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/b/ -Burrow

Bury yourself in the ground lizzie
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  No. 2433 [Reply]

Has anyone visited 4chan recently? I have, and uh… wow. The whole website went to shit after m00t left and now it's just a cesspool of redditors that think they're edgy because they use an "obscure site". I'd say the one that genuinely kind of irritated me was when I went to /a/. I remember finding some pretty obscure stuff and having some pleasant conversations about said anime. Now, I genuinely cannot find a thread where someone isn't recommending entry level shit. I asked someone what would be a good series to watch and they said Darling in The Franxx. Yeah, y'know, the anime that pretty much everyone has heard of by now and even Kim fucking Kardashian has seen (I'm not kidding, look it up).

That and /r9k/ is full of teenage girls now for some odd fucking reason.
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  No. 2890

>/jp/ is the superior political board
What did he mean by this?

  No. 2894

"Politics is the process of making decisions that apply to members of a group. It refers to achieving and exercising positions of governance—organized control over a human community, particularly a state."

You must first see /jp/ as it's own non-physical state, with counties (2d mascots) fighting for dominance.
This community is mostly made up of men who have time to think freely, unadulterated by many wage workers.
Now, most popular touhou will get their own thread/s, which will be governed, and controlled and defended by devote believers in their currently self elected best 2d girl.
You could call this a political party.

Now, people will start terf wars, often wanting to expand the amount of threads per their elected girl, and share disapproval in rivals threads.
Now best girls aren't only picked for their looks, morals and beliefs take a factor as they do with real leaders.
Anyways /jp/ is like /pol/ but cut off from the real world, a perfect representation of peoples forever differing beliefs and taste, and the endless war they provide.

All this but without the horrid effects of electing real officials who are always flawed, but within a community that still feels it's effects.

  No. 2905

Thank for the detailed response, lizard. I appreciate it.

  No. 2908

no problem felt like tard posting bad thanks for the excuse

  No. 3309


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  No. 1785 [Reply]


come chat/watch videos with fellow lizards
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  No. 3208

Is it just randomly streamed videos with a few others? I'm entering sleep mode but may take a peak tomorrow.

  No. 3209

Yea, and you can put your own on as well. Just click the magnifying glass icon under the video to search Youtube or the plus sign to add a URL.

  No. 3233

why can't I post anything?

  No. 3245

fuck you

  No. 3246

You are pushing your luck by bumping a thread like this.

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  No. 2929 [Reply]


I'm not going to get into my views on overpopulation right now because I will end up longposting. Feel free to discuss this dangerous trend though.
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  No. 3112

Same boat, not anything special in the IQ department (not that IQ actually measures intelligence beyond the arbitrary), but I can't support something that forces permanent change to another. If incentives existed but there was no pressure and/or coercion to partake of them, then fine, but I'd rather see everybody die than the alternative being that kind of despotism.

  No. 3115

I think IQ is important, though the higher it is is just a sign of specialized work aptitude imo.
Also seeing the difference between 80~ and 120 is definitely noticeable.
I think it's just that I have the type of intelligence that's of little use. Kind of how a philosopher can be a pessimistic visionary, though his work is of little more than for others with his mindset to say "ha! we knew it!" after everything he said happened and things got worse.
>I'd rather see everybody die than the alternative being that kind of despotism.
Yea, I believe in personal liberty first and foremost, it just seems like more and more people shouldn't be trusted with personal freedom.
For every one man who uses his liberty to work for his society, and enrich his own life, being a net benefit to himself and others.
It seems there are 3 men who will use it to be irresponsible with the health and future of his children, abuse hard drugs, and harm his fellow man.
Or men like me who just observe, and contribute little more than their presence and diatribes.

  No. 3116

There are also differing kinds of intelligence that it doesn't measure. I've encountered people with high levels of the kind of intelligence it does measure who are absolutely lost in entry level academic history because it demands a very different way of thinking than that which is considered conventionally intelligent. In that sense, it's also very easy to differentiate between someone who is IQ-intelligent (typically abstract reasoning and pattern recognition, mathematic logic etc.) and someone with the kind of intelligence required of other disciplines. Having seen the attempts at history writing by generically high-IQ people without the aptitude for it, it's not a measure of intelligence and if anything makes them look quite dumb. I don't think that IQ alone can be a useful measure for that kind of thing.

>it just seems like more and more people shouldn't be trusted with personal freedom.

Dangerous line. Sometimes you need to protect things you find distasteful for the sake of liberty. It's rough but it's better than being a fair-weather liberal.

As for contribution, that's also a part of liberty. Not everybody is going to do it and it's part of the problem with a coercion-based society that makes demands rather than terms. The former means that those who don't actively contribute are seen in the negative, yet are not allowed an alternative while the latter imlpies a voluntary scenario where you only partake of a society that you wish to benefit from, obeying the terms of that benefit in payment. Whether it's worth it becomes a personal decision and more free. I like the way Mill put it even though I don't agree with him in every respect. That someone's own good is insufficient warrant to meddle in their affairs.

  No. 3120

I agree with you're IQ summary and think similarly about it.
>Dangerous line.
In the way I put it in that sentence surely, i'll try to sum up what I meant. I think personal liberty is forfeited once you negatively effect others, or at the very least, others liberty to punish you as they please becomes more warranted.
Personally I agree with the extinctionist mindset, though my argument I guess is that it's not so great to be so black and white.
Full Individual liberty is an ideal we should strive for when humanity itself is near ideal. Other wise liberty implies the freedom of wickedness as well as altruism.
This only matters though if you're in favor of pain reduction, other wise it seems more in line with anarchy than liberty, as others liberty begins to threaten others liberty with misbehavior.
>That someone's own good is insufficient warrant to meddle in their affairs.
I'd agree, though if their affairs of deficient good effect others, such as the raising of a son like a dictator, the killing of others for their beliefs, liberty seems to spit in it's own face if it stands idly by as it's taken for granted by tyrants.
Thanks for the reply, debating these things is sometimes cathartic for me.

  No. 3123

In which case, I actually come close to agreeing with you on matters of liberty. I tend to fall closer to the old school of American liberalism which assumes inherent liberty, thus one can never actually forfeit it, but it can be suppressed.

I do have anarchic leanings, but my own philosophy is kind of complex in that it's also mixed together with hefty chunks of influence from early parts of American Republicanism (the philosophy, not the party) and is based on the idea of an amorphous group of voluntary societies (including societies of one) defined by membership of sovereign individuals, and a society needn't conform even to liberal ideas so long as membership is voluntary, and coercion not employed. Domestic tyranny is a matter of individuals. If people object to it, then they should act in a way to fix it. People are free to be tyrants and buttholes, but others have freedom in objecting to it (violently if need be) if that makes sense. It's not pacifist, and if anything the American school has me thinking a lot of the role of the militia in society. In fact, that pacifism that you mention, how libertarianism can act limp-dicked in the face of a tyrant is one of the reasons I think about this stuff.

>Thanks for the reply, debating these things is sometimes cathartic for me.

No wukkas, I love the topic so it's hardly work for me.

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  No. 2939 [Reply]

how to control one's libido? my feelings towards femules drastically changes depending on how horny I am. as soon as I jerk off, I see them as nothing more than sacks of flesh to be used. how can I just feel this way all the time?
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  No. 2953

Is nofap lizardly?

  No. 2958

i dont think lizards fap or know how to fap

  No. 2959

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What's a fap?
t. lizard

  No. 2980

I had a realistic dream in which I was masturbating the other night and yet it's been only 3 days since my last fap session.

  No. 2981

Didn't want to remember this but I dreamed I got raped by an older woman, in which after seeing I was bleeding profusely afterwards she killed and ate me.
Don't really remember much but I was looting the house she was in.
Looting is so fun though my god bout to boot up a diablo clone.

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  No. 2844 [Reply]

Due to my odd sleep schedule thanks wageslaving I will be funposting late at night or just whenever I feel like it. I will try to do this at least once a week. Feel free to join me.
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  No. 2919

simply stop jerking and stare at walls like a normal person like me.
sleep is exactly what the government wants you to do

  No. 2930

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Wish making music videos from movies was a job that was allowed even if I was only payed with food and disgust i'd do it.
bad quality though 10mb limit is hard

  No. 2937

So apparently my sleeping schedule is getting back on track by some grace of God. Went to sleep around 2:30 a.m. last night and woke up at 2 in the afternoon. Hope I can sleep well again tonight.
In the meantime, here's another meme from the good ol' days. I've been watching a lot of Bleach recently and I swear to God I can Orihime's voice in this video now

  No. 2941

Cool video anon.

  No. 2951

thank you, I hardly did anything though the movie is really fitting.

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  No. 2743 [Reply]

Happy new year lizchan! Here's to 2019.
What are you lazy shits's New Year's resolutions?
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  No. 2767

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You're kidding, right?

  No. 2768

Apologies for my autistic sense of humor

  No. 2771

Never realized terry was such a chad

  No. 2772

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  No. 2851

rest in peace.

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  No. 2705 [Reply]

What are the reptilians doing for Christmas?
Get yourself anything?
I ordered a few berserk physical copies because I like fondling books in the material realm.
Gunno make cookies and give tiny presents to a few people just to keep up my temporary neet cred.
Probably just going to release my fat liz powers and devour pies and pass out.
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  No. 2723

Spent it working as planned, far away from obligations. Unfortunately this meant that I was also away from my computer to really enjoy anything other than a "productive" fast-forward button known as wageslaving. This is how I presume warmies suddenly find themselves middle-aged without having really done anything else but served to make their masters more money – all for those delicious shekels. Avoid this if possible.

Anyway, I do genuinely wish my fellow reptilianons a merry christmas and a happy new year. Take it easy my lizards, it is rough out there after getting kicked out. What a year it has been.

Now excuse me I have to get ready for my next McShift to Serve With A Smile™.

  No. 2725

>What a year it has been.

If it's any consolation I've been having a shit year as well, especially this past month. Hopefully next year will be less stressful. Maybe I need to start taking some happy pills.

  No. 2727

Hope you got some decent holiday pay at least, I was kinda working myself cleaning out a shed, I fell for the holiday propaganda and forgot I don't really celebrate them.
Don't fall for the pharma jew, you could look into nootropics if your truly wanting to experiment though, they worked for me but as a neet I can't afford them.

  No. 2729

Stuff like this makes me feel bad for having a decent Christmas with my family that is relatively caring compared to other reptilanons' families. I hope you're happy (jokes aside I do hope you're happy, get out of the McSlavery as soon as you can). Also, "Merry Christmas"!?! I think you mean (((happy holidays))), goy! How shameful for you to exclude God's Chosen™ six gazillion!
Don't go the kikepill route, liz. It doesn't end well. My uncle got hooked on them and ended up blowing his brains out when he couldn't afford them.

  No. 2730

>Don't fall for the pharma jew
>Don't go the kikepill route

I guess I just need to get past new years and then stress month will be over with. The one thing that relaxes me more than anything else is riding my bike and the bad weather prevents from doing it. I hate this time of the year.

  No. 2600 [Reply]

Thank you, American Mainstream! Thank you for ruining one of the greatest, most beloved series of all time! go fuck yourselves netflix
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  No. 2665

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In one of the more recent issues there were these two characters that were bragging to each other about how much sex they've had, it felt especially preachy like, "look at us normal adults, we fuck anything that breathes. That's so 'adult-like' iisn't it fellow adult?"I'm a bit suspicious of this one because if you've ever seen Robert Kirkman it looks like he couldn't get a gf unless he was rich from the tv show and games and shit. There was always sex and faggots and whatnot but that always felt secondary to the plot/killing zombies/defending themselves from crazy fuckers. It wasn't at an unbearable level before, now it's just a fucking soap opera with the occasional death and zombie shit. I enjoyed it because it was about a father trying to keep his son safe (that's what initially drew me to the comic as a teen), but now it feels like that's taken care of and Kirkman needs to shove his gay/degenerate propaganda into every page. I'm probably going to keep up with it again for a while anyways, the good stuff is still good. Negan is still a great character, and the death of Andrea felt well done, it's a shame that every other character is a fag now because there is good stuff in here. But I'm not going to pay for it, the fag shit on every god damned page makes it not worth having a paper copy, and I can't recommend it to anyone that can't stand this type of faggy shit. Seems I stopped reading it right when it got really bad, or I just have a better eye for this stuff now than I did when I was consistently reading the comic.

  No. 2667

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  No. 2668

Netflix adaptation should be an ethnic minority character with a completely different design.

  No. 2672

do you think people draw anime characters with the intention that they would be played by asians, or you think they don't care?

  No. 2716

They draw them how they intend them to look, otherwise they would draw them differently.

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  No. 2639 [Reply]

Consider living as a buddhist. Just a thought for some people.
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  No. 2643

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You do realize that living as a "Buddhist" is about as precise as saying living as an "Abrahamic". There are huge differences between various sects and cults. Unfortunately like all other religions most Buddhist sects are very warmie friendly. The best known kind, Tibetan Buddhism was riddled with "sex magic" bullshit. Most of the other sects, even the ones that most closely based on the oldest canons are cross pollinated with animist/pagan religious baggage for warmies and often has the same crap as other organized religion. Once you cut all of that shit out, Buddhism is mostly just metaphysics, ones I can agree with admittedly, but not a proper religion to follow or anything.

That said IMHO the best 'sect' to follow is Ascetic buddhism-flavored daoism. It tosses out most of the dogmatic bullshit, while keeping most of the more interesting mystical and metaphysical stuff like the doctrine of emptiness.

  No. 2644

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  No. 2645

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Only if I get to dress like this

  No. 2647

Oh yea I guess I'm pagan since it's a pretty catch all term.
Those look real comfy, feels real bad you'll never sit with your lizard robed brothers passing a pipe in-between catching witches.

  No. 2656

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I'd prefer becoming an Anabaptist, though I think I may be too attached to technology at this point. I honestly think my life would of gone a lot better if I grew up in a strict religious community.

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  No. 2490 [Reply]

yum yum
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  No. 2501

I did i'm stuffed as usual

  No. 2503

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I did. My mother drove me out to see my family where I got the usual "hey, liz, got a girlfriend yet?" "Liz, you got a job?" "Liz when are you going to get a degree?" It was nice though, I took my new puppy there and she got to play with other dogs a bit. She's not completely housebroken yet so there was some shit shenanigans to be had. The turkey was good. Ate the turkey raw of course, I'm no warmie! Then we watched some sportsball and I spilled some spaghetti by rooting heavily and loudly for the Bears (who won). I assumed you're supposed to root for the team that comes from where you live but I guess that isn't true. Makes the whole thing more complicated if you ask me.

  No. 2505

I'm going to tomorrow to rack up some gb points.
post pupper

  No. 2509

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There ya go, She's chewing on one of the bones that my uncle got from a deer he killed. She stole it from his dog. (his dog isn't huge though, it's a house dog like her but older and bigger. Still pretty based though.)

  No. 2510

cute, would push around the floor like a mop and pat head.

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