I wonder if the elections play a part in this somehow. 2008 is the year the internet the internet started to deteriorate, 2012 is when the internet started becoming more "civilized" (aka shit) and 2016 is the year everyone lost their fucking minds. So my question is, how bad will 2020 be. Allow me to explain what has happened from 2016 up until now:
>FOSTA gets signed into law, thus causing a snowball effect on internet censorship
>Chads and Stacies have figured out how to use Sony Vegas (or at least Sony Vegas is so dumbed down now) and are now becoming top youtubers
>Celebrities and mumble rappers claim to "love" anime, thus causing an influx of Negroes and Stacies in anime communities thinking they are cool
>4chan splits into two domains thus causing the official death of 4chan
>4chan's split causes an exodus of unfunny 12 year olds to invade some IBs I used to enjoy
Among other things.

Who knows, maybe 2020 will be the year some magical thing happens that causes the internet to be dominated by nerds and outcasts again. But for now, the future is looking bleak.
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  No. 7536

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>I make some Youtube videos
Ok chad.
>Make a website(…)
So basicaly a blog? You could use patreon for that.

If I were to be youtuber, all content would be me being butthurt about something.

  No. 7539

>Ok chad.
lol! I don't mean those kinda videos where I show my face and voice. I just show my gameplay of games that I like, but it's not on Youtube.

>So basicaly a blog? You could use patreon for that.

Yea, kinda like a blog. I heard that a lot of the early internet was just blogs. It could also be cool stuff too. It's whatever you think is cool and, to a lesser extent, absent from the current internet. I don't see a reason to use a patreon though. It's just a website, not some business opportunity.

>If I were to be youtuber, all content would be me being butthurt about something.

Follow your dreams butthurt liz!

  No. 7541

>It's just a website, not some business opportunity.
I see, but you could use it as a way to interact with your audience if you ever felt like pursuing that stuff semiprofessional while making subscribtion to this dirt cheap.
You could make polls and idk, never got into that deep.

>Follow your dreams

If i were to be famous it would be from being featured in cringe compilation.
I want my life to have no evidence of existing so I will never make any sort of content

  No. 7587

>I want my life to have no evidence of existing so I will never make any sort of content
huh seems you have failed because i'm gonna remember this post forever now. why? i kinda understand you

  No. 7596

>remember this post
But not me that's why it's alright.


Ik not targeted question but I will answer.
For me it's a stance to leave nothing positive behind and only let sign of rot to be seen.
As a final fuck you to everyone who took part in shaping me to a creature I am now.

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  No. 7155 [Reply]

Anything related
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  No. 7472

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Take for comparison this gen, it feels much more attractive as in, colours, the lines are more defined, seems like there is more detail too.
Also nothing seems screwy.

  No. 7484

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>I dunno if Poppyfag is still lurking
I'm here everyday

>some tips

Try different models/LORAs, you can just copy prompts from people that use the same model.
Best site I know is https://civitai.com/images?tags=4


read some inpaint guides

>1.5 or XL

I didn't try XL, I had huge plans to learn Bender, pose and set specific places for the background.
But I spiralled into doing nothing creative and slacking off, then my drive ran out of space so I had to get rid of python and other SD related stuff.

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  No. 7485

>didn't try XL, I had huge plans to learn Bender, pose and set specific places for the background.
I see. I made those past gens with PonyXL because it's what anons recommended. I think it looks neat for gens that didn't take much hassle, but for some reason I don't think I want big tiddy now :C
>But I spiralled into doing nothing creative and slacking off, then my drive ran out of space so I had to get rid of python and other SD related stuff.
Oh that sucks. Hope you can get a new driver soonishly. And that you find reasons to go back to genning.

  No. 7527

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>I made those past gens with PonyXL
Good stuff Liz
>get a new driver soonishly
Look Liz I have new B: drive.
Not really, I'm trying to get koboldai working and screwed something up and it gave me new magical drive! :-DD

Also tried kobold.cpp something that is supposed to work with the most stupid ppl but it doesn't launch for me ahhh

  No. 7530

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Reinstalled on another drive so I can have space to do ai stuff again and holy shit what have I done hahah

SOMEHOW I screwed it up lol
Installed on Disk 0 C: BUT it doesn't boot up if the Disk 2 is gone!

And "SSD" particion is lost probably because of lack of letter but I'm not going to risk bricking my pc, since I don't have any flashdrives.

I will be a hackerman one day, you will fear me one day

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  No. 6567 [Reply]

Hello lizzies.

I have recently been especially saddened by the deterioration of the chan community. 4chan is a shit hole that is filled with normies. This is obviously nothing new, but it just gets exponentially worse.

It seems that all of the non-normie chan user-base has become spread out so far across the internet that it is near impossible to rally them all back to one site. Let alone doing this without attracting normies in the process.

How could we remedy this? What are we to do? I miss the old days where 4chan and numerous other chans were vibrant comfy places where I could relate with other anons and laugh without even so much as a thought of degenerate porn threads eating up entire boards that weren't meant for such things. We never had to worry about normies ruining the fun before.

How can we fix this? How can we bring the chans back to the glory which they once had? I miss them. I'm sure you do too. Work with me guys. Any ideas are welcome.
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  No. 7483

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Uuh it sounds like some other issues than those you described are troubling you, no offence.

I am balding, now that's some real shit.
Looking goofy with and without hair.

On top of that I recently left my basement and noticed that my over 6month badass beard, looks only great in dimly-lit mirror.
On the outside I can clearly see my entire chin and jaw with neckbeard vibes.

  No. 7487

>We're probably just gonna do WWIII soon.
I sure hope so. I need something to break the monotony in my life

  No. 7519

shave beard and glue excess hair to head = problems solved

  No. 7520

My hair is dark brown my beard is blondy white. Pubes are too dark, want to lend yours?

  No. 7521

no, no one goes near my pubes

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  No. 5984 [Reply] [Last50 Posts]

Post here every time you visit lizchan.
We must crank up the speed somehow.
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  No. 7526

cont. >>7516
>if I go to uni with him then I will rent free
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  No. 7534

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Two beers made me feel like I can achieve everything, unstopable power of will.
If I wake up as weakling feeling like shit, tears will fall and I will turn into alcoholic.

  No. 7543

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  No. 7548

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Fags post more, naow!

  No. 7597

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I have flawless intuition but barely follow it as it's always really weird and out of place.
Starting now that will be my only way of thinking, gonna abort all thoughts and let it fully guide me.
Will update in a week

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  No. 7374 [Reply]


You are not able to use any energy from people at all because they will not speak with you in your current language, especially in future lives.


You don't even want to believe you are able to speak any language other than ours. You are not willing to integrate with the workforce.


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  No. 7375

someone forgot to take their antipsychotics

  No. 7376

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This is ra smc connector

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  No. 5993 [Reply] [Last50 Posts]

Remember Lizzies it's bad to hold negative emotions since they build up.
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  No. 7580

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me on the left

  No. 7632

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It's been over a month already and I didn't spiral down to suicidal state.
Looks like that's all my brain chemistry needed.

Already have to wear shirts now, stuff that was supposed to stop the development didn't do shit, just wasted money.

  No. 7663

Oops nvm back to baseline state, dealing with normies at workplace is too much for me to bear.
Definetely gonna kill myself sooner or later.

Next month gonna get some fentsanyl and heroine.
I hope it will be fun

I don't really drink but today I was bouncing of the walls, cut myself and cried a bit lol

  No. 7665

I really haven't done anything worthwhile in about 3 weeks, so this time, I swear, I promise, promise(!) that I'll definitely do something this week (lol). I definitely won't phase through the entire week in what seems like a day.

yeah, right.

  No. 7699

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I deal with stress much worse now.
The mental changes that happened are not enough to keep me going.
Far too late for this shit.
I'm just becoming a bigger clown

  No. 5999 [Reply]

We're back!
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  No. 6889

  No. 7029

  No. 7031

Oh how long I've been waiting for some Liz to post vocaloid so I can show off with better one

  No. 7065

one more for the playlist

  No. 7198

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  No. 5447 [Reply]

ok I installed linux (ubuntu), now what the fuck do I do with it?
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  No. 6105

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Fuck Linux and it's troubleshooting.

Follows guides on making NAS on raspberry pi. Third one finally works as intended.

5 different guides on setting up the DNS so it can ba accessed remotely.
Great the 5th one did it for me.
Now just gotta wait till certificates are generated.
Something-something is missing.
Googles what the fuck is wrong.
After reinstallimg everything it finally made it.
Path to certificates is located /etc/openvpn.
No such folder there so I made one.
Shit won't make a certificate.

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  No. 6106


Honestly this feels like most tech troubleshooting to me. For me, once I got an actual education on the technology, it clicked. You might have an education on this stuff though, so I don't know. This is just my experience.

The reason why I burnout so much is because of these insane things. Googling never works, I don't see any solutions, and I never find any new solutions even if I google. It's horrible.

  No. 6111

If you use Linux and want to truly understand it, sooner or later you have to install LFS.


  No. 6140

>This is beyond me

Maybe you should just install retropie or lakka on your pi. I think that's what most people use their pi for, game emulation and media streaming.

  No. 7153

I actually ended up going back to Linux because things.
I'm using OpenSUSE now

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  No. 7014 [Reply]

-Resting in your burrow,
-Eating a huge meal then sleeping
-Unhinging your jaw like a snake and eating people whole

What else am I missing lizards?
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  No. 7017

Getting absorbed in hobbies or escapism for weeks.
Taking it easy.
Worshiping our omnipotent reptilian god, creator of anime, summoner of the end times, enjoyer of the taste of blood.

  No. 7025

eating pussy jk :P

  No. 7034


I wish I could get absorbed into hobbies for weeks but my brain lets me get absorbed for a few days and then gets bored of it. Also real life is just on my mind and it continually barges into my life with work.

  No. 7041

I struggle with the same thing, but sometimes get lucky - usually goes a few weeks of constant escapism, followed by a few weeks of panic attacks and a lack of will to do anything.

  No. 7076

Sounds like me but having both at the same time indefinetely

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  No. 6972 [Reply]

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  No. 6976


  No. 7006

i am based

  No. 7007

Looks promising. I'll spread the word!

  No. 7010

I hate the internet

  No. 7026

it' shit like all your other chans

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