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  No. 451

Anyone here work I.T?

  No. 452

I don't mean shitty programming pajeet jobs. More of Support, Help Desk, or technician.

  No. 455

I used to, for some years (I'm currently unemployed).

Since you posted that pic, I also crimped some Ethernet cables and other stuff.

  No. 458

You have your A+?

  No. 460

>I don't mean shitty programming pajeet jobs

I was almost starting to type.

  No. 812

Hey liz.

I've done that before. I guess it was taking the wires, setting them into the plug thing, and then crimping them.

I don't have my A+, I don't have any network certifications, but I have one super basic security certification that's not worth anything.

It'll take me 4 1/2 years to finish a two year program I guess. This, and probably everything after it doesn't seem too worth it. Honestly, I don't even know what I like any more.

I'll give up when I'm homeless or dead. If I go homeless, I'll probably kill myself, I guess. I have no willingness~

  No. 814

Just got my A+ about 3 to 4 weeks ago. Still looking for a job.

  No. 817

was it easy? how long did it take to study? i'm studying for it right now

  No. 819

Good shit guys don't base your self worth on whether you have a job or not, being able to learn these things alone means you are impressively intelligent.

  No. 820

you don't have to love IT to do well at it. just look at it as work and find a seperate hobby to fulfill the rest of each day. you can change your hobby anytime, but changing your career can be tricky

  No. 821

Read a 500 pg book, testout.com, and took computer maintenance and technician classes. Studying for my network+ now, but taking a break.

  No. 822

Overall it was easy for me since i grew up with computers and knew how to troubleshoot shit. If you're new to computers you might have some difficulty but it isn't that difficult.

  No. 824

the only thing i'm having trouble with is memorizing hardware. everything else comes naturally really, but it is neat to learn this stuff in (more than likely) a little more detail than i need

  No. 825

What i did was print anything i think i needed to remember and stapled it to my bedroom wall to memorize. Although some of it is useless info i had to remember things such as RAM pin numbers which is dumb because no one in IT will ever ask you that question.

  No. 826

>RAM pin numbers
that's exactly what I mean. it feels like I'm in grade school again sometimes

  No. 1727

Looks comfy

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