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/b/ -Burrow

Bury yourself in the ground lizzie
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  No. 6281

Please put your maaask on and have a seat in the bubble sir. We'll be by soon to take your order.

  No. 6282

>life will be like a minigame from a jackass ps2 game

  No. 6285

Put your maask on boy and come to the covid barrier to give your ol grandpappy and granny a hug!

  No. 6302

File: 1605405598936.jpg (294.97 KB ,1000x1000 , covid_protection.jpg )

I'm afraid it won't be that cool.

  No. 6303

Imagine wanting people to be able to hug or eat at restaurants. Why do you care that these people cling to practices that only serve their social interaction addictions? Just stay inside like always you nigger. Fucking warmies these days.

  No. 6304

File: 1605413395087.mp4 (5.24 MB ,850x478 , bunda.mp4 )

Very Based!
At least indoors I can walk around in my undies without getting funny looks from spinsters

  No. 6305

>that only serve their social interaction addictions

You can go and eat at a restaurant by yourself you know. I couldn't eat at McDonald's for months because of this covid hysteria bullshit. Drive-through only completely screws carless guys like me.

  No. 6306

When I worked in KFC we did serve people on bikes

  No. 6307

>wanting to eat at McDonalds
Make your own burger you lazy nigger. Even some frozen shit from the grocery store tastes better than their genetically engineered abomination burgers.

  No. 6308

Oh sure, I'll spend an hour buying multiple indigents for a burger and cooking it up on my stovetop, because you know, only an idiot would go out and buy a cheap value menu burger from a fast food place. Get over yourself.

  No. 6310

This entire thead was so predictable with the one upsmanship.

  No. 6311

ikr, why can't people just accept that I'm right about everything?

  No. 6312

Wear the MASK.
Get the SHOT.
Download the ZOOM.
and eat your BUGS,
you fucking subhuman

  No. 6314

Dang, I don't do any of those things. I'm probably already on some government watch list.

  No. 6319

You can't go out of your way in the grocery store for two ingredients? All you need is patties and buns.

  No. 6322

Yes, exactly. Burgers are one of the foods I'd sooner have made for me than go through the process of making myself. Call me lazy if you want, I don't care.

  No. 6324

Then don't complain that fucking McDick's enforces rules so they don't get sued when you get someone infected with some shit, especially when it takes all of ten minutes to make better shit yourself without interacting with warmies.

  No. 6333

Covid has spread far more here and yet fast food restaurants are totally open to the public so it's kind of obvious that the couple weeks of closing the dining area was pretty pointless. How would they get sued? Do they get sued when someone spreads the flu in their restaurant? The media really needs to stop reporting on outbreaks, all it's doing is scaring the shit out of the public.

>ten minutes to make better shit

It's a real trivial thing to get pretentious over, someone going out and getting a fast food burger every now and again. I really do mean it, you really should get over yourself.

  No. 6334

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Cant we all just get along lizzies?

  No. 6338

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  No. 6340

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  No. 6341

File: 1605717794347.png (189.59 KB ,423x585 , d072b29bfd9b56a857279d03f1….png )

Why lizzie??
This is supposed to be a bullifree zone!

  No. 6342

>It's a real trivial thing to get pretentious over
Not really, fast food is poison made to satisfy warmiebrain.

  No. 6343

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>thinks lizards don't bully each other

  No. 6405

Nothing to see here, it's just a coincidence. Move along goy.

  No. 6431

File: 1608138511474.jpg (70.58 KB ,1069x606 , covid_vaccine_palsy.jpg )

take the vaccine they said
trust the scientists they said

  No. 6434

They're just smiling smugly because they will never get infected again :)

  No. 6435

>antibodies wear off soon after vaccination
>get covid
>got vaccinated and had palsy all for nothing

  No. 6436

Do you know what a joke is?

  No. 6437

no, what is joke?

  No. 6439

average masktard

  No. 6442


  No. 6443

lol maskhurt

  No. 6444

^sorry for samefagging, first message didn't go through so posted second, sorry

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