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/b/ -Burrow

Bury yourself in the ground lizzie
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File: 1546349013648.jpg (61.39 KB ,585x699 , PartyLiz.jpg )

  No. 2743

Happy new year lizchan! Here's to 2019.
What are you lazy shits's New Year's resolutions?

  No. 2744

killing myself

  No. 2745

Happy New Years, reptilianon.

Mine is to try and not kill myself.

  No. 2746

Losing weight and preparing mentally for wageslavery having the chance to inherit a house.
This as well but in a few years if I can't unfuckulate myself.

  No. 2747

I have none. When I find something to improve myself I do it as soon as possible, no reason to wait.

  No. 2748

File: 1546392226607.jpg (738.65 KB ,1406x1236 , old_timey_bike.jpg )

ride my bike more

  No. 2756

To learn programming. I want to make my own imagboard and put it on the darknet so that normalfags can't get to it.

  No. 2757

That's a horrible idea. Done it before wouldn't recommend it.

  No. 2758

>That's a terrible idea
How so?
>Done it before wouldn't reccomend it
Do you mind sharing your story?

  No. 2759

I've seen a good amount of image-boards on there and they're usually just try hard edgy /b/ users.
I think lizmin took the best route in only advertising in threads on near dead image-boards only internet addicts scour often.

  No. 2760

What I meant was that I want to put the website behind layers and layers of code you would have to decrypt in order to get to it. This would drastically reduce the amount of normalfags and only tech savvy people would know how to enter.

  No. 2761

So you want to have an imageboard of tech savvy people?

  No. 2762

Cheese Pizza is most definitely going to get posted along bots spamming the shit out of it. Possible feds going to investigate your website and found out the owner and next thing you know the FBI is knocking on your front door.

  No. 2763

That would keep out dumbasses like me that can't into coding (although if that's your goal I wouldn't be offended). Someone on /tower/ suggested making some sort of waiting period of a few seconds for the board, I think that would be a good way to keep out normalfags. A five or ten-second loading screen between threads and when posting would be too much for most normalfags looking for quick, snappy meme entertainment, and it would give it a nice comfy feeling for dedicated posters, ideally making it so that posts are well-thought out and worth the wait.
Also this would probably happen.

  No. 2765

There is the obscurity approach sure, but as already mentioned the possibility of attracting cheese pizzerias and glow-in-the-darks is a legitimate concern. Alternatively, one could always adopt the authority approach instead, wherein strict ground rules are laid out that keep warmies out even if they find out about us.

I believe that the success of Lizardchan right now can be attributed to both obscurity and authority. We are not very known, and our rules prohibit top warmie topics that a warmie, by definition, feels compelled to talk about. Long live Lizchan.

  No. 2766


  No. 2767

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You're kidding, right?

  No. 2768

Apologies for my autistic sense of humor

  No. 2771

Never realized terry was such a chad

  No. 2772

File: 1546839501020.jpg (162.52 KB ,791x1200 , God's holy programmer.jpg )

  No. 2851

rest in peace.

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