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/b/ -Burrow

Bury yourself in the ground lizzie
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  No. 3770

Fuck 8ch. Used that site for 5 years and every board Ive encountered there is a rulecucked shithole filled with shills, redditors, and 4um refugees. Is this a good place to be? I was recommended here by an anon to come here when I eventually would get fed up with them…

  No. 3771

File: 1559584750966.gif (2.59 MB ,498x498 , HISS.gif )

No,this place stinks
Go away

  No. 3772

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why so cruel?

  No. 3773

sorry that's me

  No. 3774

You know, in an age when every faggot kid with a smartphone is trying to change every board into twitter, rulecucking to try and keep the original spirit of the board doesn't sound so bad, especially if it keeps out shills, redditors, and 4um refugees. Of course its success and its necessity varies from board to board and /b/ was never good so don't tell me that /b/'s rulecucking is why you don't like 8cuck.
I only use /bane/ and /just/ for images these days though, so I don't know how bad things really are.

  No. 3775

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cuz some stinky warmie is asking if this place is good instead of quietly filling in like Liz would do
Nah,U smell nice. It's Op

  No. 3776

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the problem with the rulecucking is that most mods cannot moderate in a way that maintains board quality while they tend to censor things they dont like that arent against the rules or even the unspoken rules.
>and /b/ was never good so don't tell me that /b/'s rulecucking is why you don't like 8cuck.
no I couldnt careless about /b/ or any of the other legacy boards since they are controlled by power hungry fags that purge genuine anons while keeping the blatant 4um refugees. My problem with them has just been accumulated over years worth of the same shit happening over and over again and its very tiresome.
Im just testing the waters here, in reality I should have probably lurked for a while before I made my first post. I apologize for the intrusion.

  No. 3777

So what boards do you have a problem with?

  No. 3778

It's fine.
Honestly it's the best chan I know and I lurk only here.
It's the only one place where there is no 3d admiration and I didn't see any dick/puss lusters here

  No. 3782

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Impossible I haven't showered in weeks
pardon the hostility, I know an in for you, you just need a trope.
We've already got Fatliz, Thinliz, Star-trekliz, DXMliz, and Wageliz.

  No. 3784

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Ohhhh… well that's akward I guess it's because of accumulated pheromones.
How is it to not wash Yourself for that long?

Don't get me wrong I'm not junkie. My shortest break in using dxm was 3 weeks and it happend only once.
I'm not taking drugs more often than once in 1,5 month but sometimes it expands up to 3 months.
There is no Wageliz posting here maybe tomorrow there will be one

  No. 3785

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Stinkyliz might sound good when I didnt smell so good when I came here sounds like a good fit or Sleepliz since I sleep alot during the day and am awake mostly during the night. Whichever you guys think is best since Im the outsider here.

  No. 3788

This place is even shittier. You definitely won’t like it here.
At least two of those are the same guy.

  No. 3792

It's like having 4 extra hours of time to save anime pictures and download things for the collection.
>I'm not junkie
god I wish I was
Well have to see in the future, there are to many unwashed snoozers here i'd be confused.
What don't you like about the rules?
Also I think that'd be star-trek and wageliz. You all may be skinny but it takes a lot of you to make one Fatliz so that doesn't count.

  No. 3795

I've never even seen a post get deleted here, there's nothing warranting it yet.

  No. 3815

>seeing posts that have been deleted and thus can no longer be seen

what did he mean by this

  No. 3819

I didn't say I wasn't seeing posts that were already deleted, I said I never saw a post get deleted. I check this website frequently and haven't seen any posts that were once on the website be deleted by a mod. Dumbass, will I have to spell it out for you again?

  No. 3820

Nevermind >>3811 should definitely be deleted and I'm not at all happy that it only got a warning.

  No. 3822

what do you think would have been a fair outcome that's not deleting and instabanning?

surely there must be a way to convey what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior without inviting further abuse

  No. 3825

nvm this liz >>3820 is in the right

  No. 4030

>4chan refugees!!!
>guys im a 8chan refugee do you like me?
why are you so retarded

  No. 4224

then leave retard, why even type this shit out?

  No. 4225

>Lizchanners are more lame normalfags though

How so?

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