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/b/ -Burrow

Bury yourself in the ground lizzie
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File: 1549495339420.gif (1.78 MB ,270x188 , thorstynoodle.gif )

  No. 2939

how to control one's libido? my feelings towards femules drastically changes depending on how horny I am. as soon as I jerk off, I see them as nothing more than sacks of flesh to be used. how can I just feel this way all the time?

  No. 2940

Just jerk off twenty times every night instead of sleeping, like I do.

  No. 2945

Every time you get the urge, simply visit goatse.ru and stare into it while eating strawberries, whilst chanting "I deserve this" every bite.

  No. 2947

yell at your benis until it goes soft

  No. 2953

Is nofap lizardly?

  No. 2958

i dont think lizards fap or know how to fap

  No. 2959

File: 1549612395510.jpg (9.06 KB ,280x180 , happyliz.jpg )

What's a fap?
t. lizard

  No. 2980

I had a realistic dream in which I was masturbating the other night and yet it's been only 3 days since my last fap session.

  No. 2981

Didn't want to remember this but I dreamed I got raped by an older woman, in which after seeing I was bleeding profusely afterwards she killed and ate me.
Don't really remember much but I was looting the house she was in.
Looting is so fun though my god bout to boot up a diablo clone.

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