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/b/ -Burrow

Bury yourself in the ground lizzie
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  No. 849

Do any reptilians here write? what about?
I'm making a fantasy book only I will probably read and would like to share ideas.
In the book there are lizard people, wizards, every other trope etc and the protag is a nameless man who gets lured to his fate.
Feel free to share anything relating to book plots you liked, ideas for races, areas, inspiring music, etc.
I'll post some ideas to see how edgy they are sometimes too.

  No. 850

I'm a pathetic movie fan so I've written a few partial screenplays. Tried to write novella style but creating imagery while implementing charicarization is too much for my horrible brain.

  No. 854

>Do any reptilians here write?
I suppose I "write," but I haven't really written anything in such a long time due to wageslaving and depression, etc.

>what about?

I wrote just about anything that came to mind; nothing particularly remarkable came of it however. There were times when I wanted to write (and finish writing) all sorts of books in my more youthful days, but long gone are the enthusiasm and will.

>In the book there are lizard people, wizards, every other trope etc and the protag is a nameless man who gets lured to his fate.

>Feel free to share anything relating to book plots you liked, ideas for races, areas, inspiring music, etc.
>I'll post some ideas to see how edgy they are sometimes too.
Interesting premise. Hmm, I feel a bit inspired but we will need to start with the obvious – what is to be the title of this community-written novel of sorts?

Afterwards we will need a more developed plot, based on as you've said "protag is a nameless man who gets lured to his fate." I propose then the following rough story arc:


I know it's a bit long, but I can't believe I managed to write out the whole plot so soon. I guess a bit of inspiration does go a long way, let me know what you fellow lizards think. Details and fine writing can then be done from here and perhaps consolidated into a .pdf file for future reference. We still need a title too.

  No. 855

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Yea I just leave most things vague for imaginations sake and describe how the environment effects the protag, I love movies too you just gotta leave your room to make them most the time.
Yea I'm only about 7k words into mine and have a general idea what the endings going to be.
I used to write zombie books constantly in grade school until one of the kids told on me for excessive violence, never finished one though.
That seems like a comfy idea, baste lizard bro makes me desire a beer.
Made me want to write more myself since mines taking so long.

I'm not sure about a community novel for consistencies sake but we can assuredly share our ideas and thoughts, will try to post some more today.

  No. 856

Come to think about it, this thread might be better suited to /liz/.

  No. 857

Why? I like it on here!

  No. 858

As you wish.

  No. 859

How do you tell if things belong on /b/ or /liz/? I've just been a bit confused about it honestly, although I like that more threads are allowed that way.

  No. 860

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I've been thinking of unique things for the lizard race, I think I'm going to have them live very long lives, be the oldest race on the planet, and have the tradition of killing their parents once their old enough. Instead of letting them grow too old, and to make them scarier too humans.

Also I think birds mixed with mice would be badass, like birds that can burrow underground, invade houses, cause more disease etc.

  No. 861

A mod can move this thread if reptilians really insist it be moved. I don't it makes much of a difference though.
>implying pigeons aren't already flying rats

  No. 864

We really need a /hob/ board.

  No. 865

/Liz/ is more normie tier and /b/ is more underground

  No. 868

I don't think anybody is insisting on it.

  No. 869

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postan relevant pics

  No. 2276

Do lizanons think stories need any deeper meaning than just being a story? I've been writing world lore and I'm fighting the will to ever finish a fantasy book. I feel like I should just focus on the experience, and not the meaning / morals of the story.

  No. 2277

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I've been thinking of making a retelling of the original Spider-man comic for a while now, because the character has strayed away from his semi-lizardly origins. The original with Steve Ditko's art and his and Stan Lee's writing was great, but he's always been leaning more and more towards a failed normalfag since his creation. I'd basically be writing it as a "fuck you" to Dan Slott and Nick Spencer and all the other soyboy cunts who've been writing for Spidey. Not that anyone would read it or that I'd ever get around to writing it. It's all just shitty sketches and storylines in my head right now. Not much to go off of, but hey, a guy can dream can't he?
I feel like most stories are written just to be interesting, and morals are later shoved onto them by warmbloods who need everything to teach them a life lesson. Just make it about good guys and bad guys and you're golden. Heck, even if it's about normal guys it's not a big deal if there isn't a moral to it. Just make it fun to read.

  No. 2278

Cool shit man, admittedly I've only read the TWD comics as superhero stuffs never interested me much, but spiderman was originally a shut-in right, I remember him actually having opinions and dilemmas but now it seems hes just another action hero.
Hell I'd read it though, I'm just biased towards my lizard brothers tho.
>I feel like most stories are written just to be interesting, and morals are later shoved onto them
Yea that's true, and if you tell a good story I guess the other things just fall into place.
>Just make it fun to read.
I think that's my main issue, I'll post a bit of my last story I'll never complete if anyone wants to critique me, It's a few years old and edgy though.

  No. 2280

Yeah, he used to be pretty much rejected because he was a nerd and whenever people would try to be nice to him he'd always have to leave to stop a bank robbery or things like that, and since he couldn't tell them about his life as Spider-man people assumed he was just an asshole. Now he's just a le quirky millennial super scientist. Anyways, post some of your story, I'm intrigued. Even if it isn't that good at least you've got it in writing, I'm always too lazy to put stuff that I've got in my head onto paper.

  No. 2281

Yea I'd probably be able to get into hero comics / film if the characters didn't just go full confidence mode, because you know they won't die, you might as well show some realistic character struggle.
I'll try and learn how to paste bin today or tomorrow and post it there as not to flood post.

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