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/b/ -Burrow

Bury yourself in the ground lizzie
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File: 1610844758835.jpg (455.54 KB ,1619x1184 , Goodnight Punpun v05 p.054….jpg )

  No. 6517

I just found this board I use wizchan I take it this is an offshoot of wizchan can I get some lore about this place.

  No. 6519

>>6518 about covered it.

  No. 6520

It seems comfy I thought at first it was a reptilian type conspiracy place it is a shame it is dying but I guess that is how the net is now.
I actually found this place by typing "wizchan b" into google and seen a result here so I clicked and lurked a bit before making the post.

If everyone from all the small chans came together we could have a semi active enough place to post on all day if we wanted but all we have is shitchan really… and I do not use shitchan.

I thought this place may have been a wizchan spin off after people where mad with the mods at least it seems a bit like that.

THank you for posting some lore of this place…

  No. 6523

File: 1610898072170.jpg (1.06 MB ,2571x2571 , 32c0887c247a7015dcdfc216b7….jpg )

It -is- a wizchan spinoff. I believe how it went is some wanted /liz/ to be created for cold blooded reptiles on Wizchan but it was rejected, and the mods were being abusive, so this chan was created. In any case, /r9k/ is now full normie and Wizchan is going down the hill too so this chan is a third refuge for virgins. However, since there is no place we can shill this chan on that isn't going to be bring in normies, we just lay dormant for now. Perhaps in 2021 we can somehow regain 15-25 users that we had back and it'll become a small comfy chan that we can call home again. You are welcome to stay.

  No. 6524

A lot of the users went to sushigirl for some reason.

  No. 6527

If I can remember correctly the original lizmin created the board as sort of a joke. It's funny how several years later the site is still around. Lizchan seems like more of a spin-off of wizchan's hidden /b/ board than that site as a whole.

  No. 6531

Well it's more like a lot of them already used it in some capacity or were at least aware of it. The browsing patterns aren't that weird if you think about it.

  No. 6532

>this chan is a third refuge for virgins.
Just gotta point it out, volcels-yes, Incels-no

Cuz Google algorithm
It was the first chan showing up since some liz wrote about site there long time ago and then it was used to gather up the rest

  No. 6544

I remember it as lizards was an in-joke that became this site. I can't even remember the specifics of the joke. It's been so long.

  No. 6605

lizards are cold blooded and try to keep away from warmies and warm places, you can call wizchan a place that became warm

  No. 6607

makes sense

  No. 6654


I’m 85% sure there was an earlier /liz/ meme thread in meta too, possibly 2015/2016. I remember posting in them.

  No. 6664

I just remember some guy posting "lizchan when" with a lizard picture on different boards starting around late 2014. I don't know if it was an inside joke before then.

  No. 6665

>some guy posting "lizchan when" with a lizard picture

so that's how it all started

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