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/b/ -Burrow

Bury yourself in the ground lizzie
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  No. 2705

What are the reptilians doing for Christmas?
Get yourself anything?
I ordered a few berserk physical copies because I like fondling books in the material realm.
Gunno make cookies and give tiny presents to a few people just to keep up my temporary neet cred.
Probably just going to release my fat liz powers and devour pies and pass out.

  No. 2706

just have to visit family as usual and it's awkward as always

  No. 2707

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Got back from warmie watching at the mall a little while ago. All their buying and consuming disgusts me.

Right now I'm sipping on a cup of jagermeister, trying to relax.

  No. 2708

security guard?

  No. 2709

no, I went to the mall to get a meal and stroll around aimlessly

  No. 2712

Yea I'm just going to be sitting around staring into space
watching needless consuming kinda of disgust and makes me happy, on one hand I'm jealous because i'm poor, on the other I welcome the slow degrading of our material world through mindless consumerism as to save any future mes the burden of just not not existing.
what was the largest demographic there? soccer moms? emos lost in time?

  No. 2713

Not him, but I also went to a shopping centre today and I was disgusted by the amount of fat people there. Almost all of them were carrying several bags filled to the top, no doubt for their spoilt children. It's amazing how accepted excess is in today's society. What was even more repulsive was the amount of young girls (I'm talking 12 and under) walking about with make-up, lipstick, and clothes that looked like smaller versions of what I've seen adults partying in. I don't understand how you would let your child out like that, or think that it's acceptable.

  No. 2714

>needless consuming kinda of disgust and makes me happy

Once I realized that buying and selling is most of what our societies revolve around it gave me a cynical outlook on things. Normies go WAY overboard gift buying during Christmas time and just being around it makes me feel stressed out.

>largest demographic there

Young sluts dragging their friends or boyfriends around with bags and bags of crap.

  No. 2715

>I don't understand how you would let your child out like that
Weak willed parents, the fact that children are fetishized pretty often actually (in the sense of it being a trait that ascribes attraction to children).
If pedophiles happen to be prominent in government positions, how hard would it be to have a family as one?
Hell it'd be a reproductive benefit even in a crude way.
Parents also live vicariously through their childrens looks, since they're often getting saggy tomato skin after the first or second kid.
I could rant about it all day even though i'm just a tard bi-stander.
>WAY overboard gift buying during Christmas time
Oh yea, that kinda angers me too, just because children have imagination and don't need 200 stuffed animals, and the fact they could invest the money later to give to their children to help them survive when older, even though most american 18 y/os get kicked out and treated distantly once they're not cute anymore and start asking questions.
>sluts dragging their friends or boyfriends around with bags and bags of crap.
Truly findom is fine and flourishing.

  No. 2723

Spent it working as planned, far away from obligations. Unfortunately this meant that I was also away from my computer to really enjoy anything other than a "productive" fast-forward button known as wageslaving. This is how I presume warmies suddenly find themselves middle-aged without having really done anything else but served to make their masters more money – all for those delicious shekels. Avoid this if possible.

Anyway, I do genuinely wish my fellow reptilianons a merry christmas and a happy new year. Take it easy my lizards, it is rough out there after getting kicked out. What a year it has been.

Now excuse me I have to get ready for my next McShift to Serve With A Smile™.

  No. 2725

>What a year it has been.

If it's any consolation I've been having a shit year as well, especially this past month. Hopefully next year will be less stressful. Maybe I need to start taking some happy pills.

  No. 2727

Hope you got some decent holiday pay at least, I was kinda working myself cleaning out a shed, I fell for the holiday propaganda and forgot I don't really celebrate them.
Don't fall for the pharma jew, you could look into nootropics if your truly wanting to experiment though, they worked for me but as a neet I can't afford them.

  No. 2729

Stuff like this makes me feel bad for having a decent Christmas with my family that is relatively caring compared to other reptilanons' families. I hope you're happy (jokes aside I do hope you're happy, get out of the McSlavery as soon as you can). Also, "Merry Christmas"!?! I think you mean (((happy holidays))), goy! How shameful for you to exclude God's Chosen™ six gazillion!
Don't go the kikepill route, liz. It doesn't end well. My uncle got hooked on them and ended up blowing his brains out when he couldn't afford them.

  No. 2730

>Don't fall for the pharma jew
>Don't go the kikepill route

I guess I just need to get past new years and then stress month will be over with. The one thing that relaxes me more than anything else is riding my bike and the bad weather prevents from doing it. I hate this time of the year.

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