>>1192>From a vegans point of view, would stealing already shelved meat and eating it be unethical?Vegans believe eating meat is unethical, and stealing in itself is already unethical for anybody. Therefore, a vegan stealing meat AND eating it is doubly unethical, for they have stolen something and eaten meat.
>Is hedonism bad even when bringing no harm to others other than those who created you?Harming others ceases to be hedonism, that just appears to be taking pleasure at other people's expense, a.k.a. malice. Whether or not it is "bad" is a different question, but let us first clarify that that is definitely not hedonism if you are taking pleasure at the expense of others ("those who created you"). Basically, if you take pleasure from other's pain, so can those who created you take pleasure in YOUR pain, perpetuating the vicious cycle.
I don't know about you, but that does not sound very good at all if others take pleasure at your pain. The way out of this is to recognize and isolate the cycle, and then abandon it entirely the same way that Buddhists recognize and isolate the futile cycle of life and become ascetics and such.
>Is having children equal to indirect murder?Yes and no. This is going to be a very gray response to a very gray question, and the reason being is that if two massively unprepared adults have children in extremely shitty circumstances (i.e. they had unprotected sex whilst jobless or in poverty, etc. and can't reasonably support children but got them anyway) then yes, they have "indirectly murdered" their own children when those kids are abused from parental incompetence, neglected, grow up to become criminals or deeply troubled individuals, and then disposed by society when they inevitably get shot by people in self-defense, by the police, or just prosecuted into jail (basically a death sentence of its own).
All because the normie parents didn't think with their brain and not their genitals to use a condom, or abort their child (the question of abortion as murder is a different topic, but in all honesty I don't think any child would delibately choose to be born in shitty conditions). Now this thought process is a bit of stretch for sure, but normies who can't properly support children shouldn't have children at all, and I think we can all agree with that.
However, suppose that the child's parents were prepared, wealthier, well-off, and can in fact properly support a NEET lifestyle for their child to enjoy when they are older. It wouldn't be indirect murder at that point, just suicide by the NEET on their own terms, not at the fault of the parents who technically at least made an attempt and offered goods of value. Needless to say, this is a small minority of potential parents since most normies are pretty shitty people, and consequently make for shitty parents raising more shitty normies who in turn become shitty people and shitty parents themselves, rinse repeat.
I actually like thinking about "weird questions" even if I don't have any myself right now, so please feel free to ask more. Good stuff.