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Just write whats on your mind, what you miss from your past, what you wish for your future. anything goes really just share your cold blooded scaly mind fragments.
This is my second thread don't mean to spam.

  No. 112

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I've hid in my room for 7 years now after dropping out of 8th grade. I've started to dislike most aspects of life, and used to be known as very optimistic.
My personality is gone, and I just remain quiet for months on end. My eternal monologue is constant but inane and self deprecating. I am smart but have no willpower or even desire to do anything but think about better times or think about current bitter signs. It's like I only know enough to get get hurt by my knowledge.
this mind sludge brought to you by - OOP

  No. 131

>what you miss from your past

My past mostly consists of negative experiences. It haunts me more than anything else. Now that I'm older and wiser I try my best to avoid getting myself entangled in bad situations and I do that by living my life as simply as possible.

  No. 135

I'm not sure if mine are bad or not, I was always alone if i had a choice and would play with myself all day pun intended occasionally.
I think memories are better because your more detached from them in my case.
People say suffering builds character but it can also do the opposite.
God speed anon, thanks for the (u).
I'll post a link to a show i liked recently.

  No. 138

I didn't have the wisdom to avoid people like you did. And this lead to some hard times (-_- )

I like that show too. I watch it when I'm high.

  No. 139


  No. 140

Yeah drugs, I can go to a regular store and buy weed where I live.

  No. 141


  No. 142

the pacific northwest

  No. 143

Dude weed lmao.

  No. 144

<script type='text/javascript'>alert('test');</script>

  No. 145

Nice try.

  No. 146

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It's mostly pseudo wisdom, I certainly am no better for it, but to be good in this world is difficult, even the hero's just end up prolonging the pains of others - In denial of their fates.
Good taste anon, I watch it the same way.
Mind venting about your recent experiences?
This that have helped you through them?
>not drugs

  No. 267

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I woke up fantasizing about killing myself again but not I am empty and in despair - Grape-kun the waifu having penguin has left us.

  No. 268

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  No. 269

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ganbatte In your new found reality penguin bro, I hope you find a harem of qt 2d penguins in your new existence.

  No. 1739

Bumpidee bumpidoo

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