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Warm-bloods Not Welcome
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  No. 293

I'm not much for blind rage but the calculated kind.
While lizards are aware they do not want a relationship in this reality, I believe the instinct is still there.
Even the most reclusive reptilian is mostly passive, or will troll and be sarcastic at least trying to convey an ounce of wisdom and insight. while a female will willingly take advantage of her pursuers, not only taking advantage of the poor betas that are naive but relishing in it.
Discuss your frustrations with the reality of the opposite gender, and remember even without pheromones we are often more attracted to 2D than 3D, Don't make your fathers mistake, opt out of the stressful rat race and embrace fate instead of pretending to escape it with a new half breed you.
The future is grim, face it with your own solemn grin. You are not dim, just lacking in self righteous sin.

  No. 294

I know this question isn't on topic of your thread, but i'm just curious. How did you find out about lizchan?

  No. 295

Never had any close contact with them unless we're speaking of family members.

  No. 296

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I started browsing 4chan when I was 12 and lurked for like 4 years on v/r9k/jp - then I started using a lot more boards to lurk to pass time, I think I found this on v9k or 8jp and noticed the lack of normals, which helped me post instead of lurk - if your the owner thanks for letting me spam your board Ganbatte in your future!

  No. 297

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Damn anon where do you reside? Not that it's a bad thing - just fends off succubus temptation.
Kind of jealous, my mom and step mom are both narcissistic with multiple kids from different dads. My sisters also whore around and get treated better than me. I think woman are intimidated by me if they don't know me now so that's good. Though both my brothers gfs pseudo bully me and I just wanna poke their eyes out with my dick because I hate them so much.

  No. 298

I'm lucky I can't deny it.

As for my zero experience when it comes to the warm-blooded female creatures, when I was growing up I had a few friends that I'd play with from time to time but they were always males, never females and they were all people whom I met through primary school first and then middle school.

Once I hit high school I went into a male only high school and discovered that I liked more video games, programming and computing in general than people. Since then my free time from school then, work now, is dedicated to gaming, lurking and media consuming in general.

  No. 299

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The horse behind my house doesn't have any companions I think except his owners and me so I think I should get him this body pillow, your thoughts? don't worry they stuff it with cotton not straw.
Yea I would only hangout with males on purpose as well, but usually I was lone wolf playing with myself, pun intended.
I like those things too but 2 brainlet for programming, I got hired recently but since my boss and co workers were stacy even though I worked as hard as possible I got laid off for being quiet for awhile on break or something.

  No. 307

I don't really have anything against females unless they behave stupidly as humans are wont to do. They aren't really evil. They just are what they are. I will say though that my mother has been infinitely better to me than my father and is the best person I know in her own small-minded way.
You should do that for the horse like they did for the penguin.

  No. 308

My view on women is similar to this. I don't really feel an urge to judge them as a group and I have known some that are horrible and some that are decent. I judge them as individuals in the same way I judge men.

  No. 309

>I got laid off for being quiet for awhile on break or something.

Sorry to hear that. I started working recently as well and once again I thank God for the luck I received: all males except a few females which I learned I'd never have to interact with since we don't share the same office.

Anyway I'd like to point out that I don't hate women either. Just like >>307 said I've nothing against them I'd prefer not having to deal with them if I have the chance.

  No. 310

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>Let's discuss the coldest blooded creatures

We're the coldest blooded creatures, normalfags are the warm bloods. Get it right, reptile.

  No. 311

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This is smart and something I do as well, I live in a horrible area for woman though so I'm biased probably. My blood mother is kind to me in her own ways, I can tell her anything about me mostly and she will accept me, but she also uses me as a tool and retirement plan so there's a bit of angst there, and will often tell me I'm her favorite to manipulate me.
Yea I don't really believe concrete good or evil but to be honest woman and men are both murders, without the woman's pregnancy and mens addiction to sexual comforts the world would be a lot more stable.
Lol I couldn't afford the pillow but I will keep feeding him and visiting.
It's a metaphor expressing my distaste, no disrespect m' lizord.

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