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/b/ -Burrow

Bury yourself in the ground lizzie
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  No. 3250


  No. 3251

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They wuz reptilians n' shiet

  No. 3252

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Whenever and wherever I may wonder, I must post the word nigger
It's crucial for me to do this

  No. 3253

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  No. 3257

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  No. 3259

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>mfw niggers

  No. 3260

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>when a mayo whipped cracka speaketh the N word

  No. 3267

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>be a nigger
>spray yourself with esoteric symbolism, maybe some satanism as well
>yell "I CUM IN THE FUCK" and "PUSSY PUSSY DICK DICK" while nice beats made by white men play on the background
>make white cucks say "oh, yeah, this music is truly patrician :)"
Can't get away with it

  No. 3275

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wuts dat FUNnay loOINN whahte boi gots ahn hIS hahns? OH LAWDY!

  No. 3322

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  No. 3325

great, now I'm hungry

  No. 3327

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I just ate some chicken. That food fascinantes me. So much that I have to make a surprise face and get close to the chicken when I see it.
>tfw have a nigger in me

  No. 3331

Whenever and wherever I may wonder, I must post the word nugger
It's crucial for me to do this

  No. 3338

I actually do like deathgrips still, was obsessed for a few years. gotta admit while mc ride is cool zach is the best musically.

  No. 3342

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Steroids will still be their best output to this date. I will never understand why poseurs always shill NOTM as their best when all the songs sound the same and lack any sound structure whatsoever. They were only fucking around with bjork samples in a rockband drum. The sounds always felt like something trapped on a capsule, that wants to be as violent as possible, but can't deliver it due to lacking anything harsh in it.
Steroids on the other hand, while not being harsh noise, has plenty of mnoments where sounds are harsh and leaves the listener confused at the same time. NotM only confuses, but never delivers the meat that is supposed to have, the violence.

  No. 3345

That's the last one I really liked, used to have to mow a huge lawn out in the country and would listen to it every week as it was the only one loud enough to hear over it.
Yea NOTM had some nice moments mainly near the beginning and endings of most tracks but it wasn't enough to make 8 quality songs.

  No. 3599

Oh shit! Nignogs?!

  No. 3603

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America 2020

  No. 3606

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As yeah mane, no datz wut I shudda name: kulture

  No. 3608

dats rite muh niggah

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