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/b/ -Burrow

Bury yourself in the ground lizzie
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  No. 4648

You are next.

  No. 4649

Starting to understand why people actively create drama in their cliques, i've been so bored this whole week i've clocked in about 6 hours of wall staring.

  No. 4652

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>Starting to understand why people actively create drama in their cliques
Every group ive ever witnessed will always break down. Its never a matter of if, it will always happen no matter what you do.

  No. 4653

The cliquers are all losing power on wizchan because they are the only ones posting anymore among 8chan refugees.

  No. 4654

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  No. 4655

I will get sober and put my mind to writing all about I know on /cow/.

While abusing your hosts.

It's time to put an end to it

  No. 4656

Hahaha Torn is such a normie. If you can do KKKron to he is Ronnie in Torns steam friend list.

  No. 4657


his profile is even called wizchan

yeah should be this one, i forgot about him there, should've been pretty obvious

  No. 4659

i told ron some stuff and he posted it in a few hours here on /b/ and mocked me, i didn't even read all of it, but he's a frequest poster here just like all of them, even though they deny it of course with bullshit and lies

i told him NOT TO TELL and he agreed, and he basically instantly posted it, some of the most mocking of it

  No. 4660

After that, he lied that he didn't post anything and that he doesn't even visit wizchan.
I can point some of his posts here, they are in Yuri modposted longthread and in some random ones as well

  No. 4661

>he posted it in a few hours here on /b/ and mocked me,
no one mocks schizoposter but me, tell me if he ever disrespects you again

  No. 4663

See? This site is the same shmuck of normie one uppers. It will be dealt with the same how i dealt with magicchan and hikkichan, for wizchan, there are much better plans, too many normies, and there's a norper dirt or a bad history on many of them, it just need to be put in a good long line with lots of links and screenshots, but I need to be sober for some time to do that properly

it's time for you to put back the shit you stole, fucking niggers. You are just random one-uppers, normies and underage, nothing more, nothing less

  No. 4664

quick rundown on what has been going on?

just looks like w*zchan clique drama, nothing new really

  No. 4665

Clique is damage controlling and removing torn's desktop posts.

  No. 4666

will be "new" for you after a few abuses, maybe I even will try to take down both of these boards. I'm done with you. You are nothing but normalfags.

  No. 4667

got a warning from this normie lmao, he continues to delete his own screenshots.

  No. 4668

Is that before or after your teleport behind me?

Jokes aside, I honestly don't know what your problem is and why all of this is being posted here on Lizchan, when this all appears to be Wizchan problems. This thread is just begging to be locked soon, maybe even deleted. The mods here aren't even affiliated with Wizchan either, but this great conspiracy is getting old.

>but I need to be sober for some time to do that properly
Ah ok, so if you're drinking then take it easy before you do anything stupid. Don't be that guy who can't control his alcohol online

  No. 4669

Shut the fuck up.
You are all the same.
All these retarded honeypots were the same. You need to go.

  No. 4670

>This thread is just begging to be locked soon, maybe even deleted.
I will start abusing with cp as soon as it happens.
You can already message your cliquers, I'm well prepared, I just wanted to do cow thing first and wizchan first.

  No. 4671

I just want to understand, what is your end game? get IP banned, go on a proxy, post CP, get IP banned again and again… and for what? to have a thread ranting about another website?

What is it that you hope to accomplish tonight?

  No. 4672

I don't care what you think.
You are going to be abused and spammed.
There's no need to reason with normals.

  No. 4673

there's no endgame, there are people you one up every day.
It's time to let them go

  No. 4674

wait so are you suggesting that you are the one normal here since you are going to abuse and spam a random website?

  No. 4675

It is not a random website.
It is a clique honeypot.
Cliquers and admins here are normals.
They are not what they are trying to make others think of them, they create illusions for others while achieving as many shit IRL as possible for themselves and soon they will fuck off and give the torch to another bunch of cliquers.
stop this pointless talk, I'm tired for today already

  No. 4676

>Cliquers and admins here are normals.

I mean with W*zchan, it's a given that those guys are cliquers and warmies but Lizchan is a separate entity altogether.

>They are not what they are trying to make others think of them, they create illusions for others while achieving as many shit IRL as possible for themselves and soon they will fuck off and give the torch to another bunch of cliquers.

But why post about it here, on Lizchan, when you are describing Wizchan?

>stop this pointless talk, I'm tired for today already

If you are so tired, then why make a thread about it for it to get deleted later?

seriously I am still just trying to understand what is it you hope to accomplish

  No. 4677

fuck off already piece of shit, talk to your kind of one uppers

  No. 4678

you can't even think of a world without shit sites like wizchan and this anymore?
I can though.
Your countrymen are just scared of legal repercussions if they dare try to make the world a better place

  No. 4679

or they simply enjoy peoples suffering

  No. 4680

first of all, it will give no ground for piece of shits like you to clique and one up delusionals anymore, they will have to face reality they are trying to postpone, while you are already facing it and lying to them every day

  No. 4681

it doesn't always have to be instinctive to become smarter, sometime others can help you, and it's not my problem if you don't have to help anybody

  No. 4682

you can still create whatever channel somewhere or a small shithole you want to create and one up eachother in it while pretending to be better than you actually are

  No. 4683

it sounds like you're just in a dark place, so I'll just say that even among lizards here, I think you need seek help. Chances are you are going to dismiss this, keep drinking, and continue ranting to the void about """The Eternal Clique""" for it to be gone by tomorrow, but seriously look in the mirror sometime. The real clique lives in your head rent-free, and to me that's the real tragedy.

Say whatever you're like to say, but I'm going to make myself some food and continue playing video games now, enjoy the thread while it lasts I guess

  No. 4684

enjoy your cabal and hosts while they last

seek help for your piece of shitness, because you are a huge one at that

i'm not enjoying this thread. I'm not enjoying you. i'm not enjoying these shitholes and cliques and persons behind it.

you are just wanting something for yourself while others suffer.
talking was pointless as fuck but it kept me a little entertained before tomorrows info group up and preparing to do what i promised to do

i'm not in dark place. It's you who are dark and you just want more darkness

bye, I won't even see what the fuck happens next, because it's not important, what's important is how to take you down for good

  No. 4688

Embedding error.

  No. 4691

>How i dealt with magicchan
Bullshit. You didn't kill magicchan and there was never a mod clique.

  No. 4692

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He didn't kill hikkichan either

He's a funny guy, being warm with mental illness and non existent self awarness is epic combo on top of that sjw

  No. 4699

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What the fuck is this shit? I just want to post retarded rambles and piss on warmies. This is too complicated for me to care about.

  No. 8151

I know this is old, but I'm using the search function but man was this guy on crack or something. Lol

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