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/b/ -Burrow

Bury yourself in the ground lizzie
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File: 1518726936252.webm (2.45 MB ,480x350 , 1515122280.webm )

  No. 775

This is the new spam thread for the server change. Personally don't plan on posting porn still, feel free to delete the other thread or both!
Just want my own contaminate thread to mindlessly post in.

  No. 776

I'm not even sure if we should allow loli. I don't want pedos shitting the place up.

  No. 777

Ah It hasn't been the case so far, is strictly 2D, pedo's aren't auto rapist or anything either.
We'll see if admin deletes them I'm fine either way.

  No. 778

Nice lolicore.

Lolicons are low key pedos, but it's not really questionable until you have child models being posted.

Is the next fetish that's going to be promoted to the masses cuckqueaning then pedophilia?

  No. 779

File: 1518739977135-0.webm (282.83 KB ,640x480 , BigheartedSphericalDeinon….webm )

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Thank you my formally underage self used to listen too them 24/7 for a few years.
Yea child models I even disagree with, kids beauty pageants are cancer.
>promoting cuckqueaning and pedoism
That would be too traditional we're going the she-wookie and jamaljunkie route.

  No. 780

Just keep it at wizchan level please. Terms of Services (ToS) for the server was strictly "No CP" which I know you lizards won't post, but still I don't want the FBI knocking on my front door.

  No. 781

Spooked luciferian loli blasphemes at incredulous speeds
Wish I could change the op to just dis allow porn then - cute posting is a coping method for me plenty of other sites for porn.
Is there a setting for blocking a thread's pictures from appearing on front page?

  No. 801

  No. 802

TWO whole new post!!!

  No. 803

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fudge 3 new post embed sabotaged me

  No. 951

I hate loli. I have some fucked up fetishes but at least i'm glad i'm not a pedo in denial.

  No. 953

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>implying there's anything wrong with that

  No. 954

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Pedo doesn't equate to rapist,
people don't choose their attractions,
posters are required virgins anyway,
I am now post cute loli.

  No. 956

>people don't choose their attractions
They sort of do, because while many people may be slightly pedophilic they also like other things they can choose to divert their sexual energy towards. Only a small, unlucky few are exclusively attracted.

  No. 957

File: 1521259718017.png (68.81 KB ,448x252 , ClipboardImage.png )

>mfw loli thread

  No. 958

You're Asian?

  No. 959


  No. 960

Are you fluent?

  No. 961

just joking i'm not >>957

  No. 964

Hey, >>957 here. The pic I posted was that of Amos Yee who is a somewhat popular youtuber infamous for his controversial views. One of his views is that he believes pedophiles should have rights to fuck whoever they want, hence why I posted him here.

I thought everyone would get the joke but no one did and that makes me sad.

  No. 966

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Sort of, I mean I have so many fetishes I can't recite them all - I'm a nomad in that regard, but I'm unwilling to change my fetishes when i'm going to be a virgin forever anyway.
baste exposure poster

  No. 969

>infamous youtuber
>thinking we would get the joke
You should've known better than to think that we would know about some edgy youtuber. Rights are imaginary anything and only enforced at the end of a gun barrel.
>second pic

  No. 976

Great but dead thread

  No. 980

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am been sick maybe postan will help
thank you good taste-sama

  No. 982

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  No. 983

very loud but creative song imo

  No. 999

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My Lewd Lord!
please be careful fellow reptilian the Canadian government is watching!

  No. 1006

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  No. 1035

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  No. 1036

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pls don't post chads

  No. 1046

File: 1522152923888.jpg (102.04 KB ,1050x1050 , Justin Wong and his gf.jpg )

You can't stop me!

  No. 1047

Who’s the guy?

  No. 1051

See filename.

  No. 1052

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Fucking chad gamers, makes me sick.

  No. 4715

Oh look It's schizoposter
Mods just give his IP to organisations that take care of cp posters. That guy is clearly too retarded to not get caught.
Lmao if you do that It's gonna be hilarious

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