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Bury yourself in the ground lizzie
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  No. 3702

How do I avoid getting consumed by anger?

  No. 3703

Simply consume the anger first

  No. 3705

Consume before you get angry.

  No. 3706

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Hmm don't punch walls. I did when I was edgy emo teen with bigass bangs on half of my face.
Oh and btw don't cut Yourself lol.

Rest is up to You.
Slam, speedcore, deathcore and noise-punk. Those genres help me chill out but it's best to accept the things that drive U mad.
Oh and laying in bathtube for few hours is comfy

  No. 3707

Take lots of SSRIs goyim.

  No. 3708

I'm being taken to a psychiatrist about my anger issues, maybe that might help? I don't really know of any methods that genuinely help you calm down. >>3706 has some good advice, punching walls only fucks with your hands and cutting yourself doesn't release any of the anger. Listening to angry music does release some of it; try the Doom (2016) soundtrack

  No. 3709

>I'm being taken to a psychiatrist about my anger issues, maybe that might help?
Tried that once, just ended up with the psychiatrist being a condescending fag not understanding why I get mad at the things I get mad. Plus the pills don't put you in a good situation either.
I've found alcoholism is a way to get rid of it, but just thinking about it gets me mad again.

  No. 3710

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I guess it depends on the person but I'm sure everyone would lose their anger after seeing tendons and vein popped out from their cut
But running blood would be enough anyway
I'M glad that at least I didn't fuck up my brain while going through "Dis w0rld succ"" phase
Do you really need to go to psychiatrist? How bad is it?
Btw Never take jewpills those are not good for lizards.
I've tried 4 kinds of SSRI and all of them did more bad than good. On top of that it gave me more mental problems like panick attacks and feeling of Independent doom while making my depression worse. Fortunately I'm over it.

I've listened to that ost before and it's nice but I preffer dis

  No. 3712

Yeah, I'm skeptical about it too.

>I'm sure everyone would lose heir anger after seeing tendons and vein popped out from their cut. But running blood would be enough anyway.
It used to work for me, but doesn't do the trick anymore. It doesn't number the pain like it used to.
>Do you really need to go to psychiatrist?
Unfortunately I have to, as my mother is making me
>How bad is it?
I assume you're on about my anger, and it's fairly bad. It takes a lot for me to snap, but when I do I have no recollection of what has happened but I get very violent. A dog attacked my chickens a couple of weeks ago, and I snapped. Stabbed that fucker over and over. I got an artery and there was blood everywhere, which only encouraged my anger.

  No. 3713

Well damn at least you weren't a pussy about it like women are, so once you actually got to that point you realized it wasn't relly helping. I think the reason that women do it so much is that they stay at the point where they barely break the skin because they're attention whores who want pity points. Do the scars hurt?

  No. 3714

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well I guess that's what happens when lifestock isn't properly secured
idk why some random death of stabbed animal made me sad since a lot of furries are slaughtered in similar or worse way
Nature is brutal and fucked up.
Oh and it's great oppurtunity to get govbux.

I still think it was helping me to cope with sadness and pain. I started when I was 13y.o but made most of it as 14-15
then I had a break until 20 where I made that red one visible on pic. It should take like one year for it to have skin color.
I stopped cutting myself when I reached the point where I needed a really deep cut to feel satisfied and it became really risky.
My biggest one is on the other arm. When I made it I was like
"oh fuck that's deep af, I nearly cut my vein. Oh what the fuck is that, are those tendons? why there is no blood?"
And then the blood was flowing like crazy. I took what I had near, two t-shirt, I tried to soak up the blood but it wasn't enough.
I went to bathtube and raised my arm high. After like 20 minutes it wasn't bleeding that much
BUT with every move of my hand the cut was just getting bigger. So I roped it just like U do it with broken arm. After 3 or 4 weeks my mother discovered it (I was keeping it low-profile and I'd rather die for gangrene then show it and look like attention whore)

  No. 3715

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I didn't wanted to lose my arm so just to make sure I was pouring alcohol into that armhole like 8 times.
My cut started to scalp and I had to press it because under it there was a lot of stinking yellow substance :O
Longer than month and half passed my father wanted to see it and when he did he took me to hospital. When I was leaving car
I BUMPED my arm and the whole thick scalp went deep xd and there was a lot of blood again. Docs were speechless that I took care of it all by myself and were very curious how I made it without getting infection. A lot of ppl have been around me , I guess it was my young age that made it such a sensation

The funniest thing that happend there was practice nurse walking up to me and asking
>wanted to try how COOL it is to cut yourself,huh?
*shows other arm while smiling*
>she's terrified and walks away

Scars don't hurt but tickle a litte when they're young. Oh and I get some sort of phantom pains but more like my skin is burning
but I only have it on right arm.
I'm not intending to do attentionwhoreposting
This is the only chan that I visit

  No. 3716

>*shows other arm while smiling*
That made me audibly chuckle. You sound like you've gone through some shit. No offense intended but I'm glad I never cut myself, if I had to go to the emergency room I'd probably freak out, I've heard they get crowded and I fucking lose it when there's a lot of people around me. Bach in hs during passing periods sometimes it'd be hard to walk when there were all the people nd I'd start to stumble over myself. The only other thing that was worse for me was when I went to the art show they held every year and people were standing shoulder to shoulder and all the art was shitty orange man bad crap and I nearly screamed, ran out of there really quick. Looking back the stuff that was there was almost all awful, there was maybe two things that I liked but I couldn't really concentrate.
Hiding that for 3 weeks is impressive btw, my mother gets nervous and thinks I'm cutting myself if I wear long sleeves or a hoodie for more than a few days in a row, guess that shows how much confidence she has in my mental health.

  No. 3717

Back I mean.

  No. 3718

They were properly secured though, some dickhead hopped the fence with his dog and let his dog loose. It was only some shitty fog, I don't understand why you're so sad.

  No. 3719

>Shitty fog
Fuck meant dog

  No. 3729

I don't have any tips for social phobia. In my case it just got weaker but it's still kinda pain in the butt
I don't know that dog but I do know what pain is. That's why it makes me sad
and owner should be beaten instead of that dog because he was the one who didn't train that dog and trespassed :d

  No. 3754

>wanted to try how COOL it is to cut yourself,huh?
How snarky. I'm glad you showed that to her because it's obvious that she has no idea what human suffering actually is and genuinely believes the lie that all people cut themselves "for attention".
Anyways, apart from that, I hope you are doing well. Reading your story kind of hit me in a very emotional way. It really pains me to see someone have to go through that, especially a fellow lizard. Just know that there are people out there that genuinely care about your well being.

  No. 3787

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Thanks, you're great too Lizzie

  No. 4258


  No. 4259

Don't look back.

  No. 4260

or maybe get some hotdogs

  No. 4324

good advice, hot dogs are what I use to soothe my world annihilation tendencies

  No. 4345

can confirm that hotdogs are baste. for me i'm more of a sausage kind of person tho because i like thicc meat

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