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/b/ -Burrow

Bury yourself in the ground lizzie
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File: 1520273731219.jpg (428.39 KB,1920x2296,Immagine senza titolo.jpg)

 No.910[View All]

Post a photograph that resembles your life.

Mine is picture related.
202 postsand133 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1566173799462.jpg (93.17 KB,630x630,1169107_1.jpg)


i dont have an image of self immolation on hand, but thats how i feel sometimes. cant tell you why i would want to self immolate, my life isnt that bad, but the thought comes to mind every once in a while


you got a link to the book series? im curious to what this guy has to say about the ayys


if youre still around, do you have an archive that allows you to download them all? a quick google search brings up a few sites that only allow viewing


File: 1566791213186.jpg (34.03 KB,600x450,eating_out.jpg)


me on the left


File: 1568391618357.png (227.59 KB,500x374,glower.png)

me when I get accused of being cia


File: 1569078469566.jpg (40.65 KB,500x435,Edgelord.jpg)

when you read too much J.evola


File: 1569084324116.jpg (9.12 KB,223x227,teleports behind you.jpg)

tbh this world of passive aggresiveness and forced tameness does need a bit of edge


File: 7d9xyOma0sj1qwVuM5BHWzSJXFnUif.jpg (103.48 KB,826x960,me.jpg)

yup this is me


File: 0tKHIPNJCyLAO46ckibxYlzBrUWf51.png (120.76 KB,414x414,alex.png)


File: WyNx1koB8g5fvbdSQ0ItpHTja3LPle.jpg (231.64 KB,887x900,1461893099330.jpg)


Why don't they just walk around the waterfalls? Are birds that lazy?


File: npxKOYv806B3wlEZki45uogPHJSLd7.gif (621.56 KB,500x375,milho.gif)

Just the way nature works.
Just the cruel and harsh way nature works.


File: QSXYT2fJLelbh1sHtK7V9FakqEny8m.png (196.58 KB,411x405,mymom.png)

Ducks are Buddhist and believe life should flow like the liquid they float on, and that life is as transient as a droplet of clear water falling towards an infinitely larger rushing stream.


File: OmNADneuaTyH1c5KXdZjYvWELzthCQ.png (298.25 KB,432x413,af56f8268a9c63d6760dd10b26….png)

Good. never liked them dumb retards in the first place


ah, so that's why the mother goose goaded her goslings into going down a waterfall. very zen


File: 8mryHtAO4if1PTQlcWF7jd0GseZCg9.jpg (190.52 KB,500x377,drinking.jpg)


File: 0cmazbu1Avy6EBXSf9xIrTpRCnWKhJ.png (68.75 KB,322x340,Sad Guts.png)


File: nlEu87Ye4Hw0VzQORhyCJ9BPbAvIam.jpg (161.15 KB,1024x724,eating.jpg)

me having a light meal


File: I2z6SFlbnwcgqVHjxha7mBuK1MtDNX.jpg (490.98 KB,1146x542,1458622221646.jpg)

this but not as cool in context


File: leyjQdbU8FvZs7fXAhrw5iEI2xDCcg.png (234.52 KB,1366x768,Computer Garret.png)


File: rxiS7vPf3QJdaAOTy4s59ek1uCz6bY.jpg (79.97 KB,400x225,work.jpg)

what my average workday looks like


File: e3Gv2EUOc6bWNBRxSkA4T5JisLHDFf.jpg (815.8 KB,1920x1200,1503102412215.jpg)

me on my daily journey for frozen pizza


File: bGKP1s3zaHv2076uyceYXFn5JdWmqf.png (201.47 KB,636x688,Master Neet.png)


File: Uo362PdXreBthFCVlaSHORAm4TQvYf.jpg (270.84 KB,930x861,1555865348438.jpg)


that's right, smile for the customers wagie


File: fYINezpWgsFho5krR72jtZdC9wODUV.jpg (211.82 KB,1108x831,bathtub.jpg)


File: Ko9RYwATM75CbqIikZ8DpPWXEmV2st.jpg (124.51 KB,1120x700,d4f5038202f1efd8719009cd08….jpg)


You're a train?


it's 2020, if you're not getting surgery to become a gender binary train this instant, i'm sorry but it's over for you.


>getting surgery
>gender binary train

an actual train zir. based



File: Bl1Oqcgmr5ZvU6JwVKRIdAhSWtia4o.png (1010.52 KB,720x576,train.png)


File: zRAKFPWCEvQrdy1D8Mf9GeUn2k35cj.jpg (131.91 KB,500x250,drunk-native.jpg)


File: zeMZOdwTFhHpP3uisxQAqKcvfEbaLS.jpg (97.92 KB,640x480,おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第40話「どれみと魔女….jpg)


File: ydMpWaVR1E9vkYc0gnbIBNXwSfL4Jh.jpg (26.84 KB,640x640,kot.jpg)


File: v4JteNHiwaD0QyBu6s8ZXpAPcF5fzS.png (2.43 MB,1909x1063,0ut.png)

me sharing my culture with my fellow lizards


File: Yw9KQ2S3ZaOjz7bDxlRT5CF6rBV0Xf.jpg (122.31 KB,1260x840,feeding.jpg)


File: c2RTGlV4N3gSOq8JaK7wn0oxQyDHpE.jpg (135.51 KB,1125x1125,pig.jpg)

me when it's cold out


File: CDhGu5jSZ8PzApiO2aHgUQme3LXNxd.jpg (87.67 KB,348x419,15463476064.jpg)


File: UqJifGHs1OFcCzBX3ALTZlpS8V2NxW.jpg (67.27 KB,380x563,safety.jpg)

me after finding out about the coronavirus


File: IzQaqMPSbWpBmCdcOrD3JtGATLg0Fk.jpg (135.8 KB,750x957,fuckyou.jpg)

me at the chinese airport


very shamefur dispray. make ancestors cry


leatherman lost his gains


File: R1CTH0GNj7KmdeOhsXqnlQiPtZMbUW.png (162.18 KB,445x680,68bc7699977ca30c82556fbf86….png)

thats what aids will do to you


File: h5nuSBF49L6fxTqwijvXPpIZ0tdWEO.jpeg (1.13 MB,3150x4088,1580362401269.jpeg)

yup, that's me. (the one in the middle)



These anime always seem to make the main protag a giant or something. They always absolutely tower over the love interests. It seems to be some kind of cliche that they're so big. They're always so nice and likeable though, so I would feel bad to have them hurt. He looks so happy and content. How can someone hate that?


I hate him with a passion, smug prick gets to not be real, while simataniously being 2d and a anime chad. Hope that non existent nonce gets barbaricly basted.


>t. manlet

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