>>3116I agree with you're IQ summary and think similarly about it.
>Dangerous line.In the way I put it in that sentence surely, i'll try to sum up what I meant. I think personal liberty is forfeited once you negatively effect others, or at the very least, others liberty to punish you as they please becomes more warranted.
Personally I agree with the extinctionist mindset, though my argument I guess is that it's not so great to be so black and white.
Full Individual liberty is an ideal we should strive for when humanity itself is near ideal. Other wise liberty implies the freedom of wickedness as well as altruism.
This only matters though if you're in favor of pain reduction, other wise it seems more in line with anarchy than liberty, as others liberty begins to threaten others liberty with misbehavior.
>That someone's own good is insufficient warrant to meddle in their affairs.I'd agree, though if their affairs of deficient good effect others, such as the raising of a son like a dictator, the killing of others for their beliefs, liberty seems to spit in it's own face if it stands idly by as it's taken for granted by tyrants.
Thanks for the reply, debating these things is sometimes cathartic for me.